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Olympian AND Mom

by McKenna on August 19, 2008
category: Cool websites,In the news,Inspiration,Pop culture

1056922__olympics_.jpgI am obsessed with the Olympics! I am having so much fun watching the best in the world compete against one another. I am also amazed at how many moms are competing in Beijing right now. I had the privilege to meet Olympian and Mom, Liza Hunter-Galvan from New Zealand last month. She is joined by many moms in Beijing right now. Jennie Finch, Melanie Roach, Lisa Leslie, Lindsay Davenport, Kate Markgraf, and Tina Thompson are some of the other moms competing in Beijing while their little ones cheer them on.My very favorite Olympic mom is Dara Torres. Not only do I love her name, she has overcome that battle all moms fight in “losing the baby weight!” I actually went for a swim at the gym this week and have decided to add swimming to my work-outs because I want a body like hers. With her two year old, Tessa Grace cheering her on, she has won three silver medals in Beijing, bringing her total Olympic medal count to 12! How many people can say they’ve competed in FIVE Olympics? She’s an amazing athlete!!

Here’s some sites I’ve found talking about the Olympian Moms:

Olympic Moms Head to Beijing Slideshow

NBC’s Olympic Mothers Slideshow

ESPN-Athletes Balancing Motherhood and Olympic Dreams

Plenty of Olympic Moms in Beijing

Who is your favorite Olympic Mom? What has been your favorite Olympic moment?

3 Responses to Olympian AND Mom

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Jenna
    August 20, 2008 @ 10:07 am

    I can’t say I have a favorite, but I am inspired by all of them, as well as, by you ladies. I watched your 5K videos and your interview with Liza Hunter-Galvan and was moved to tears and moved right back to the gym. Which I hadn’t gone to for over 9 months, eeek!

    I was enjoying the gym three times a week and getting my body ready to kick it up a notch when the Olympics began. Motivated by all the athletes, I stepped it up ten folds and doubled my weight lifting and length of time doing my cardio routine. 5 miles three times a week and lots of lifting here I am thanking you ladies for the inspiration.

    Ok, I do have a favorite Liza Hunter-Galvan! ;-) I’m touched by her motivating personal story that she shared with you and us and pray for her daughter and hope that this makes the difference for her family. I’m here cheering her on medal or no medal!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    August 20, 2008 @ 2:43 pm

    I have loved that there are so many mom Olympians. And then reading the stories of how they inspire and encourage non-Olympian moms (the rest of us) to action is really cool. I was pretty hooked on the womens’ marathon last weekend, which in any other Olympics, I’d have found that duller than dirt. But I watched the first half, those women (moms included) who plugged away at their challenge! It spurred me to start my own half-marathon training with enthusiasm and joy!

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    Comment by Heidi
    August 21, 2008 @ 8:02 am

    I love the Olympics! Don’t enjoy it wreaking havoc with my sleep schedule, but hey, it’s every 4 years.

    I commend all the moms participating in an Olympic sport. To achieve that level of success, competing with the top athletes in the world is something worthy to say more than “awesome job!” I enjoyed watching the 38-year old mom (from Romania?) win the marathon as well as Dara Torres competing against girls more than half her age and winning medals at the age of 41! Not only was Beijing her 5th Olympics, she skipped 2 Olympics in between!