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One-on-One Time with Your Child

881941_looking_together1Since the addition of our third child, the amount of one-on-one time with my children has decreased quite a bit.  Over the summer I have tried very hard to find time to spend with each child one-on-one.  I’ve been amazed at how short spurts of one-on-one time with my children have really deepened my relationships with them.  My children are so little, but the simplest forms of quality time have really meant a lot to them and to me.   This summer, I have taken advantage of having a very wonderful, reliable babysitter.  My children have a TON of doctor’s visits and I have strived to have a sitter watch my other two children during one of my children’s appointments so I could focus on them during that time (and so my other children didn’t have to hang out at a boring doctor’s office).  I’ve taken my child out for lunch or ice cream or a playground trip after the appointment so we could do something fun together.  This has been a great opportunity for me to spend some quality one-on-one time with my children.  I’ve also let the baby stay up a little later then her big brother and sister since she tends to be the least demanding of my three during the day.  My oldest child rarely naps, so before she has a rest time, her and I spend some one-on-one time together after I lay down the younger two kids for their naps.  It requires a little creativity and discipline to find time to spend one-on-one with each of my children, but we are all the better for it when I make the time for them. 

Here are some ways (simple and elaborate) you can spend one-on-one time with your child

  • Go on an overnight camping trip with your child (or rent a hotel room for just the two of you)
  • Take your child with you on your run in the jogging stroller
  • Have a movie date
  • Feed ducks at the lake
  • Surprise your child by showing up at their school to eat lunch with them
  • Sign up to help with your child’s next school field trip
  • Let your child stay up later than his/her siblings to spend some special time with Mommy and/or Daddy
  • Let your early bird climb into your bed when they wake up and have some snuggle time with him or her
  • When your son or daughter asks if they can go with you when you leave to run errands, say “YES!!!”
  • If your child has a doctor appointment, hire a sitter for the other children so you can use the time in the waiting room one-on-one with your child.  And head out for ice cream afterward! 

How have you found ways to spend one-on-one time with your child? 

5 Responses to One-on-One Time with Your Child

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Amy
    August 17, 2009 @ 8:49 pm

    We let our kiddos have separate friends (since their ages are so far apart)…and this easily lends itself to getting good quality time with each, especially when events roll around.

    A couple of months ago our little one was invited to a party at a friend’s house. I took him to that while my husband took our big one to the movies.
    Then, a few weeks ago, our little one was invited to a party at Gymboree. So my husband took him to that while I took our big one to play putt-putt golf.
    Last weekend, the big one had a party at the friend’s house. So I took him to that while my husband and little one stayed home to play in the pool and nap.

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    Comment by Melissa
    August 18, 2009 @ 8:03 am

    McKenna, you are such a good mom! I love reading your posts!

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    Comment by Breanna
    August 18, 2009 @ 12:59 pm

    These are great ideas! We try and make a point to make one-on-one time with both of our kids fairly regularly. We only have two, so this makes it a little easier. We do “date nights” with our kids where I will take one and my husband will take one and the kids get to pick (within reason) what they want to do. It’s a lot of fun and the kids just love the personal attention.

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    August 18, 2009 @ 1:07 pm

    This morning, I took my daughter to an indoor playground while her brother started his first day at preschool. She LOVED it. We had a special time together. My big girl! I think I’m going to spend every Tuesday morning with her doing something fun.

  • Gravatar August 25, 2009 @ 12:50 pm

    [...] is much more time for you and your little one. This is a great time to spend quality time together. One on one time with your child can really deepen your relationship with them. Let your child know that you are looking forward to [...]