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McKenna’s Favorite Five Posts

After 2 years of blogging, today is McKenna’s last official post on The Mom Crowd. We have 5 writers for this blog and McKenna is my first co-writer. She is also a co-founder of The Mom Crowd. I remember having an “official” meeting in her kitchen back in the summer of 2007 to discuss post ideas, logo themes, and vision casting for this site.  We also created the short-lived “The Mom Crowd Show!” together.  Like official reporters we ran around the San Antonio Baby Expo together with a camera and microphone interviewing the representatives at each booth. It was so much fun!

I am certainly going to miss McKenna’s insight into the world of special needs and her positive outlook on life. I am grateful that we got to walk through her journey to adopt Baby Reese from the Ukraine together. McKenna will be spending this semester caring for her 3 little ones, taking a full schedule of college courses, and helping with ReecesRainbow.org. We will still see her around here as a faithful reader and possibly with a guest post from time to time. Best wishes to you and your family.

In honor of McKenna’s last post, I asked to pick her favorite 5 posts.

McKenna here.  :)   I am really going to miss writing for The Mom Crowd.  I have loved posting on this blog and have enjoyed the companionship, support, insight from all the other moms who participate in the discussions at The Mom Crowd.  Reading through my old posts over the last two years brought up so many memories!  It’s been amazing to watch a blog develop from discussions with Amanda at my kitchen table and at her neighborhood park to such an active, insightful, encouraging blog for moms. 

Alrighty, my most favorite posts:

  1. The Mom Crowd Shows - Shooting these episodes was so much fun!  I would do this again in a heart beat!  I loved our one-man camera crew, making my living room and later Amanda’s living room into a studio, and the funny out-takes.  Oh, and remember not having a charged battery downtown and running and trolleying all over downtown San Antonio, Amanda?  Good t imes!  Man, my hair is longer!!  Oh, on the third episode, there’s a great discussion about using a mirror to watch your child’s delivery…too many puns to count!  :)   These shows were way too fun!
  2. When You Find Out Your Baby Has Down Syndrome - One of my favorite things about writing for The Mom Crowd was documenting some of my life experiences as a mommy.  I have also been so happy that my life experience parenting children with health issues and special needs has encouraged other mommies in similar situations with their children.  I love the comments that pop up on this post years after I’ve written from people doing google searches.  And I love that I have these emotions docuemented for myself. 
  3. Ready Set Sign - As a speech pathology student, I have a passion for helping children learn to communicate.  I am a strong believer that every parent should use the valuable resource of signing with their children when they are young!  Signing with my girls has been one of the most valuable resources for us as parents. 
  4. Teaching Your Children and Yourselves How to Live Within Your Means - I have many posts that I’ve written for The Mom Crowd with advice and suggestions I struggle to take.  Writing posts like this one have been helpful for myself as I try to become a better mom, wife, and child of God.   
  5. Censoring Disney? – Sometimes, writing for The Mom Crowd was difficult because I did not feel as though I knew the right answer to issues I struggled with as a mom.  This post was one of those posts where I learned so much from the discussion following the post. So many readers of The Mom Crowd have more good ideas than anything I could find online as I researched some of my posts.   

I’m sad to not be a regular contributing author of The Mom Crowd, but excited about all the things I have going on in my busy life!  I’ll be around…it’s not that easy to get rid of me!  :)

6 Responses to McKenna’s Favorite Five Posts

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Melissa
    August 25, 2009 @ 6:35 am

    All the best to you McKenna! I’ll certainly miss reading your insightful posts!

  • Christy
    Comment by Christy
    August 25, 2009 @ 6:39 am

    Good Luck McKenna!!! We will most definitely miss you! I’ll be praying for you as you embark on a new part of your journey! :-)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Breanna
    August 25, 2009 @ 7:37 am

    We’ll miss your insights, McKenna! You are an awesome woman!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Natalie
    August 25, 2009 @ 8:40 am

    McKenna, I loved every post you just mentioned. I think you have such wisdom and I KNOW that many have learned from, not only what you have written, but how you live your whole life. I’ll miss you!

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    Comment by Trina
    August 25, 2009 @ 9:21 am

    McKenna- I LOVED reading everything you wrote. I enjoyed learning from your perspective.

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    Comment by Brenda
    August 27, 2009 @ 12:34 pm

    As a mother with a six yr. old daughter with down syndrome, I loved reading your posts! What you are doing with Reece’s Rainbow is so inspiring – and I wish you the best of luck in all that you do. We’ll be praying for your whole family!