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Dick and Rick Hoyt – How To Love Your Children!

by McKenna on October 14, 2008
category: Health and Fitness,Husbands and Dads,Inspiration,Special needs

Dick Hoyt is one of the most inspirational parents I have ever heard of.  Their story is so empowering and inspiring.  My husband told me about them after reading about them in his Sports Illustrated magazine a while ago.  When I think of how to love my children, this is the picture that comes to my mind now.  I hope to give my child the amount of love Dick gives to Rick.  Rick was born with Cerebral Palsy.  While doctors encouraged Dick and his wife to place Rick in an institution, they knew that their son belonged in their home with their family.  When Rick learned to talk with computer assistance, he told his dad he wanted to compete in races.  Rick’s amazing dad competed in the Ironman Triathalon with his son.  The last part of this video will surely force you to find some tissues if you haven’t already needed them.  You can learn more about this dynamic duo at their website: Team Hoyt.

2 Responses to Dick and Rick Hoyt – How To Love Your Children!

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    Comment by Trina
    October 14, 2008 @ 11:45 am

    Ok for any parent not just of disabled children that is a true testimony of what a parent/child’s love can accomplish.
    I am crying watching this which its home for us here since my daughter’s friend in our therapy class passed away Sat. from Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy and she had him live everyday as close to a normal childhood as could give him. I try to do the same for my daughter as well I know so many wonderful parents who make sure not to treat their children differently. For all of you parents Good Job!!

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    Comment by Heidi
    October 15, 2008 @ 8:07 am

    I’ve seen this video before. Their story truly is beautiful and inspirational….talk about a parent’s love for a child! My neighbor actually watched them race at the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii and shared how in awe all the competitors and supporters were with this team.