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Guest Post from Mighty Munchkin Maintenance

by Amanda on August 13, 2008
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),1 – 3 year (toddler)

I am still calling in sick this week, but today has been a much better day. I didn’t throw up once today! Here is a guest post from Katie at Mighty Munchkin Maintenance  about planning her first birthday party. She has a great blog full of helpful blog posts. Enjoy!

katie.jpgIn our house, there’s cause for celebration, we’ve almost survived the first year! Everyone is still sane, healthy, and happy! So I’m thinking, ponies, clowns… the works! No, not really. I’m terrified of clowns. And I’m pretty sure Kaylee might not be fond of ponies yet. We came across a horseback rider once while hiking along a path and Kaylee was decidedly uncertain about the large four-legged creature. I was absolutely thrilled (I’m easily excited), but she just gave him the hairy eyeball. Ah, but I digress; back to the topic at hand, planning that first birthday party.

I jest about ponies and clowns, but when I started looking into first birthday parties one of the resources I found was a mom describing her journey along the first birthday party planning process and a friend of hers had a carnival party with ponies and clowns. I wasn’t sure at that point if I should laugh or feel woefully inadequate. You see my research was primarily focused on what to do about a birthday cake. Kaylee hasn’t been introduced to egg whites yet, and I don’t really feel like trying to bake a cake (because if I bake it, it definitely won’t pretty or picture worthy). And I don’t think introducing her to egg whites is the best idea at her birthday party. But now I’m heading down the dark path of what else goes on at a first birthday party. I never would have guessed that ponies were even an option. I thought that only happened in the movies.

After doing some research, I’ve come to terms with the fact that like babies, that first birthday party can come in all different shapes and sizes. It seems lots of people have themed parties and often invite playmates. Kaylee doesn’t really have playmates though. I do belong to a mom’s group, so she does have an opportunity to interact with other children but we don’t actually know them very well. I guess I could do a themed party regardless of no other little munchkins being present. Hmmm, now I’m picturing my Uncle Peter in a Strawberry Shortcake hat. Interesting…the idea has merit, if only for the funny factor.

Seriously though, I just don’t think I have it in me to plan a huge birthday bash, and I don’t honestly think Kaylee would enjoy it. What we’ve decided to do is have two small parties, six to eight people each. Our reasoning for two small parties is that Kaylee is extremely shy, and too many people all at once throws her over the edge. We’re also opting for the more casual BBQ scenario, which makes my life considerably less stressful. I still don’t know about the cake though. Tomorrow I plan to visit the bakery and ask if I can have a cake made without egg whites. I know, I know, wishful thinking on my part. I don’t think Kaylee will actually eat any cake. We’ve been offering her finger foods since she was eight months, but she doesn’t eat them. She likes to feed them to me, mush them, or throw them on the floor. Every once in a while she places something on her tongue and then quickly removes it (she thinks it’s game). I’m just worried that the day she decides to actually shove food in her mouth will be on her birthday. Ah well, I’ll figure it out.

For those more experienced parents reading along, do you have any party planning lessons learned, suggestions, or funny stories to share? We’d love to hear them!

5 Responses to Guest Post from Mighty Munchkin Maintenance

  • Gravatar
    Comment by amelia
    August 13, 2008 @ 8:49 am

    We are having a small little gathering for Graham’s first birthday in a few weeks. We want a few of our friends to come and hang out BBQ style to celebrate Graham. But no big party. His big brothers want to go bowling so I suppose that is an option but that is more for them than for a one year old!

    I usually make a pineapple-carrot cake for their first birthday. It has no eggs in it at all. And it is whole wheat. And the frosting is made from yogurt. It is pretty yummy but it isn’t your typical birthday cake. When I made it for my 2nd’s first birthday, his cousins thought it was weird and didn’t eat it. I think they thought the frosting was going to be store bought frosting and when they tasted it, it was different from what they were expecting. The frosting doesn’t make your teeth hurt from all the sugar in it!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Dawn
    August 13, 2008 @ 10:07 am

    mmmm, store-bought frosting. i like it.

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    August 14, 2008 @ 1:17 am

    We ended up with THREE (yes, three) birthday parties for our first child. It was crazy, but the nice thing was I only had to actually plan one of them. With reference to the egg-white issue, I tried them out on my son a week before we had his (first) party. I figured doing the egg-white thing a week before he turned a year old would test the waters, and it was unlikely that he would develop an egg allergy at that point.

    It’s so interesting how different babies are. My son literally DOVE into his birthday cake. We have pictures with icing smeared all over his face (cream cheese icing, my fave!) and cake all over the floor. It was a mess, but a lot of fun!

  • Gravatar August 14, 2008 @ 7:39 am

    [...] Amanda from The Mom Crowd asked if I’d be willing to write guest post for their blog! I was so excited that I forgot to mention it yesterday on Mighty Munchkin Maintenance! Because we’re in the process of planning Kaylee’s first birthday bash, I opted to write about the daunting task of planning that very first birthday. I know I know, I make it sound foreboding (I can be extremely dramatic). But seriously, some people make that first birthday quite an event with ponies and everything! We’ve selected a much more casual and relaxed event, but you can read all about it on The Mom Crowd. [...]

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    Comment by Geraldine
    August 14, 2008 @ 7:46 pm

    I have two grown up children. Our average birthday party was 20 to 40 people with food and kids everywhere. My son’s parties were in July, and that was a blast every year because we had a pool and a nice large yard. My daughter’s parties were in April, and that was a challenge because of the smaller spaces in the house. I don’t think either one of them ever took a bite of the cakes I made over the years. My daughter at least tolerated the Happy Birthday song and blew out the candles. My son on the other hand, tried to run and hide when it was time to do the cake. If we managed to get him to the table his hands were over his face the entire time. They both loved the large number of family and friends who attended their parties, but I don’t think they have any memory of it now. Their birthday parties left me with tons of fond memories. Treasure those moments…