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The Cat Tagged the Car Seat

by Amanda on July 8, 2008
category: 0 – 1 year (baby)

danielcleaningseat.jpgMy cat, Samuel, tagged a car seat today. The main problem is that it is not my car seat. My friend Rachel called me this morning and asked if I could watch her 5 month old son, Nathan, while she went to a doctor’s appointment. She packed him in the car seat and I noticed that his head rest was wet. It looked like he spit up. Then from my angle I can see a big pool of yellow liquid under his car seat. Pee. I look at my husband, Daniel, and I am mouthing to him “Samuel” and he looks at me and says, “What?” Then I mouth “cat.” Then we all look to the yellow pool and Rachel and Daniel realize it is cat pee. I. was. mortified.

Daniel and I fumbled through an apology and offered to buy her another one. Rachel takes out Nathan and I get a wipe and wipe down the side of his face and his onesie. Daniel is cleaning the pool of pee. carseatbox.JPGThen in my one moment of clarity I offer Rachel my car seat until I can clean hers and return it to her. She is very gracious about the entire event.

So how do you get the pee smell out? What do you do? Daniel and I thought that if this happened to us, then we would buy another one. So you can guess what we did – we bought Rachel a new Graco Snugride. Graco changes patterns like they change their underwear and Babies R’ Us did not have their pattern. So her stroller doesn’t match her new seat.

I have washed the cover in the washing machine twice, once with an 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. I might try another homemade cleaner, but I doubt it will work. I think the car seat may be lost forever.

So if you have cats and your visitor has animals at home, then you better put their car seat away to keep from being tagged!

9 Responses to The Cat Tagged the Car Seat

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Casey
    July 8, 2008 @ 11:20 pm

    eww lol. I’d be grossed out too! I don’t have any remedies, I’m sorry. the only trick I’ve ever heard of was the apple cider vinegar

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    Comment by brittany
    July 9, 2008 @ 6:38 am

    Oh that is horrible, cat pee is the worst! I think you handled it amazingly though.

    I got the smell out of a shirt before using WHITE vinegar AND detergent together, rinsing it twice.

    Maybe also try using some sort of baking soda soak before you wash it again?

    I also hear Borax works well.

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    Comment by Barb
    July 9, 2008 @ 8:36 am

    Wow; what a bummer! Thankfully, Pete and Rachel are always so gracious. While the carseat loss sucks, I think I would’ve been more freaked out by the cat peeing on my my kid :) And I can’t imagine what caused Samuel to do that.

    Roxie (our cat) used to pee in our laundry basket. We used the apple cider vinegar with great success – I use more than most people call for though. With it I also use either baking soda or 20 Mule Team l to boast the laundry detergent’s effectiveness.

    You might try a pet store too for other products aimed specifically at getting out cat urine?

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    July 9, 2008 @ 8:49 am

    @Casey – Yeah, it was pretty gross.

    @brittany – Thanks for suggesting white vinegar. I might try that today. And I have heard of baking soda.. it is worth a shot.

    @Barb – The cat did NOT pee on Nathan!! The cat peed on the car seat while I was watching Nathan in the living room. Luckily, the car seat was near the front door on tile, so my carpet didn’t get ruined.

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    Comment by Trina
    July 9, 2008 @ 12:07 pm

    OMGosh I can not believe that. From this side I am laughing mostly and so glad this has not happened to me yet. So sorry you had to go through this. The only I have used to get out dog pee is oxyclean, good luck.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by rachel
    July 9, 2008 @ 12:49 pm

    How funny… I knew I was going to see this story on the momcrowd today. :) Thank you for the new car seat BTW. I know we’d feel awful if we were in your shoes, but from our perspective it really is all alright– as long as your cat doesn’t eat our child.

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    Comment by San Diego Momma
    July 13, 2008 @ 9:59 pm

    Did you try Nature’s Miracle (from the pet store)? It worked on the kids’ pee for me.

    There is also a product from the pet store that works on “old” pee. I forget the name, but you microwave it to warm it and then use it on the stain.

    Of course, I’m just now catching up on all my fave blogs, so you’ve probably figured out the sitch by now…


  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    July 15, 2008 @ 9:42 pm

    Oh NO!!!! I don’t have any advice. I’m not a cat-person and will never own a cat, so hopefully I will avoid cats tagging my friends stuff! LOL! That just stinks! (*no pun intended!)

  • Gravatar September 15, 2008 @ 12:18 pm

    [...] some drama with our cat, Samuel, recently. It all began when he peed in our friend’s car seat. I even wrote about it here. Since then about once a week we would something else he peed on – a blanket, t-shirt, an empty [...]