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Friday Links

by Amanda on September 25, 2009
category: Carousel Links,In the news

Hi Ya’ll! I have been battling the flu the last few days, so I haven’t been able to get a proper post written. In the mean time I hope you enjoy these few links:

* A woman gave birth to a 19 pound baby this week in Indonesia!

* Julia Grovenburg is expecting two babies that were conceived 2.5 weeks apart!

* Melodie and Melissa answered my question about pumping breastmilk on Breastfeeding Moms Unite.


Links for 12-10-08

by Amanda on December 10, 2008
category: Carousel Links
  • Check out Dave Ramsey’s Creative Christmas Gift Ideas list that won’t make you go into debt. I like the second idea about framing your kids artwork for family members. Ikea has some nice cheap frames. I would love to receive the fifth one down. Who doesn’t want free babysitting?

Fourth of July Link Round Up

by Amanda on July 3, 2008
category: Carousel Links

I am preparing to celebrate the Fourth of July by looking up ideas for crafts, food, and fun around the web. I love ideas that are practical, easy, and can be prepared in a short time frame. I am NOT Martha Stewart and I don’t aspire to be. So here is what I have found to help all of us party in style this Friday!



Games and Crafts

  • Dress up your teddy bears for Independence Day. Then keep your bear around as a mascot for USA during the Olympics in August.

What about the rest of the weekend?

Do you do anything special for the Fourth of July? Will hot dogs be involved? Will your kids cry during the fireworks?


Please Don’t Stop the Music! The Ultimate Blog Party

by Amanda on March 9, 2008
category: Carousel Links,Inspiration,The Mom Crowd news

The blogosphere starting club hopping on Friday with 5minutesformom.com’s Ultimate Blog Party. Moms all around the web are introducing themselves and trying not to spill their drinks on each other’s blogs.


We have opened our doors here at The Mom Crowd to welcome you! Please come in, grab a drink from the open bar, and stay a while.

Here is a fabulous video introducing ourselves.

Pull up a comfy booth and enjoy some of our favorite treats:

Please leave a comment and let us know that you have been by!

Thanks for coming!


Carousel Link Love for 3.6.2008

by Amanda on March 6, 2008
category: Carousel Links
  • Tales from Labor and Delivery Blog – Have you seen this blog yet? Seriously, great stuff. The blog is written by a Labor and Delivery nurse and she shares her experiences and stories. I really find people’s birth stories interesting. If you have a sense of humor – Check it out!
  • 5 Foods to Rejuvenate Your BodyWellness Junction shares five foods to help your energy level. I know I need all the energy I can get to keep chasing my baby now that she is on the move. This also gives me another reason to put garlic in everything I eat. My husband loves that. Ha!
  • Oprah’s Big Joke…oh I mean Give – Firemans_wife on CafeMom.com explains her passionate take on Oprah’s new reality show, The Big Give.. I haven’t seen the show. I only saw bits of them talking about it on Oprah the next day. From Firemans_wife’s perspective the show really isn’t helping those in need and the motives of the contestants are all wrong.
  • Top 10 Things Not to Say to New Mothers – This article is mostly for new dads, but we can all get a laugh out of it. I have so experienced the first point, ” When you come home from work and your wife is sitting on the couch with your newborn in the exact same position you last saw her nine hours ago, don’t ask ‘What did you do all day? How come you didn’t take a shower yet?’ ” Ha!
  • The Ultimate Blog Party! – The Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5MinutesforMoms.com begins this Friday. It is being held March 7 – 14. Be sure to come by Monday and check out our party post. We’ll have some great food on the grill and music pumping. Maybe some karaoke (just kidding!). For more details check out their instructions.


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