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How to Choose a Pediatrician

doctor.jpgHow well do you like your Pediatrician? Occasionally I get asked by my friends who my Pediatrician is and how well I like her. When I needed to choose one I read a ton of  articles online about what to look for and asked my friends for referrals. We also interviewed our doctor to make sure that we had the same theories on health care and our personalities fit.

Here are a few practical tips about choosing a Pediatrician:

Consider the location of the office. How far do you want to drive for well baby check ups? Do you want to drive farther if you really love one doctor?

Interview prospective Pediatricians and have your questions ready. They usually have designated office hours to be interviewed. It can really save you a lot of heartache to meet them in person before they show up in your hospital room. Also, you will be able to check out the office before you bring your baby. Is it clean? Are the well children separated from the sick children?

Make sure that they service the hospital you are birthing at. Not all pediatricians have access to every hospital in town.

Do they really match your health care philosophy? For example, how well do they encourage breastfeeding if you want to breastfeed? They may say that they encourage breastfeeding, but what is their philosophy on supplementing? Especially during the time while you are waiting for your milk to come in. Most doctors won’t say that they prescribe a lot of medicine. I think you have to tell their philosophy about meds by the way they speak about prescriptions.

Find out how long the nurse has assisted the doctor. I think you can tell a lot about a doctor by how well they get along with their co-workers. My doctor’s nurse has been with her for over 18 years. That seemed like a good sign to me.  Also, there may be no way of knowing, but having a competent nurse comes in very handy. Many times she has solved my problem over the phone without coming in for a visit.

Ask for referrals from your friends. This is by far the best source of information in finding a Pediatrician. I asked everyone I knew and interviewed one based on the information I received. Moms can tell you first hand if they are pleased with their doctor’s office.

Does the Pediatrician’s office have weekend hours? I have went in on a Saturday once and I was very thankful that I didn’t have to wait three more days with my super sick baby to find out what is wrong.

Find another doctor if you don’t feel comfortable with your own. At your first visit you don’t sign a contract agreeing to only use them as your doctor for the next five years. If you don’t like the care you are getting or the way they communicate information to you, then you have freedom to find another one you like.

Pray and trust your Mom Instincts. Sometimes you have several choices and they all seem like good options. I would go with your instinct and go with the doctor you have peace about. That is how I ultimately chose mine and I have been happy with my decision.

Do you have any tips for new moms looking for a Pediatrician? Do you like your doctor? Why do you like them? Have you had any problems with your Pediatrician?

More Information:

Shopping for a Pediatrician on WebMD

Choosing a Doctor for Your Baby on Baby Center

Choosing a Pediatrician on Expectatant Mother’s Guide

10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Pediatrician on iVillage

Choosing a Pediatrician on Ask Dr. Sears

11 Responses to How to Choose a Pediatrician

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Sandie Law
    July 15, 2008 @ 11:55 am

    I love our pediatrician and I’m so glad we chose her. She didn’t service the hospital MonkeyBoy was born at, but saw him less than a week after he was born. We found her through a coworker of my husband’s…and then found out that several of our other friends use her. That was a good sign in my book.

    Having worked with her for over 6 years, I am delighted that she’s light on meds (especially antibiotics) and heavy on simple, intuitive healthcare. She now spends a few minutes talking to MonkeyBoy without me and focuses on his overall health – skincare, diet, exercise, etc. – as well as asking about the usual culprits.

    i have to agree that trusting your mom instincts is the BEST thing you can do. You are a good parent, whether you realize it or not.

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    Comment by Melissa
    July 15, 2008 @ 2:09 pm

    Super helpful tips, Amanda! Due to our abbreviated pregnancy, I hadn’t had a chance to talk with any of my local friends about pediatricians and now that Addie is a preemie, we’ll need to find someone comfortable with her specific needs. I know our children’s hospital recommends local pediatricians, so I’ll probably start there and use the interviewing tips! :)

  • Gravatar July 15, 2008 @ 8:37 pm

    This is a great list. The only thing I might add is “Googling” them. We all know that Moms talk, and if he’s done something great or done something not so great someone may have blogged about the experience.

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    Comment by Jojo
    July 15, 2008 @ 8:49 pm

    This is a great list, I actually asked around about peds when I was pregnant from my gyno and his nurse…they recommended a woman and then when I asked my girlfriend, she happened to take her kids to that same doctor. The only thing negative is that their office doesn’t work on weekends..but other than that, she’s great.

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    July 15, 2008 @ 9:33 pm

    This is GREAT! I especially like the tip on finding a new one if you need to. We had to do that once and I was nervous about the transition, but it wasn’t a big deal for anyone but me! It’s not just about finding a good doctor…it’s about finding one that meshes well with you and your kids! :D

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    July 15, 2008 @ 10:22 pm

    @Sandie Law – I am so glad that you have found someone that you love! That is good point that you can still take your baby to the Pediatrician a few days later. I found mine through a co-worker too. I agree Mom Instincts are the best thing any mom can follow.

    @Melissa – You are certainly in a special situation. You will just know who the best doctor is for you and your baby once you really need one. Hugs to you and your baby!

    @Shannonb – Googling them is an awesome tip. I googled mine and didn’t find hardly anything but her address, but I did find a few random comments about other doctors I was considering.

    @Jojo – That is so great that you found one you like! I forgot that your OBGYN can give you a list of recommendations too! great point!

    @McKenna – I agree that it isn’t really a big deal to switch doctors for anyone but the parents. I know some doctors may be good docs, but I think having one that fits your personality certainly helps.

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    Comment by Vered
    July 15, 2008 @ 11:31 pm

    “Ask for referrals from your friends. This is by far the best source of information in finding a Pediatrician.” – I completely agree. And the one that came highly recommended was a bit farther than planned – but well worth it.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Angela
    July 17, 2008 @ 12:29 am

    Tip: Ask the labor & delivery nurses at your hospital who is good. They see it all, from patient care, how well the doc relates with the parents, satisfaction of new moms, reliability, etc. That’s what I did and I ended up with an absolute gem! 8 years later she is still my pediatrician, and I still think she is great! Those nurses have invaluable information about pedi doctors, I think, because they see them over and over again, and on their good and bad days.

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    Comment by San Diego Momma
    July 20, 2008 @ 9:25 pm

    I also got my pediatrician via a friend’s referral, and I’ve been so happy with him.

    I wish I were as happy with all my doctors. It’ sadly a rare thing to find good care these days, and it’s a relief to know I found the right doctor for my kids.

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    Comment by Ellen
    September 23, 2008 @ 9:22 pm

    Our pediatrician was mine growing up. Dr. John Beauchamp if someone needs a referral. He is awesome!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Ellen
    September 23, 2008 @ 9:22 pm

    Our pediatrician was mine growing up. Dr. John Beauchamp if someone needs a referral.