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Mom Links Around the Web on 01/02/07

by Amanda on January 2, 2008
category: Carousel Links,In the news

AWildRide.net is celebrating its first year anniversary with a writing contest. The theme is “What to Expect When Parenting isn’t What You Expected.” There are many prizes to win. The deadline for entries is Jan.15th. I am still working on my entry!

CNN has an interesting article on what happens when you regret your child’s name.

Our kids may be asking to be part of virtual worlds like Webkindz and “Pixie Hollow” soon. A quote from the article ” ‘Get ready for total inundation,’ said Debra Aho Williamson, an analyst at the research firm eMarketer, who estimates that 20 million children will be members of a virtual world by 2011, up from 8.2 million today.” Here is another quote from the article discussing Neopets, “ ‘Parents know they can trust our brand to protect kids,’ said Steve Youngwood, executive vice president for digital media at Nickelodeon.” I am a huge fan of the web and technology, but I would never rely on a website to protect my child. That is my job.

I read through all four tutorials and found them really helpful. It actually made cloth diapering less scary. She actually throws all the poop in the washer with the diapers. I wonder if anyone else does that.

5 Responses to Mom Links Around the Web on 01/02/07

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    January 3, 2008 @ 12:07 pm

    I had big time remorse after we named Darah. Darah was in the NICU and I had gone up to my room to take a shower when the social worker called about Darah’s name. I told her the name very quickly to get her off the phone because I wanted to get back down to her in the NICU. After I got back to the NICU, I started freaking out. She definitely grew into her name and I love her name. I only wish people instinctively knew it rhymes with Sarah and does not rhyme with not star-uh. The other name we had was Jenna and I later on became very good friends with a Jenna. That would have just been way too confusing! My remorse probably had a lot to do with being postpartum as well! Connor didn’t have a name until his second day of life. He was so hard to name and he is definitely our CON-MAN!!

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    Comment by Dawn
    January 3, 2008 @ 3:03 pm

    That article about naming regret is an interesting statement on our times, I think. I understand the struggle with choosing the right name (I did it twice) but we had 9 months to figure all those options out! Much like people who divorce at the drop of a hat, I guess kids’ names are now disposable. I liked the phrase “those who suffer from naming regret”, as though the parents are victims of some scary nightmare.

    I’m just glad that Dave and I realized how popular Ava was becoming before we settled on a name for our Lucy. She’ll probably have 3 friends in school named Ava.

    ps. I don’t mean to offend anyone with my opinions. That’s all they are.

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    Comment by amelia
    January 3, 2008 @ 6:48 pm

    I put poopie diapers in the diaper pail too. Her tutorial was very thorough. There is a diaper sprayer you can attach to the toilet to get solid matter off the diaper to prevent staining. When babies start eating solids I dump what I can in the toilet but throw the rest in the pail. Occasionally I might find a grape peel leftover in the washing machine hey, it is clean! HA!

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    Comment by Melissa
    January 3, 2008 @ 10:31 pm

    I work at a store that sells Webkinz, and I am constantly amazed by the number of children who own upwards of 10 pets. And their parents trail along behind them, “I’m so sick of these Webkinz.” Well then, stop buying them!

    Do any of these parents remember that we didn’t have computers when we were little? I didn’t get on the Internet till college..what’s the rush?

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    January 3, 2008 @ 11:52 pm

    @Dawn – I agree! You totally have at least nine months to pick a name. You would really have to HATE a name to go through all the hassle of changing it. Crazy. I wonder what kind of psychological effects it would have on a kid knowing that her mom changed her name. I am really into meanings, so I wonder how that would turn out.

    @Amelia – That is awesome. I wonder what it looks like after eating corn! Aack!

    @Melissa – So true! If you don’t like the things, you don’t buy them. Maybe we should write a post on it is okay to say “no!” Luckily, I am not in that boat yet with Ace.