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Thankful for Thanksgiving Food: Link up your recipes!

by Amanda on November 23, 2009
category: Feeding,Humor/Random

We don’t usually talk about recipes here on The Mom Crowd, but how can you NOT when its Thanksgiving? I LOVE Thanksgiving food. I always look forward to eating several Thanksgiving meals during this season. I can’t wait for the leftover stuffing, turkey and gravy that is going to fill my fridge at the end of this week.

My family is spending the night at my in-laws house the night before Thanksgiving this year. We will be cooking the night before and getting up early to cook some more. Each family member is responsible for different parts of the meal. I am always in charge of green beans. Last year I added creamed corn and this year I will also be baking a ham. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law usually handle the turkey.

Here are the recipes that I will be using this week. Please link up your favorite thanksgiving food recipes at the bottom in Mr. Linky.

beansFresh Green Beans with Bacon

I made up this recipe based on how I remember my my mom making them. Fresh green beans are so easy to make and so good! You can even make these the day before. If you make the day before, store them in their boiling juice to preserve the bacon flavor.

2 pounds of green beans (or more)
4 to 5 strips of bacon (this can be Maple bacon, Peppered Bacon, or regular bacon. I have used all different kinds)
pinch of Salt and Pepper

1. Snap the green beans by snapping off the ends, then breaking the rest of the bean into bite size pieces.
2. Rinse the snapped beans
3. Cut the bacon into 1.5 inch pieces.
4. Put the beans, bacon, salt, and pepper in a pot and fill with water.
5. Boil the beans for about 30 minutes. Pull one bean out to taste to see if it is cooked through enough for you. Be careful not to boil too long or they might get mushy.

Links to other recipes I use:

Cream Corn - I LOVE this Cream Corn recipe on Allrecipes.com. I have made this one several times and it is so good and easy to prepare.

HamHoney Glazed Ham – I don’t usually eat ham, but for some reason I was craving one this year. I didn’t want to spend the money on a Honey Baked Ham and the pre-done ones at the grocery store were too expensive. I found a regular ham at the grocery store on sale for $.99 a pound! So I bought a big one for $7 to practice with. I made this Honey Glazed recipe and it was delicious! The recipe says to use the broiler at the end for a few minutes. My ham burned on the very top when I used the broiler, but I cut off those burnt bits.

I then used the ham bone and made this Crock Pot Ham Bone and Beans recipe. We licked our bowls clean after this dinner!

I really enjoy discovering new recipes that have already been test driven. Please use Mr. Linky below to post any recipes that you love to make for Thanksgiving!

6 Responses to Thankful for Thanksgiving Food: Link up your recipes!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Breanna
    November 23, 2009 @ 9:20 pm

    I LOVE Thanksgiving food! :)

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    November 24, 2009 @ 12:25 am

    Just so you know, this is NOT my recipe; it’s borrowed from another blog. Homesick Texan is a life-saver for me overseas, and this recipe is one that I absolutely love! We’re big peanut butter people here, but I’ve never really enjoyed the consistency of peanut butter pie. Now I know why – I prefer the baked custard-style to the whipped up, no-bake kind. Yum!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by barb
    November 28, 2009 @ 7:45 pm

    This is not really a recipe but rather an unexpected find. My visiting sister did some grocery shopping the day befoer Thanksgiving and came home with something called Batter Blaster. It’s organic pancake batter in a spray can. Made breakfast super easy, fast and no mess. Tasted darn good too. The kids really enjoyed making shapes with it, spelling their names in batter. It was fun and make breakfast one less thing for me to deal with.

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    Comment by Deb
    November 30, 2009 @ 4:10 pm

    I made your Fresh Green Beans with Bacon. Delicious! Thanks so much. Received rave reviews from my family.
    Barb – my kids are also a fan of batter blaster.

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    December 1, 2009 @ 12:32 am

    @Deb – That is awesome! I am so glad your family liked them! What kind of bacon did you use? I used maple bacon this year. :)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by zamira shah
    December 9, 2009 @ 2:17 pm

    i love your site and thanks all your recipes so nice gonna try more.
    i made the easy fruit cake last year and it was a hit,
    god bless you both. merry christamas and all the best