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Don’t Know What To Blog About?

by McKenna on September 30, 2008
category: Cool websites,Humor/Random,Technology

question_mark.jpegThere are no rules when it comes to blogging.  Some blogs exist to keep friends and family up to date on family happenings, some are to document weight loss, some blogs are specific to product reviews, some blogs document outfits worn each and every day, and some blogs are devoted to saving the world from “unnecessary” quotation marks.  Anyone can have a blog!  One very trendy way to keep your blog fresh is to participate in themes of the day.  Here’s some popular recurring blog entries you can participate in to keep your blog fun to read and also network with other people on the internet!  So, the next time you have writer’s block on your blog, try joining one of these hosted blog events!  You may even make a friend or two along the way!


  • grainsofgratitude.gifGrains of GratitudeBrady’s Bunch hosts Grains of Gratitude every Sunday and invites participants to blog about what they are thankful for.   I think this is a great opportunity for people to focus on what they are grateful for and Sunday could not be a more perfect day for that reflection!


  • PhotobucketMagic Marker Monday!   Hosted by 5 Minutes for Special Needs, every Monday participates post a picture of their child’s artwork for the week.  This includes pictures of artwork made at school, at home, on the walls of your living room, or anywhere else your child has expressed his or her artistic side.  They ask that you leave them a comment to let them know you participated in this event! :D


  • Tackle It Tuesday MemeTackle It Tuesday!  This event is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom and invites participants to pick a household project needing to be done.  They can be big or small.  The idea is to take a before and after picture of you project.  I have watched a friend of mine participate in this blog event and it’s been really good at keeping her motivated and productive!  I’m impressed with her Tuesday productivity!


  • wordless2.gifWordless Wednesday This has got to be the most popular blog theme event in the blogging community.  It’s everywhere!  On Wednesdays, bloggers are invited to post a picture without any words.  I have seen some creative blog entries on W.W.  You can be as creative or as simple as you like on W.W. and you can be confident that many a blogger is participating in this event, so you will not be alone!
  • Other Wednesday events include, Weightloss Wednesday.  On Weightloss Wednesdays, bloggers blog about their weightloss journey and usually  include their weight and measurements.  Apparently, blogging your weight is the best kept weightloss secret around!!  There’s something about telling the world how much you weigh that motivates you to lose that weight!  A friend of mine lost 26.5 lbs while sharing her weightloss journey with all of her blog readers!  It was quite impressive to follow.

What fun blog themes have you enjoyed participating in? What are some Thursday, Friday, and Saturday blog themes you’ve seen? 

3 Responses to Don’t Know What To Blog About?

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    October 1, 2008 @ 10:56 am

    I think there is a Theme Thursday and Haiku Fridays, but I am not sure where they are originated. Project 365, a photo for everyday is pretty popular too.

    I am just looking forward to NaBloPoMo in November. I had a blast doing it last year on my personal blog. I like that I can just blog about anything everyday, but I know some folks enjoy a more structured approach.

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    October 1, 2008 @ 3:29 pm

    I have participated in Best Shot Monday almost weekly – hosted by Tracey Clark of Shutter Sisters – http://www.maypapers.blogspot.com – simply choose your best picture from the week and post it. I’ve made a lot of friends there, and most of them are moms.

    Stacy at The Land of KA hosts Theme Thursday – http://www.thelandofka.com – she posts the theme on Monday-ish and you take pics based off the theme and post them on Thursday. Past themes have been “fun” “family” “summertime” etc. This week it’s a bit more abstract: “multiples”. Have fun with that one!

    My friend Jaimee (and one-time guest blogger here at TMC) posts about her fitness goals each Friday; hence, Fitness Fridays.

    I’m totally doing NaBloPoMo again this year, and I’ve even started planning my post topics so I don’t deal with writers block. That said, I totally have writer’s block on my blog these past few weeks. Nothing new – just same old same old.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Brit
    October 2, 2008 @ 1:08 pm

    Oh dear, I need to update my blog!