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Ack!  For about a month now, Lucy has perpetually had her fingers in her mouth.  I trim her nails about every two weeks, but lately there’s been nothing there for me to trim! 

I grew up hearing, “Dawn, stop biting your nails.”  (That, and, “Dawn, stop cracking your knuckles.”)  If you’re like me, that’s like being asked to stop breathing – it’s just a nervous habit!  I still do both of those things, but I’m much better about nailbiting than I used to be.

Now I’m hearing myself say the same things repeatedly: “Lucy, please take your finger out of your mouth.”  Sometimes she obeys, sometimes she doesn’t.  When I catch her doing it in the rear-view mirror, she leans over so I can’t see her, and then keeps doing it.  Oh, that savvy little girl!

 I grew up knowing about a bitter formula that could be put on kids’ nails to deter them from thumbsucking or nailbiting.  Not Tabasco sauce; there’s something different that I’m thinking of.  Anyone know what it is?  I’d rather find out here than pay to ask my doctor this simple question.

How have you dealt with your child’s finger-chewing habits?  Any other strategies I should know about?  Thanks for your help!

7 Responses to Nailbiting

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    Comment by Sara
    October 24, 2008 @ 8:42 am

    I forgot the name of it but they have it behind the counter at the pharmacy in Wal-mart. At least that is where I got it. Two of my sons bite their nails and it drives me crazy!!! For us the “bitter nailpolish” did not help. Any other suggestion??????

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    Comment by Katherine
    October 24, 2008 @ 4:46 pm

    I’ve been a nail-biter my whole life. My mom tried everything – the bitter stuff, nailpolish, mittens, punishment, etc. and nothing worked. She never bothered to find out what is was that made me start biting my nails in the first place. I think the important thing is to try to figure out WHY she is biting her nails and/or WHEN she tends to do it and then come up with a plan to distract her during those times. People think it’s a physical thing, but for most nail biters, it’s really an emotional thing. So, I’d start addressing the problem rather than trying to address the symptom.

    Funny you bring this up, I’ve got a brand new 4 month old and have recently starting really biting my nails again – I mean biting them until they bleed. For me, I bite my nails when I’m feeling inadequate…hmmm….guess I’ve got some work to do!?!!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    October 24, 2008 @ 5:17 pm

    Thanks for your input ladies!

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    Comment by Amy
    October 26, 2008 @ 7:45 pm

    I bit my nails until 6th grade when I realized my nails looked gross! I really wanted my nails to grow long and look nice so I just stopped. For me it was a nervous habit. My 4 year old bites her nails too. Honestly, unless it’s causing pain or she’s bleeding because of it, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Now you have one less thing to do!

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    October 27, 2008 @ 3:08 pm

    I, too, am a nail-biter, not because it’s a nervous habit, but because I have flimsy nails that peel and fray easily. It’s frustrating, and I’ve tried just about everything rto make them stronger. The only time they are NOT like that is when I’m pregnant, and I don’t take special pre-natal vitamins or anything. So many I should just stay pregnant eternally if I want to have great nails

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    October 27, 2008 @ 3:11 pm

    I’m sorry, that should read, “So maybe I should just stay pregnant eternally if I want to have great nails.” I need to proofread before hitting the “Submit” button.

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    Comment by Vicki Bodwell
    October 28, 2008 @ 10:38 am

    My mom used to paint my fingernails…so then I ate fingernail polish. Not recommended. Then we switched to putting band aides on my fingers, and I just looked like a clutz.