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The Mom Show on We TV: A Recap & Review

by Amanda on June 15, 2009
category: Pop culture

Let’s chat about mom topics on TV! We need more mom programs on TV that are informative and helpful, instead of exploiting crazy mothers. This Canadian import on We TV on Friday mornings fits the bill. The Mom Show is hosted by two moms, Catherine Marion and Laurie Gelman. Catherine is Canadian TV personality and is a mom of 3 boys and 1 girl.  Laurie has 2 girls and is the wife of Michael Gelman the Executive Producer of Live with Regis & Kelly. The show opens with some chatting in the kitchen, has guests, filmed segments about various topics such as parenting and designing your home, and a panel discussion.


Once you get past the incredibly cheesy opening of mothers who are dancing,  the fast talking, and the odd daycare/home set, the show does have some helpful information. I was really confused why there were kids in another room and who exactly it was that was watching them. Apparently it is Nanny Robina Uddin who is watching them and later she shares about how to teach your kids moderation. The kids are the children of the panel of moms that will appear later in the show. While filming the panel discussion the mothers start without their kids in their lap and then the kids appear with their moms after a commercial break. As you can tell I was quite distracted by this, but it seemed so true to life! I loved how one mom held her newborn throughout the discussion.

The two hosts invited 3 moms and family expert Dr. Karyn Gordonis to discuss the difference between raising boys and girls. This was my favorite part of the show, because I enjoyed hearing each mother’s experience. The discussion even went down a rabbit trail about teaching your kids about finances. Laurie did a good job of asking good questions like “What do you hope your daughter learns from you?” and “Are you raising your kids how you were raised?” Dr. Gordonis pointed out how we either copy how or parents raised us or we do the complete opposite. There was no concrete point made during the discussion. It is what just that – a discussion.

The beginning of the show included 2 segments. The first segment was called “Baby Diaries” and showcased a family and how their 2 year daughter is getting along with her 3 month old sister. It did feel like a one big long Johnson’s sponsored ad (the show is sponsored by Johnson’s), but I still liked it because that is exactly where I am at. I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. Also, in the clip they show the mother breastfeeding! (You really don’t see any boob.) Hooray for breastfeeding on TV portrayed in a normal light.

In another segment one mom gets an entry way makeover. The mother had an accent while speaking English and they subtitled her. Really, you could understand her and the subtitles were a little offensive. The room was nice, though.

Finally, the show ended with Brenda Bornstein from Arm & Hammer showing different ways to clean with baking soda. I picked up a tip or two on how to use this cheap cleaner! It was nice to see the visual of how-to’s.

After only seeing one episode I am definitely interested to see a few more episodes, before I make up my mind completely. I do think that if we want to see more good mom-centric shows on television then we should support this pioneer!

Have you seen the show? What do you think?

2 Responses to The Mom Show on We TV: A Recap & Review

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Jennifer Conant
    June 15, 2009 @ 6:49 am

    This sounds really interesting…I’m going to watch it this week. I’ll let you know what I think.:)

  • Gravatar July 1, 2009 @ 1:12 pm

    I just saw a spot promoting this show this past weekend. Looks like a great resource for mothers.