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Summertime With My Kids: A Status Update

by Dawn on July 9, 2009
category: Fun time & Toys,Inspiration

dsc01396It’s hard to believe it was close to two months ago that  I posted some resolutions I had for myself this summer.  I was determined to value the time with my kids and not get caught up in feeling bored/trapped/stir-crazy.  We are already at the half-way point here.  I thought I’d let you know how it’s been going. 

  1. Theme weeks have continued to be a source of inspiration and activities for the kids and me this summer.  We kicked things off with cars, then moved onto balloons, followed by rain, then bugs, and dsc01718music.  Music is such a fun topic, I’ve extended it for another week, and we still have a lot more we could do with it.  We’ve painted, made crafts with stickers, listened to funky songs, watched pertinent videos, and talked extensively about each theme.  My kids love reading new, special library books, too.  Here’s how I’ve been doing it:  about a week in advance, I search my library’s online database for children’s books in that subject area and put them on hold.  The librarians then do all the work for me!  They gather the books I’ve held and email me when they come in.  All I have to do is go in and pick them up.  This is great for me, since my kids are under 4 years old.  (If your kids are older, you can help your kids practice their library skills and find those themed books themselves.)  I read one new library book a day, which is very exciting for my kids.  We spend a lot of time reading and re-reading our special-themed books.  Themes coming up:  the sun, airplanes, fish, and colors.
  2. I’ve been stretching myself and taking my kids to the library and storytimes by myself (I’m usually much more lazy and prefer only to do these things with my hubby).  I guess there’s no time like the dsc01814present to suck it up!  The kids really like outings of any kind, too.  That makes it worth it. 
  3. Playgroup is going strong.  This week, I hosted playgroup, and I had 10 adults and 16 kids hanging out in our backyard!  It was crazy, but really fun.  (Note to self: pick up all the dog poop BEFORE guests arrive.  There’s really nothing more humiliating than saving that one for the end of the to-do list.)
  4. I’ve been making sure I’m getting “me time” at least once a week.  Sometimes this just means watching “The Bachelorette” by myself, a little guilty pleasure.  I told my husband at the beginning of the summer that it would be easier to maintain a positive attitude if I knew I had a mommy break built into each week.  He was totally on board with that idea.  Sometimes I slip out for errands by myself, or treat myself to a solo-movie date.  (Did anyone else enjoy The Proposal like I did??)  Last week I ran a 5K; this week I am going to a friend’s house to watch her make jewelry.  Me-time is non-negotiable.

Sharing my glass-is-half-full approach to the summer with you has really kept me accountable.  I have some rough days, of course, but in general, this summer has been very sweet.  I am grateful for my children, my husband, and this opportunity to hang out with them so much.  And the time is flying by!

How are you holding up this summer?

10 Responses to Summertime With My Kids: A Status Update

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    July 9, 2009 @ 8:15 pm

    Yes, that’s my daughter sitting right next to the storytime lady at B & N. She just refused to sit anywhere else but right next to her!

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    Comment by Harriet
    July 10, 2009 @ 6:07 am

    Been there…have fun :)

    Just stopping by via MBC to say hello.

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    Comment by Trina
    July 10, 2009 @ 6:20 am

    I loved The Proposal!! I do solo movies nights a lot. It is a great me time activity that is cheap and fun.

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    Comment by Amy
    July 10, 2009 @ 9:58 am

    We make it to storytime every Wednesday.
    And I have planned a playdate every week- zoo, nature center, children’s museum, buckhorn museum, pool, paint-your-own pottery place, etc.
    I’m just a little worn down because at the beginning of the summer all friends agreed to help plan these playdates (some even said they would host one or two at their homes), but only one friend has helped me a couple of times. I little disappointing.
    Any suggestions on sparking others to get involved?

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    July 10, 2009 @ 11:07 am

    Amy! Wow, those are some big playdates!! They sound like a blast, but I would be tired! My playgroup is decidedly less eventful. Most of the time we’re in someone’s backyard, where the kids run around together and the moms sit off to one side watching. (There are a few babies in our group too, so most of the moms need something easy).

    It is tough to be the only initiator. All I can suggest is be honest with all of those who participate and say, “I need some help! I we have 5 playdates left. I need someone to take [this date] and host/plan. Any takers?”

    I send a weekly email to each of the moms in my group with the summer schedule to remind everyone where we’re at each week.

    I hope it works out for you!!

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    Comment by amelia
    July 10, 2009 @ 6:05 pm

    Dawn–you are such a teacher! You’re doing a great job organizing the summer–I’m inspired :)

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    Comment by Debbie P.
    July 11, 2009 @ 3:27 am

    Can I join your playgroup! (:

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    Comment by Amy
    July 12, 2009 @ 12:23 pm

    Dawn, sounds like you’re having some great fun! You’re such a good mama :)

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    July 12, 2009 @ 10:30 pm

    I know your original post really helped me a lot to change my attitude. I am enjoying my time with my little ones. I also bought a pass to an indoor playground. It gets over a 100 degrees here and going outside is not an option! So my playgroups meet at the indoor playground. i wanted to do theme weeks, but never planned them out. Also, my daughter just turned 2 and I am not sure how much of that she would get. I am sure she would get some of it, but I don’t think she would get excited about it or miss it. Does that make sense? Or am I wrong?

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    July 13, 2009 @ 6:03 am

    I am glad, Amanda!!! Indoor playgrounds sound great. I have never been to one. I think you’re right; Ace might not get so much out of the theme weeks, but there’s always next summer. I am already thinking I’m going to do this again next year and the activities will be slightly more involved. Really what it’s come down to for us this summer are the special library books.