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Things I Teach My Children to Say

dsc02775-1We all know that children pick up everything they hear.  When we converse, my hubby and I are constantly spelling key words, finding creative synonyms, or using parental code.  It is a hoot to watch my daughter listening with all her might.  She reminds me of myself when I am listening to people speak a foreign language I’ve vaguely studied – I know every sixth word or so.   When she does follow us, she jumps in with questions and responses.  She’s quick, that girl.

Lucy often calls her brother “Buddy” now, because that is a nickname we have for our son.  This makes us smile.  And hearing our son say, “Get down! Get funky!” at the dinner table is good for a laugh.  (We taught him that.)  But I am most proud when my children use phrases we want them to say without being told.  Here are just a few biggies:

  • “May I please have ______________?”  Long ago, my daughter mixed up some of these words and now every request begins with “Please may I __________?”  I think she thinks “Please may” is one word, because I’m hearing it in other questions now: “Please may can we go to the bookstore?”  Regardless of the word order, I’m just happy to hear the “please” and the tone of a question being asked.  When the kids get forgetful, they get demanding, and their mouths produce all kinds of imperatives that I find rude, like when my son drops his cup and says, “Get my cup, Mom!”
  • “May I be excused?”  We’ve been working on this one for about a year.  Often when my child was finished eating, she’d just get up and leave the room.  I didn’t care for that to become a habit, so we started teaching this request.  It’s still a work-in-progress.  My son has about outgrown his booster seat, so this will begin all over again soon.
  • “Thank you.”  This is a no-brainer, yet small children don’t have the natural inclination to be grateful for anything!  They know how to say thank you – they just hardly ever do.  I am always shocked and delighted to hear an unprompted thanks.  :)
  • “I forgive you.”  Our kids get plenty of practice saying, “I’m sorry” every time they are finished with time-out.  My husband and I feel it is equally important that they hear an “I forgive you” when they apologize.  It is becoming as natural as saying “You’re welcome” to a thank you.   When we coach our children through an argument, one of them always ends up saying, “I’m sorry.”  And the other is prompted to say, “I forgive you.”  Forgiveness is powerful.  Hearing and saying the words is a necessary part of conflict resolution.  I don’t want my children to grow up being unfamiliar with this phrase.  The other day, when my son apologized to his sister for pushing her, he stood there expectantly.  She didn’t say anything.  Eli said, “Mom, Lucy needs to say, ‘I forgive you.’”  Then she did.  I feel good about that. 

What phrases do you spend energy trying to teach your children?  What is something you say that your child has repeated?


Real Food for Mother and Baby: A Book Review

I should be drinking whole milk while I’m pregnant?  And better than that is unpasteurized, raw milk?

I should stay away from a low-fat diet? Especially while I’m pregnant?

What is “carbage”?

It’s okay to feed my baby meat?

So, can I or can’t I eat fish while I’m pregnant?

Industrial fats like corn, sunflower, safflower, and soybean oil are making me fat and causing heart disease and diabetes?  You mean butter, coconut oil, and lard are better choices?

What foods are good to introduce to my baby?

You mean babies don’t NEED cereal when they first start eating? Are you crazy?

41wrrks-eal_sl500_aa240_I recently read Nina Planck’s book Real Food: What to Eat and Why based on the recommendation of a friend. Thanks Heather!  She also recommended Planck’s next book, Real Food For Mother and Baby.  When she told me that the book explains why mothers need more than iron and folic acid when they are pregnant and even trying to conceive a baby my interest was piqued.

This book will turn many of your thoughts about food upside down.  Nina is aon a mission to help people understand why it is important to eat “real food”.  Real food is food that people have been eating for thousands of years.  The kind of food that is minimally processed–meaning milk that comes straight from the cow, beef that is fed grass not soybeans and corn, grains that have been soaked, plain yogurt with your own added flavor, poultry that is allowed to roam and eat grass and bugs.  You get the idea.  Planck makes the argument that “industrial foods” are ruining our health.  Soybean, corn, safflower, and sunflower oils are commonly added into our foods.  They are also highly processed and increasing our bad cholesterol.  The information in this book will make your head spin because it demystifies so much of our wrong thinking about food.

