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I Survived Vacation Bible School!

by McKenna on July 13, 2009
category: 5 – 12 years (kid),Fun time & Toys,Inspiration

858531_wonderingThis last week, I volunteered at my church’s Vacation Bible School.  It was a wonderful time, but incredibly exhausting!  Our church’s VBS was in the evenings from 6:30-9:15.  I volunteered very last minute as a crew leader, which meant I was responsible for taking 5-7 children through each VBS station.  The first night was overwhelming for me.  I had six children in my crew.  The two boys in my crew were hyper and wild!  I was constantly having to shhh! them and remind them to listen.  I had one little girl who wasn’t content unless all four of her limbs were wrapped around my leg.  In addition to a group of energetic children, I was performing all of the high energy songs and dance moves, mediating arguments over who was going to sit by me, and hunting down the nurse for icepacks for boo-boos.  I got home after those first two nights feeling completely drained and over-stimulated.  However, toward the middle of the week, I started feeling like I was getting to know these children better and started noticing the numberous positive qualities that each of them had.  I started looking forward to seeing them and following up on the stories they shared with me the evening prior.  It was wonderful and inspiring to see their love for God and I finished the week feeling as though I had a positive impact on these children’s lives and that they had taught me something about the simplicity of faith. 

Our church went all out for Vacation Bible School.  Our theme (like many churches this summer) was Crocodile Dock.  We went through the week’s swamp theme, stopping at a snack, game, interactive Bible story, craft, candle-light discussion, and large group stations.  The kids had a blast learning about Moses, the plagues, and telling the Pharoah to “let my people go!”  Every night we learned about how much God loves us and that we should “FEAR NOT!”  One of the most awesome experiences of my week was when one of my little guys told me that he was sad his friend wasn’t there.  He thought she was going to come and she wasn’t.  Tuesday evening, we prayed that she would come and I can not even describe the look on his face when he saw her on Wednesday night.  He was so excited that God answered his prayer and was overjoyed at the gift he had in communicating with God.  All he spoke about the remainder of the week was about how God heard his prayer.  I loved being a crew leader and even though it was exhausting, I would totally do it again! 

My own children are still too young to participate in Vacation Bible School, but I can’t wait for them to be a part of it!  Here are some reasons I think parents should sign their children up for Vacation Bible School.

  •  You get a several hour break from your kids every day for a week!
  • Your children will be in a loving environment with people who care about their well-being.
  • Your kids will have a blast!  There is no such thing as a boring VBS!
  • VBS will reinforce what you have been trying to teach your children about God, if you are a Christian.
  • VBS is a good way for you to get to know a church that you do not attend if you are looking for a church home.

Have your children attended VBS’s this summer or in summers past?  Have you ever volunteered at a VBS at your church?

4 Responses to I Survived Vacation Bible School!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Amy
    July 14, 2009 @ 6:06 am

    My big one has attended our church’s VBS the last three years, and he loves it! And not only do I love the break from him, but my heart just swells up when he comes home singing the songs that he learned. Isn’t it just wonderful to hear your children singing worship songs?

    Little side note- Our little one is known as the “VBS Baby.” He was born last year during VBS week, and we took him up to the church the last couple of days of the event because Ben wanted to show him off.

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    July 14, 2009 @ 6:22 pm

    @Amy – That is hilarious about your baby being called the VBS Baby. :) I bet the other kids just love him!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Mitch Silvia
    July 15, 2009 @ 9:38 am

    The story of the boy in your VBS crew who prayed for his friend to be there when she hadn’t been for the first two nights, then “surprisingly” showed up the third night was awesome. His joy to know God heard and answered his prayer is a “miracle” that could impact his life forever.

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    Comment by Amy
    July 17, 2009 @ 7:06 am

    Amanda- It was really weird walking into VBS this year with the baby. Everyone knew him, a couple of people wished him happy birthday. How easily I forgot he was “famous!”