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Jet Lag, Baby

by Amanda on December 21, 2007
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),Travel

jetlag.jpgMy head is still in a fog. I didn’t expect to be hit by jet lag this hard. The Philippines is 14 hours ahead my normal time zone. Yesterday morning after playing with Ace at 3:00 am, my husband and I got up and watched a movie. We were up. Ace adjusted to Philippines time without a problem. We had two long layovers and traveled for a total of 40 hours. I think she was exhausted when we got to the hotel.

She slept a lot better on the plane on the way back, but now that we are home it is hard to get her back on her old schedule. Tonight we are driving 4 hours to visit family for the next three days. Maybe the traveling with our jet lagged baby will help her get adjusted again.

I tried to keep her up yesterday by leaving the house and going shopping and I put her down at her normal bedtime, but she would keep waking up every few hours. Then at one point, I let her stay up to wear herself out. Then at the next waking we laid her in bed with us. That didn’t work. Finally at 2 a.m. we were exhausted, so we put her in her crib and shut the door. I don’t know how long she cried, we fell asleep. Then I woke her up at 9:40 this morning when we got up. Maybe a controlled wake up time will work. I don’t know. She is now sleeping again.

I know she will figure it out soon. Hopefully, really soon!

Thanks to Dawn, McKenna’s friend, Kristi and Sara for sharing their insight and stories with us while I was away and McKenna was working on finals. Also, Amelia did a great post on disposable diapers which is worth the read if you haven’t read it. Amelia, thanks for your great posts!

A big thanks to you who have made your Amazon purchases through our site. We appreciate the support!

Christmas is just around the corner. Enjoy your time with the family and kids. I know I am looking forward to seeing more of Daniel the next few days.

I wanted to clue all of you in on a secret. The Mom Crowd is working on a big project that will debut at the beginning of February. Of course, we will have all our great content between now and then, but something extra special is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


4 Responses to Jet Lag, Baby

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    December 21, 2007 @ 2:18 pm

    Well, for being jet-lagged, this was very well written! I haven’t been able to keep my thoughts organized these past couple weeks, so I can’t imagine how I’d be babbling if I was going through jet lag too. I don’t have any suggestions, but I hope you all get adjusted! You guys are busy!! Have a safe trip.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by natalie
    December 21, 2007 @ 2:40 pm

    I”m going to pray for you!!!

  • Amelia
    Comment by Amelia
    December 21, 2007 @ 5:54 pm

    glad you got home safe!

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    December 26, 2007 @ 1:09 pm

    Amanda, Great to hear you guys made it back safely. Jet-lag is yucky; my son and I usually adjust OK pretty quickly, but Duane has a TERRIBLE time. It takes him about 2-3 weeks to get used to an 8 hour time change, where Julian and I don’t take more than a week. Poor guy!
    Hope we can see you after the holidays. I’d love to hear all about your trip to the Philippines.