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Making the Most Out of Play Time with Your Baby

by McKenna on February 6, 2008
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),1 – 3 year (toddler),Fun time & Toys

Not too long ago, I posted this blog entry on my favorite kid toys. I have a total obsession with my children’s toys, however, play time with your child goes beyond having every toy from Babies “R” Us in their playroom.

Play is very important for every baby’s health and development. Play is how babies and children learn. It also provides important bonding time between child and mommy. In a clinical research study released by the American Academy of Pediatrics, play is so valued that it is considered to be a ‘right’ of every baby and child. In the fast paced society we live in where everyone is go-go-go it is important to realize how crucial it is to stop and play with your baby.

Darah has been in occupational, physical, speech, and play therapy since she was a newborn, and I have really had some amazing one-on-one training on how to play with her because of those therapies. Before Darah was born, I didn’t really know how to have quality playtime with a baby and didn’t know the importance of play for the baby’s development. Since Connor has joined our family, I really feel that I know how to make the most of my one-on-one time with him and Darah. Through my experience, and countless therapy sessions I’ve observed with pediatric therapists, I have learned a few key things I’d like to share with you all.

Challenge your child, but make sure they have success.

  • A big mistake a lot of parents make is doing everything for their babies. Try to let your child figure things out on his or her own before you step in. However, if they start getting frustrated or start giving up, then step in and guide or help your child accomplish their goal. Make sure you celebrate their success. It’s important for children to have the opportunity to figure things out on their own, but it’s equally important that they be successful often. If they are never successful, they will give up trying. Finding the perfect balance as a parent, will reap you and your child many rewards!

Get off the phone and get down on the floor

  • One of the biggest problems I have is just stopping whatever I’m doing and engaging into play. I have a laundry list of tasks that I like to accomplish every day. Since Darah and Connor have started playing together, I have eased up on my “get-on-the-floor” time with them, and I have really had to make a conscientious effort to make play time a priority for myself. I’m a go-go-go, Type A, busy-magnet kind of person and it really requires mental energy for me to remember to SLOW DOWN and to remember that play-time with my children is just as important as bathing, diaper-changing, etc.

Appreciate the smallest accomplishments.

  • This is an easy one for me, but if I had Connor first I think it would be a lot harder for me. With Darah, I was forced to appreciate the smallest steps of her developmental progress. This has helped me to really appreciate every aspect of Connor’s development as well. What most moms don’t even realize is a developmental milestone, I have been able to recognize in both of my children. When you get discouraged that your child isn’t crawling or talking yet, try to look for the steps they’re taking to get there. If your child isn’t crawling, time how long they can hold themselves in the quadruped position, or help them transition from sitting into the crawling position or guide their little body with your hands and ‘make’ them go through mommy-assisted crawling. Most importantly, try to recognize what your child is doing, and be excited about it!

Don’t overwhelm your child with too many choices.

  • American babies have an abundance of toys, books, and ‘gear.’ Don’t present every single toy your child owns to him or her at one time. My kids usually play downstairs, and I keep a limited amount of toys that are freely available to them. I have found that when we go upstairs to the playroom, they both have a problem sitting down and playing with a toy, because we have SO MANY TOYS! When the choices are limited (and routinely rotated), your baby will engage more in their play-time.

Play with toys in unconventional ways.

  • If your child wants to put the puzzle piece on their face, make that a game of Peek-a-Boo. If they want to stack the shapes instead of place them in shape-sorter, work on stacking. Allowing your child to lead their play-time sessions with you will be much more rewarding and your child will stay engaged! If you’re looking for conventional games, check out this link.

Talk and sing a lot to your child during play.

  • By singing and talking to your baby during play, you are not only helping to develop their speech and language skills, but you are also sending the message that you want to be there to your baby. Your child’s vocabulary is directly related to the amount of words you speak to your child. This article discusses the importance of music for babies and here the author has a list of songs you can sing and the guitar chords!

Enjoy yourself!

  • Playing with your baby does not have to be a chore. It can be fun for you. With who else would you sing all the New Kids on the Block songs into your hairbrush or dance the salsa with the broom? Your baby will know whether you are enjoying yourself or “fulfilling an obligation.” Play time isn’t only for your baby, play time can be for you as well!

My Favorite Books for Kids

We love reading books at our house. Both my husband and I enjoy reading and have tried to pass our love for books to our kids. My mother read to me a lot when I was a child and as soon as I learned how to read I enjoyed picking out books from the library and getting them as gifts. When the boys were as little as 4 months old we started reading to them at bedtimes. It is part of our daily routine now and we even have started reading books during breakfast and lunch together. The boys like to pick out one or two books to read while they eat. Sometimes it is a little tricky as I try to nurse the baby, eat my own lunch, and read a book to them. I try to multi-task but sometimes I wish I had an extra hand! I digress…

We have collected quite a few books for the kids but there are a few that get re-read over and over again.

