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Baby Mama: Escapism For Moms (No spoilers, fear not)

by Dawn on May 2, 2008
category: Pop culture

If you were near a t.v. at all in the past few weeks, surely you saw the trailer for Baby Mama. I caught this new movie starring Tina Fey & Amy Poehler this week with some friends. It was funny! I was worried that the funniest parts would all be in the preview, but I was pleasantly surprised that there were more laughs to be found throughout the whole thing.

I’ve read some reviews online that cover how the film handles the major topics of single parenting, surrogacy, etc. I’ll leave those topics to those folks. I don’t much feel like discussing whether or not it was realistic. After all, this is just a movie. A need for realism should be checked at the door. Instead, I’ll just mention a couple of things I liked about it:

* Steve Martin is in it! His role is laugh-out-loud funny. He plays a New-Agey kook-slash-business professional, which is funny in and of itself.

* Sigourney Weaver is in it! She also made me laugh out loud with her strange character tics and line deliveries.

* Greg Kinnear is in it! He plays the primary love interest to Tina Fey, and he was a “supercutie” (see the movie and you’ll understand this play on words.)

* When Tina Fey’s character brings home a video of “extreme natural childbirth” for Amy Poehler to view, the latter responded with my favorite line from the whole film: “Oh! I can’t wait to not watch this.”  (I am so using that in the future.)

* It took place in Philadelphia, which is where my husband is from. So when Tina Fey’s character ordered a cheesesteak and Birch Beer (which is a soda specific to that area), I got all proud. There was also serious TastyKake product placement. Yum. I think it’s time to head back and visit family!

* The opening credits show cute babies everywhere! So when the main character walks into a mommy & me yoga class and we see babies being swayed above their moms’ heads in slow-motion, I giggled and said, “That’s the cutest thing ever!”

In all, it was a sweet, silly little movie. I enjoyed Juno far more, but that one was pretty different altogether in tone and style. Have you seen Baby Mama yet? Do you plan to? Share your thoughts! (ps. Amy Poehler is now pregnant in real life, so we can all imagine what she’ll be like when she goes into labor: hilarious.)

6 Responses to Baby Mama: Escapism For Moms (No spoilers, fear not)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by amelia
    May 2, 2008 @ 7:25 am

    I can’t wait to see it because the trailer makes me laugh out
    loud every time! Thanks for the review–I gotta get Jon to take me out on a date!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Heidi
    May 2, 2008 @ 8:55 am

    I’m looking forward to watching this movie. Tina Fey & Amy Poehler have a special chemistry that shines through when they’re acting together.

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    May 2, 2008 @ 11:26 am

    Thanks for review. My friend said it was good too. You just never know when movies live up to their hype. And this movie was definitely hyped A LOT!

  • Gravatar May 2, 2008 @ 11:33 pm

    Even though I love both these actresses (so talented!), the previews just looked lame. But now I’m rethinking my decision. Maybe I will check it out. Thanks for the review!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    May 3, 2008 @ 10:04 am

    Y’all will have to let us know what you think.

    Remember, I just said it was funny. It’s not a cinematic masterpiece! Think Tommy Boy for girls.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Vered - MomGrind
    May 4, 2008 @ 9:21 pm

    I haven ‘t seen it, but I adore Tina Fay. And Sigourney Weaver. I love strong, character actresses. I should grab a friend and go see this – husband will just endlessly whine “chick flick” if I take him. :)