This book addresses all those questions I wrote above. The first chapter is basically a summary of her first book Real Food.  I highly recommend reading her first book to get more of the science and information behind her food recommendations. It is eye opening.  Chapters 2 and 3 deal with pregnancy and nutrition during pregnancy.  Chapter 4 covers breastfeeding. This chapter may make your eyes get as big as saucers in some parts but it is interesting all the same.  She covers why breastmilk is best for baby, what she would do if she had trouble nursing her baby, how formula is made, some of the basics of getting baby to breastfeed and even some anthropological implications for why we have to nurse so often.  Chapter 5 covers first foods for your baby.  This chapter has seriously made me rethink how I want to introduce foods to any additional children we may have.

This book, along with her first book, has caused me to reconsider the kind of foods I want our family to eat.  One thing that I really appreciate about her approach is that she recognizes that eating a traditional, REAL FOOD diet can be pricey.  Time magazine just had an article covering the benefits of grass fed beef for farms, farmers, and consumers.  The article showed how it is cheaper to buy  unhealthy, industrial food than healthy, traditional foods. Many of us are on strict budgets and have difficulty paying for free range chicken and grass fed beed for every meal.  She encourages people to pick and choose wisely and get the best that you CAN afford.  Can’t find raw milk?  Then buy organic whole milk.  Can’t afford organic?  Then at least drink whole milk.  She does recommend that we stay away from all foods that come with industrial indredients and not to fall prey to marketing schemes that tell us that processed foods are good for us.

When we get to England I am planning on implementing several things in the books I have been reading in the last few months about food.  One thing I want to do is avoid ALL forms of industrial food: corn oil, high fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, white flours, processed grains, powdered skim milk…you get the idea.  It seems almost impossible but I’d like to try it for at least a week and see how we do.  I figure since we are moving to a different country it might be easier to stop buying some of our industrial food culprits.

Other books I’ve been reading on the topic of Real Food:

The Omnivore’s Dilemna

Nourishing Traditions

Real Food: What to Eat and Why

Have you read this book?  What do you think?  Does the idea of drinking whole (raw) milk freak you out? Eating whole, unprocessed, real, traditional foods has been getting a lot more press recently.  What have you heard?


Church Shopping With Your Kids


children-in-churchThere comes a time in every family’s life that you change churches for one reason or another.  Maybe it’s because you just moved or maybe it’s because you just felt God calling your family to serve somewhere else.  Either way, visiting churches can be extra tricky when you have young children. 

Late last year, my husband and I made the decision to change churches because we had been feeling for a while that God was leading us to another church family.  We loved the people at our old church and it was a very difficult thing for us to think about doing.  In fact, we waited for about 6 months before finally deciding to take the plunge and start looking for where we were supposed to be.  Our biggest hang up… our kids!  We truly felt that for our family to join a church, the entire family needed to feel a sense of belonging and comfort, so the decision was not ours alone, but rather that of us and our two young children.

Our biggest concern was how our son, Andrew, would handle the change.  He was only 3 1/2 years old and was incredibly emotional and shy at the time.  He did not take to change well and we knew he would miss his old Sunday school teacher whom he loved so much.  Add on to that his diabetes and being concerned that he was in good hands, and we were a nervous wreck!  We knew our daughter, Catherine, only 1 year old at the time, would do pretty well where ever we put her, but we still were concerned about her happiness as well.   

Luckily for us, we truly already knew where we were supposed to be and it was our first stop, but there was a lot of work behind the scenes before we made our first visit.  Here are a few ideas on how to make the transition time smoother for you and your children. 

 - Call the church’s childcare ministry and get information on the programming  in which your children will be involved.  Find out schedules and routines and make sure to ask if they serve snack or if you should bring your own.  If your child has health issues, make sure they are equipped to handle any special needs or accommodations.

 - To get an idea if you will like the pastor, check out their website and see if they have a video archive or live webcast you can view.  In doing so,  you can get a good idea if it’s somewhere you would really like to be or not.

 - You and your spouse can take turns visiting while one stays at home with the kids.  If you aren’t quite ready to jump into taking the entire family to a church you aren’t sure you will visit again, take turns with your spouse visiting so you both can get a feel for it and then decide from there if you want to continue going and take your children the next time.

 - Always consider the emotional development of your children.  Some kids will fit in well anywhere and it won’t really be an issue for you, whereas other children may take longer to adjust and feel comfortable.  Take into consideration their feelings for the environment and listen if they say they are overly uncomfortable.