Some of the first books we loved are by Sandra Boynton. She seems to be inside the mind of children and writes great stories that are short, sweet, and funny. I always enjoy reading Pajama Time because the rhymes and silliness are fun every time. Pajama Time, The Going to Bed Book, Snuggle Puppy, Dinosaurs Binkit, Snoozers, Hippos Go Beserk, But Not the Hippopotamus, and Wake Up are our favorites. One of the great things about Boynton books is that they are board books which makes them great for reading to children under 1 who like to chew and mouth books. 2,3, and even 4 year olds enjoy the story and looking at the pictures.

We have recently discovered the tales of Skippyjon Jones. These books are about a Siamese Kitty Cat who likes to pretend he is a Chihuahua. His ears are too big for his head and his head is too big for his body. In Skippyjon’s mind, THAT is what makes him a chihuahua. When he is pretending to be a chihuahua he takes on the name Skipito. He has a fabulous imagination and goes on many adventures. These books are fun to read to your kids as the sentences are silly and fun to listen to. The books also come with CD’s of the author reading the book outloud. The author includes little “songs” into the books as well. Here is an exerpt from Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse:

“Oh my name is Skippito Friskito.

And I heard from a leetle birdito

That the doggies have fled

From the gobbling head

Who goes by the name Bobble-ito!”

My boys are 3 and 4 and they both love these books.

Dinosaurumpus! is also a new discovered favorite. “Shake, Shake Shudder through the sludgy old swamp, the dinosaurs are coming get ready to romp.” A bunch of different dinosaurs meet in the jungle to have a big fun dance together. Not only does this book teach you some of the different names of dinosaurs it also is a fun book to read. The pictures are full of color and fun to look at while you read the book.

I know the list could go on and on but I thought you could add some of your favorite books you like to read to your kids! What are your favorites?


My Favorite Toys!

by McKenna on November 28, 2007
category: Fun time & Toys

As I shop for Christmas presents for the children in my family I have been reflecting on what toys really get the most play at my house. Here’s a list of the top toys we own (we own A LOT!)

1. Leap Frog Learn and Groove Musical Table – If we had to go to a leap.jpgdesert island and could only bring three things, this would be one of them! This toy was the best toy purchase we have ever made and I think every child should own one. We have had ours for three years, and it has always been the “hot toy” in our home. It really grows with your child and I highly recommend this toy!

2. Plush Bunglie Donkey by Jelly Cat – You can’t get the donkey very easily anymore since he is now officially retired, however Jelly Cat makes the most adorable stuffed animals. Darah has been sleeping with her lovey for three years and will not go to sleep without him. They are incredibly soft and cuddly and a must-have in our home!

3. My First Stacking Cups – These classic stacking cups are a hit in our home and have had multiple uses. They’ve been everywhere from the sandbox to the bathtub to the kitchen. Connor loves crawling around with one in each hand and one in his mouth and Darah likes to stack them up high and knock them down. They’ve been great for all kinds of fine motor activities (stacking, sorting, pouring, etc…)

4. Swirlin’ Surprise Gumball Machine – This is just a really cute andgumball.jpg really fun toy. Darah received this toy as a first birthday present from a friend and it has been very loved. The music it sings is cute and it has a volume control adjustment (so great!) I really liked it when we were working on teaching the concept of “cause and effect” with Darah and she was very attentive with this toy!

5.Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? - My kids love this book (and so do I!) The pictures are really bold and crisp and it’s a fun book to read with the kids. Darah knows it so well that she’ll start signing the name of the next animal to come before we even turn the page. In the kids’ stockings this year, they are going to be receiving Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?”

6. Baby Signing Times and Signing Times DVD Series - We love thesesign.jpg dvd’s! Darah’s vocabulary has increased so much since she started watching Rachel, Alex, Leah, and Hopkins on Signing Times! Signing has been such a great communication method for Darah and now Connor and I know your little ones (or even bigger ones) would really enjoy this series. My 5 year old brother very proudly told me the other day, “McKenna, this means ‘be careful.’” Very cool!

What are your favorite toys for your little ones? What will Santa be bringing this year to your house?


Gasp! A Bumbo recall?!

by Amanda on October 26, 2007
category: Fun time & Toys,In the news

bumbo.jpg Yesterday the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a recall of Bumbo Baby Sitter seats, because there have been reports of children falling out of them and three children had skull fractures.

Basically, the CPSC is warning parents against the seats being placed on tables and counter tops. Children can arch their backs and flip out of the seat. The recall will put new warning labels on the seats.

I place Ace in her bumbo seat just about every day on our kitchen table while we have dinner. I even fed Ace in her chair on the table for the first time yesterday. I know that as soon as I see Ace arch her back or when she is growing tired of sitting there, I take her out.

As with all baby products, we just need to use common sense.

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