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IntroFee is Offering $1000 for Footage of a Live Birth

by Amanda on October 25, 2007
category: In the news

I saw the news about IntroFee’s call for video submissions on valleywag.com under the category Bad Ideas. I agree with the category title.

According to the story on Yahoo! News, “in its upcoming Super Bowl ad, www.introfee.com is offering a $1000 bounty for clear video footage of live baby birth to use in its ad, announcing the birth of its website & service on Feb 3.”

Entries have to be uploaded to any video hosting service like YouTube or Veoh and tagged “IntroFee.” Entries must be submitted by Nov. 14th.

The introfee website states some of the requirements.

Video requirements:
* Video must show clear baby emergence
* Video must show umbilical cord being severed
* Includes sound

Additional Requirements:
* You own the video
* You have the ability to upload the video to a video hosting site such as YouTube and tag it with ‘introfee’
* You agree to the terms below

This is not a hoax. So if you want millions of Super Bowl fans to clearly view your miracle of child birth, submit your videos! Not to mention the viewers on YouTube will get to see the clear shot too.

Not that footage of live child birth is bad, I am just not sure I want millions of folks seeing mine. I am modest and some women aren’t. Also, I don’t think $1000 dollars is that much of an offer.

So now when you see the commercial in February, you can brag about how you knew about it months before the Super Bowl.

1 Response to IntroFee is Offering $1000 for Footage of a Live Birth

  • Gravatar
    Comment by John Holmes
    November 7, 2007 @ 10:00 pm

    This promotion reeks of SCAM. Why would someone with enough money solicit amateur video? Why not pay the money for professionally produced footage (and make it look amateur if that’s the look they’re after.) And why would a company with the money for a super bowl ad not be able to afford real DNS rather than zoneedit.com, as they’re using? I’ll bet money that this is a scam.

    They’re also going to get a SERP bonus by having all the introfee tagged videos on youtube, that I’m assuming people won’t be taking down once the contest is over.