 - Ask if you can visit your child at some point during your time at the church.  For us, it is necessary that we check in on our son between our Sunday school and Worship service for health purposes, but honestly, we’d do it anyway!

 - And as always, pray about it!  It’s a big decision on every level and the best thing you can do is pray about it before making any big steps.  You can’t go wrong if you are going where God wants you! 

Have you had to make a church change since having children?  What things did you do to prepare them for the change?  How would you do things differently?


Photo courtesy of NathanReed


Review: The Fresh Beat Band, Upbeat & Positive

by Amanda on September 1, 2009
category: Pop culture

fbbThe Fresh Beat Band premiered on Nickelodeon last week after many, many promotion videos. The show is about four best friends, Marina, Kiki, Twist, and Shout, who go to music school together and play in The Fresh Beat Band. This live action program is targeted to preschoolers. They sing about solving problems with fun dance moves and includes a little musical education.

The group was originally called The Jumparounds, then inexplicably changed to The Fresh Beat Band. Noggin and Nickelodeon started to heavily promote the show over a month ago. The songs quickly grew on me and I was excited about the premiere last Monday.  After viewing the first episode, I found the show just okay. My 2 year old daughter watches it sometimes, but it isn’t her favorite. I try to get her to dance with me when they are on. Some of the moves are little complicated even if I tried to follow them.

The show encourages creativity and playing musical instruments. The show is more entertaining and fun to watch than educational. However, I never expect anything from Nickelodeon to be educational. Noggin is wrong – they are not “just like preschool!” Television can never replace personal one-on-one interaction. I think the explanation of how a show is supposed to enhance social awareness  before a show begins on Noggin are a joke. Okay, I am stepping off my soap box now.

I do like that Kiki and Marina are modestly dressed. They wear dresses and skirts, but have leggings underneath. The boys are appropriately dressed as well.  The songs are fun and positive. I kind of like the “Great Day” song. Shout’s rapping does getting a little annoying, because that is so 1997. Hopefully, the show will only get better. I think it has a lot of potential.

Many folks in the Nickelodeon forum think the show is too mature for preschoolers and find the music irritating. I personally don’t find this show as annoying as other preschool shows on television. I think it would be super adorable if my little girl danced and sang the songs. I hope The Fresh Beat Band improves with each episode, because I am still tuning in.

This show has a lot of folks on either side of the fence. Did you find the promos annoying? What do you think of The Fresh Beat Band?


New Series: “Abiding Monday” 3 Reasons Why We Need to Abide

by Amanda on August 31, 2009
category: Abiding Monday,Inspiration

grapesNext week we will begin a new series on The Mom Crowd called “Abiding Monday.” Every Monday Dawn or another author will share a devotional related to the topic of motherhood and being a woman. The post will typically share a scripture from the Bible, an insightful commentary, and a prayer that we can pray. My hope is that these devotionals will help us turn our focus on God as we begin our hectic and busy weeks.

The title of the series, “Abiding Monday” is from John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”

In this passage Jesus is speaking and refers to himself as a vine and says that we are the branches. We can pull out 3 reasons why we should abide in Jesus from this scripture.

1. Without Him we can do nothing.

2. Abiding in Him allows us to bear good fruit.

3. We are the vehicles that God chose to help others.

I know I want to see my children learn to have good character and make wise choices. Acknowledging God’s presence in my life and trying to follow His will found in the Bible will help me be a better parent. He is so much more wise than me and without Him I can’t do anything well. Also, in this scripture it says “he bears much fruit.” “He” is the person abiding in Jesus. It doesn’t say that Jesus bears the fruit – we do! We are to help our kids, our family, our friends, and the world. Thankfully, he gives us the peace, joy, wisdom, and strength to do the job.

Throughout the next few weeks Dawn and the other authors will be praying and seeking what God has to say to mothers. I believe He is very proud of us and recognizes how hard our jobs are.

This series is very new to The Mom Crowd. The Bible and Christianity have not been mentioned here much before. Every author here is a Christian and each one writes from a heart that only desires to encourage, inform, and inspire other moms. Every mom no matter their personal views can agree that we want to be good parents and raise good kids. I hope everyone will come back next Monday for our inaugural post of “Abiding Monday”!

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