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Entertaining Your Pre-Schooler: Guest Post from Kristi D.

by Dawn on March 23, 2009
category: 3 – 5 years (preschooler),Fun time & Toys,Guest Posts

tmckristi-d.JPGKristi is the mom of three wonderful children and a personal trainer to strong, beautiful women and one reluctant husband.   


The preschool age is one of my favorite stages.  Children 3 ½   – 5 ½  are eager to learn, have a blast while learning, don’t think they know more than you (unlike my 7 year old), and say some of the funniest things while learning and playing.  Children this age love to be entertained and kept busy.  I searched for some simple ways to keep my 4 ½  year old entertained after my son was born.  I also used these ideas during my pregnancy when I was feeling like a beached whale and not like a mom with enough energy to chase my 4 year old around the park.

Water Fun 

Rain boots proved to be one of the best gifts my daughter received for her 5th birthday.  It wasn’t my idea - she actually requested them herself.  When we get rain, she can’t wait to put on her pink cat rain boots and go splash in the puddles.  If it doesn’t rain often in your area, another idea would be to make your own rain with a hose.

One of my daughter’s favorite activities is playing with toys in the bathroom sink.  This requires more supervision than I previously expected – I found that out the hard way after daddy had been watching the kids.  I came home to find Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, and the rest of the DP Barbie gang with Windex (“hairspray”) in their hair.


I have never met a child who didn’t enjoy art projects.  The main issue I have is my daughter raiding the arts and crafts cabinet and leaving everything in a complete disaster. She comes up with some interesting creations, like pom-poms glued to craft foam with red glitter glue.  If the mess doesn’t irritate you, allowing your child to do their crafts from their own craft box can be a fun idea.

A great craft to do together is finger painting. It’s super messy, but if the weather is nice you can always take the paint outdoors.

If your child is old enough, buy a white board and dry erase markers.  My kids love to sit and doodle on their white board.  It can also be a helpful tool in teaching them numbers, letters, writing, and reading.


Computer games, music on an iPod or CD, TV shows and DVDs designed for pre-k ages are all fun in moderation.  I find that these are the most addicting forms of entertainment.  When my kids are grounded from their favorite TV shows or games, they get really cranky.  Growing up, all we had was “Sesame Street”.  Our kids are fortunate to have a wide variety of technology to help them learn.


Has your child ever told you, “Not right now, Mom, I’m using my imagination”?  I thought it was hilarious the first time my son told me that.  Encourage your little one to use their imagination often.  Providing an array of dress up clothes is one of the easiest ways to spark their imagination and keep them busy.  You will both have a good laugh in the process!

Playing outside is a great outlet for children.  Sidewalk chalk, kid-sized garden tools, sandboxes, ride-on toys and balls comprise our outdoor collection.  I often hear jaguars, monkeys, and aliens playing in our back yard.
What are some of the things you do to keep your preschooler entertained?  What captivates their attention?

2 Responses to Entertaining Your Pre-Schooler: Guest Post from Kristi D.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Cassie
    March 25, 2009 @ 10:08 am

    My kids both love to draw on a white board too. I bought an easel that has a whiteboard on one side and a chalk board on the other. They spend hours drawing on that thing every single day. In fact, my three year old just drew a rabbit about 10 minutes ago and I was AMAZED! It looked better than any rabbit I could ever draw. Doing activities like these are great for their imagination and creativity.

    I always have some puzzles on hand too. Whenever someone asks what to buy my kids for a gift, I always say books or puzzles. No need for those expensive toys that require a million batteries.

  • Gravatar April 28, 2009 @ 9:23 am

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