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Episode 4 of The Mom Crowd Show!

by Amanda on July 22, 2008
category: Running,Show

Here is Episode 4 of The Mom Crowd Show! McKenna and I filmed it right after we finished running a 5K. So you get to see us in all our sweaty glory. Thankfully you can’t smell us. I also got to innterview my friend, Kristin, who is a mom of two boys and has lost 90 pounds! Watch the video and hear how she did it!


The Mom Crowd Show Ep #4: Running a 5K and Kristin’s 90 Pound Weight Loss Story

McKenna and Amanda complete a 5K and talk about the race. Amanda interviews Kristin about her amazing story of losing 90 pounds by getting up and running every morning. Finally, we share about our webpicks: Runnersworld.com and Mapmyrun.com.


McKenna’s First 5K Race

Dawn’s First 5K Race



Web Picks:

Runner’s World

Map My Run


Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show!

by Amanda on June 29, 2008
category: Show

Here is Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show! We were able to leave the kiddos with their grandparents while we filmed and I think that is why we were so giddy. I hope you enjoy the show!

Also, did you know that we are in iTunes? Just search for “the mom crowd show” and we will come up. Select our show and click “Subscribe.” Then iTunes will download the show automatically every time a new episode comes out. The best part is that it is FREE! Also, if you are a regular iTunes user be sure to leave us a nice customer review. (It would be really sweet of you.)

The Mom Crowd Show Ep #3: Date Nights at Home, Using a Mirror During Delivery, and Quirky Bird Designs

Tired of not being able to afford a babysitter to go on a date? Have a date night at home! Have you thought about using a mirror during delivery? Hear what McKenna has to say about her experience. Plus, Amanda interviews Staci from Quirky Bird Designs. Finally, we share about our webpicks: Momgrind.com and Big Blueberry Eyes.


30 Ideas for a Date Night at Home

Using a Mirror During Delivery


Staci at Quirky Bird Designs

Evolving Mom

Workout Mommy

Mom on the Run

Iowa Avenue

Web Picks:

Vered at Mom Grind

Big Blueberry Eyes


Episode 2 of The Mom Crowd Show!

by Amanda on June 11, 2008
category: Show

Thank you to everyone watched the first episode of ‘The Mom Crowd Show’ and for all your kind words. It really means a lot to McKenna and I. We still have some rough edges to work out, but we will get there! Thanks for sticking with us as we work out the kinks in these first few episodes.

Here is episode 2! I had a lot fun meeting Deb in San Diego. Her beach is really that beautiful.


The Mom Crowd Show Ep #2. Running a 5K, Baby Proofing a Hotel, and San Diego Momma

Are you about to run your first 5K? Are you going to be traveling with your baby soon? We discuss Dawn’s “Feeling Proud of My First 5K” and McKenna’s “Babyproofing Your Hotel Room” posts. Plus, Amanda interviews Deb from SanDiegoMomma.com. Finally, we share about our favorite websites: meetup.com and yogababy.tv.


Dawn’s “Feeling Proud of My First 5K”

McKenna’s “Babyproofing Your Hotel Room”


Deb at SanDiegoMomma.com

Heather at OhMyStinkinHeck.com

Web Picks:




Introducing ‘The Mom Crowd Show’!

by Amanda on May 28, 2008
category: Show,The Mom Crowd news

The Mom Crowd is proud to announce the very first episode of our video podcast, ‘The Mom Crowd Show’. On ‘The Mom Crowd Show’ McKenna and I (Amanda) discuss articles from this blog, share enlightening interviews and how-to’s from our friends, and highlight our favorite websites.

We had a lot fun filming and we still have A LOT to learn. I realized that I pronounce things weird sometimes. For example, instead of pronouncing Graco like “Gray-Co” I say “Grek-ko.” Please let us know what you think in the comments section. Also, be sure to check out the credits!


The Mom Crowd Show Ep. 1! Labor Tips, First Birthday Parties, and the Baby Expo

Are you going to deliver soon? Throwing a first birthday party? We discuss Amelia’s “Top 5 labor tips” and Amanda’s “20 Tips for a First Birthday Party.” Plus, we visit the San Antonio Baby Expo where Fisher-Price and Graco show off their new products. Finally, we share about our favorite websites: ds-health.com and retailmenot.com.


Amelia’s ‘Top 5 Labor Tips’

Amanda’s ’20 Tips for a Successful First Birthday Party’


Kara at karaspranger.com

Heidi Parker from Graco

Scott Schoenfeld from Fisher Price

Web Picks:

