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Facebook and Other Joys: “The Internet Is Crucial To My Well-Being.”

by Dawn on January 16, 2009
category: Cool websites,In the news,Pop culture,Technology

This is a quote from a video I saw on Yahoo! this week.  It featured a mom named Erica, who writes for The Boston Globe and a mom website, Bo-Moms.   She was talking about whether or not Facebook makes you a bad mom.  The interview highlighted the pros and cons of online interaction with friends throughout the day, namely through Facebook, and concluded that, like any other hobby that a mom has, it is healthy – in moderation.

I enjoyed the interview, basically because I felt like I could relate to Erica so well.  She shared a story about her 2-year old physically grabbing her hand off of her mouse in an attempt to get her attention.  Yeah, occasionally things like that happen around here. :)  

I am a huge fan of Facebook.  It is a great way for me to stay connected to all of my dear, distant friends – and like the moms mentioned in the video, it helps me feel connected to the world outside my own little house.  I occasionally have an intelligent thought rattling around my brain – one not related to grilled cheese sandwiches or potty-training – and I relish the opportunity to share those thoughts with someone older than the age of 3.  Facebook is fabulous for that.

I always hear people say, “It’s a time-waster!” Yes, it certainly can be!  The key is however much time we spend on Facebook or any other internet activity is really our choice.  The interview discusses this: making a plan that suits your family best, whether it’s to get online for 30 minutes a day or to wait till the kids are asleep (which is what I do), and to keep family time the first priority.  If it’s something that keeps your emotional well-being strong, it’s not a bad thing.  Erica also says that “you’ll just know” if it’s taking too much of your time, the same way we try to keep our other hobbies in check.  At that point, we should just turn off the computer and settle in doing something else (with the kids!).

Do you use Facebook?  Do you like it?  How do you keep a healthy balance of internet time (or “me” time) and family time?  All practical suggestions are welcome!

8 Responses to Facebook and Other Joys: “The Internet Is Crucial To My Well-Being.”

  • Gravatar
    Comment by 3boyzmom
    January 16, 2009 @ 8:38 am

    Hi! I’m from comment club 4! Great blog! And I agree with you, the internet can be a positive thing if done in moderation, like anything else!!

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    Comment by Celly
    January 16, 2009 @ 10:31 am

    Great post, I always read your stuff but never comment. I felt compeled, I am obessed with Facebook. I try to limit my time to when the boys are napping, but I have cheated on occassion. :)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Wanda
    January 16, 2009 @ 11:16 am

    I don’t use facebook, though I’m getting more and more pressure from my mom’s group to begin. I think it is fine and a great tool. My grandmother’s generation was on the phone all day, and she is still attached to that thing 24/7. My mother’s generation was the television, same thing. Ours is the internet. Mothers have always needed an excape. It helps maintain our sanity, and what better reason?
    The internet is crucial to my well-being as well as my daughter’s. She is 3 and is learning to type, by her own request and can operate MS Word better than my husband. We often use Google and youtube to help answer some of her unending questions and she has her own shutterfly website that she helps me design. It helps us keep close to our family that lives 1100miles away. Our internet usage is a family project. It is better than having an entire library in our house, and the next best thing to having your friends and family there.

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    January 16, 2009 @ 11:31 am

    I have only recently gotten into facebook. Its been a lot of fun to keep up with friends. One friend I have just moved from San Antonio this morning. I am friends with her on Facebook. So I know I am not going to miss her as much, because I can still keep up with her there.

    I pretty much check my email all day, but only respond during nap and in the evenings.

    I guess right now I am cheating. Ace is playing Elmo on another computer while I am on mine! :)

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    January 17, 2009 @ 5:28 am

    I try to use the internet during nap/down time for the kids and after they go to bed, but occasionally I do slip up! It only lasts for a few minutes, though, because someone inevitably comes into my room — “mommy can you help me change this Transformer?” (my 4 y.o.) “MAMA! MAMA!” (that’s from the toddler).

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    Comment by Rhonda
    January 18, 2009 @ 8:56 am

    I have to admit that Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter are not favorites of mine. I guess I just don’t get them. I know there are many people who really really love Facebook though! Maybe someday I will find more of a reason to use it!

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    Comment by Amy
    January 21, 2009 @ 10:41 am

    I am a member of Facebook and do check it every morning. I look at friend’s statuses just to see what they’re up to; I might update mine. That’s all I have time for. No sharing photos, tending to a green patch (what is that anyway?), sending a virtual gift, etc.

    So I think I’ve found a good balance in doing that in moderation. It can be done!

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    Comment by DriemsEaseste
    January 24, 2009 @ 3:34 am

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