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How Does Your Family Celebrate Easter?

by Dawn on April 10, 2009
category: Cool websites,Fun time & Toys,Video

lucy-easter-074Happy Easter!  This picture of my daughter Lucy was taken two years ago when she was just 1.  I remember that morning like it was yesterday; she had never seen a plastic egg before and had no idea what she was doing with it clutched in her little hand.  Now she’s a rambunctious little girl running around saying, “I want more Easter eggs!”  I know she is going to love the annual Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning – and the candy inside them even more so.

As with other holidays, sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with all there is to do.  Do my kids have good outfits for Sunday morning?  Are we going to make a special meal?  Did I get everything I need for their Easter baskets?  (Will I be able to find their Easter baskets?)  My hubby and I decided to take this year easy, since the kids are still pretty young and we’ve had a busy couple of months leading up to now.

Recently I heard about a simple bread that is easy to make with children that symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus.  After it bakes, it becomes hollow on the inside to represent the empty tomb.  This is a perfect opportunity to enjoy some family time, make a yummy treat, and remind the kids what Easter is all about!  Here are a couple of recipes should you decide to try it:

Feel like playing it old school?  Here is a basic how-to on dying Easter eggs (which is also good for showing your kids), from Kaboose:

What kind of Easter traditions does your family have?  May you have a blessed and beautiful Easter weekend from all of us here at The Mom Crowd!

7 Responses to How Does Your Family Celebrate Easter?

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Natalie
    April 10, 2009 @ 6:35 am

    THis is the first year that my son is really getting Easter. A friend of mine told me how she used to do “Resurrection Eggs” with her kids when they were little. It was a great way to remind them what Easter was about. So, on top of the Easter baskets and candy filled eggs, we will also be adding this to our tradition. :)

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    April 10, 2009 @ 8:49 am

    Natalie, I hope your family has a great time with the eggs! There are lots of companies who make/sell them, and Family Life has good suggestions and info on how to use them:

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    Comment by amelia
    April 10, 2009 @ 9:19 am

    We do the Resurrection Eggs too! I love them! Our 5 year old does a great job going through the Easter story using them. And the 4 year old does pretty good too. We’ll do them together when we eat our dinner together with some friends on Sunday afternoon. We will be doing an egg hunt in the morning time and enjoying the day by telling each other, “He is Risen!”

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    Comment by Harriet
    April 10, 2009 @ 10:18 am

    Wow. Looks like fun!

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    Comment by Debbie P.
    April 10, 2009 @ 11:22 am

    We’re still figuring out how we want to make Easter fun and meaningful for the kids. Not there yet….

    I do have a recipe for Easter cookies that sounds just like the bread you wrote about. I plan on trying it out for the first time this year if all goes as planned.

    Keep us posted on how your celebrations go.

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    April 10, 2009 @ 11:20 pm

    This is my first year making my own Easter cookies that the Palestinian Christians make every year. There are several kinds, but the two I made (Ka’ak bi ‘ajwe and ma’moul) represent the tomb and crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head. They’re incredibly time-consuming and definitely a group effort (I had two ladies helping me for about 7 dozen cookies, and it still took two hours), but the result is beautiful! They make wonderful gifts for people during the holidays. I posted pics on my blog, it case anyone wants to see them! :)

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    Comment by Amy
    May 1, 2009 @ 8:34 pm

    Dozens of eggs filled with candy + dozens of confetti eggs + more food than we could all possibly eat. And we do this every year with my side of the family. SO much fun!