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What a Week!

by Dawn on July 17, 2009
category: 1 – 3 year (toddler),Inspiration

“Mommy, can you try to be more patient?”

My 3-year-old daughter said this last night.  Several things ran through my mind at that moment:

  1. Wow, she knows what patience is and how to use that word in context!  She’s a genius!
  2. I guess I’m really failing at my parenting role at the moment.
  3. Wait a minute, haven’t I been pretty darn patient this week??

frustrationMy husband has been out of town since Sunday morning, and he comes home tomorrow night.  Seven straight days of solo 24/7 care of my kids.  (He was gone for a week in June, too, so I’m feeling pretty worn down.)   I know for many of you moms out there, this is how your life looks, too.  Our spouses have to leave for periods of time for a variety of reasons.  I’m sure we all have ways of coping with our tremendous parenting responsibilities on our own.

Here’s how I’ve survived this week (having been… “mostly” patient):

  • I made lots of plans with friends.  Lunches out, dinners in, swimming dates, what have you.  I’ve been loading and unloading my kids from the car several times a day.
  • I registered my older child for Vacation Bible School for the week.  Not only did this give her something special to do each day, it lightened my morning load so I only had to care for one child.
  • I updated my facebook status about fifty times a day to vent or brag, whichever need was stronger. :)
  • I watched a stack of chick flicks.
  • I managed to get in my running routine, getting creative with scheduling & childcare.
  • I said no when I needed to say no.  I was going to go to a potluck dinner on Monday night until my kids started their evening meltdown.  I opted to stay in and put them to bed early.  Good call.
  • I hardly did any chores around the house.  The sheets will get changed, the clothes will get washed, and the floors will get swept next week. 
  • I ate ice cream right out of the carton.

Meanwhile, my kids decided to test my disputed patience level with endless fighting, tantrums (thanks, new 2-year-old!), screaming that made my ears bleed, repeated and annoying questions, and refusals to eat more than half of each meal.

When Lucy asked me to be more patient, I had just finished yelling about how they weren’t cleaning up their toys.  (Yep, that old chestnut.)  By the end of Day Five, that kind of seemed allowable.  I mean seriously.  I can’t be supermom all the time!  I did calmly try to explain to her that I have been patient most of the time, and that should count for something!  Of course, all she heard was “Blah blah blah, blah BLAH, blah BLAH,” to which she responded, “NOW will you read the book to me?”

Alas.  We’re alive, we’re well, and we’re happy, for the most part.  Have a great weekend, Mom Crowd!

photo courtesy dieselbug2007

6 Responses to What a Week!

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    Comment by Debbie P.
    July 17, 2009 @ 5:55 am

    You are truly Wonder Woman! I honestly don’t know if I could make it a week without my hubby. Waiting until 6 pm is long enough.

    Congrats on making it to the finish and only with occasional impatience. Well done!

    Oh! We also have a 2 year old who has entered the screaming stage. I can’t even imagine what the neighbors thinking!

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    Comment by Barb
    July 17, 2009 @ 5:56 am

    You’re a great mom Dawn! It sounds like you’ve done a great job :) Have a cup of coffee on me.

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    Comment by Amy
    July 17, 2009 @ 7:01 am

    Little one screaming and big one asking annoying questions over and over… sounds familiar.
    Hang in there!!!

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    Comment by Stephanie
    July 17, 2009 @ 2:41 pm

    I love your post! It made me smile to read it. I think we all have those days when we just need to eat the ice cream out of the container and watch a stack of chick flicks! I am glad you found time to do both. I hope you have a relaxing weekend with your husband back home. :)

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    Comment by Amy V
    July 20, 2009 @ 7:19 pm

    I agree with Stephanie. This made me smile and I can relate even as a nanny. Although, I don’t eat the ice cream out of the container while I am at their house. I save that for when I get home:).

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    Comment by kelly
    August 4, 2009 @ 10:22 am

    This made me laugh out loud, Dawn! Sooo funny, and I can totally relate to some of the shenanigans you witnessed and dealt with. Way to keep sane, girl