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Are Your Kids Stressing You Out?

by Amelia on March 17, 2008
category: Inspiration

stressedout.jpgLet’s face it, some days life as a mom is harder than others. It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home mom or a working mom. Life’s demands and the sacrifices it takes to love and raise our children can take a toll on us emotionally and physically. We get stressed.

I know for me there are certain things that trigger stress. My short list is: a baby that doesn’t nap well, running late for preschool (or anything for that matter), when children don’t follow directions– especially when they don’t want to get dressed and THAT is making us run late, when dinner needs to be made and the baby needs to nurse at the same time which then makes bedtimes for the older boys later than they should be, listening to the boys fight over toys, a crying baby, the long gray winter here in Pittsburgh. And that is just the short list! Hopefully it didn’t stress you out to read it.

I have learned that if everything goes the way I want it to then I won’t get stressed but that isn’t reality! I do sometimes wish the world revolved around me but I am sure it is in the best interest of the rest of the world that it doesn’t.

Since adding a third child to our family I have experienced the stress of how it has changed our family. Family dynamics and roles change with every child added and we are finally adjusting to life with a third child.

Sometimes I find myself thinking about the Serenity Prayer. It goes like this; God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (the gray weather day after day, when boys decide to be selfish and not share, when the baby won’t go to sleep on his own), the courage to change the things I can (getting up a little earlier to get everyone ready to get out the door, being consistent in using discipline or sleep strategies, thinking about dinner earlier in the day instead of 4pm), and the wisdom to know the difference.

There are no easy answers to eliminating stress or reducing it but I did want to share some things that work for me.

1. Go to bed early. TV, the computer, or a good book are a terrible temptation for me and I often unwisely stay up too late instead of choosing to get more sleep. I am laughing at myself because it is a little after 11pm and I am writing this post!

2. Exercise. We have had some posts on incorporating exercise into our lives. We all know exercise is good for us. Sometimes it is hard to choose to do good for ourselves but it does help us emotionally and physically. Nothing like a good run or workout after a stressful day.

3. Eat healthy. I know that when I feel stressed I start craving sugar and find myself digging in the candy stash. Filling our tummies with sugar and fatty foods can make us feel sluggish and lethargic. Eating healthy helps us have energy to chase our kids around.

4. Be consistent. When I am consistent in discipline (giving consequences in a patient tone of voice) with my kids it makes a huge difference. I have recently read a parenting book called Parenting with Love and Logic and am about to take a parenting class on the book. The book is about offering choices to your children to encourage responsibility and good decision making. When I offer choices and give them age appropriate control over things in their lives it makes discipline much easier and there are fewer battles. There will definitely be a post on the class and book!

4. Think ahead. Easier said than done, I know, but this is a HUGE one for me. It applies to several of my stress triggers. I like to tell the boys what we have planned for the day in the morning. As the days chugs along I try to let them know ahead of time what we are doing next and what my expectations are. That includes letting them know we are going to playgroup and that it will be time to get dressed soon. Sometimes I set a timer and let them know that when the timer goes off it is their time to get dressed. That works really well. It is the times I forget to tell them what we are doing ahead of time that I get the most resistance to getting ready to go somewhere. I find myself telling the boys my expectations for them as we are close to arriving at our destination. For example, when we are getting home after family lunch day at Jon’s school I tell them, “Boys, when we get inside I will need you to take your coats off, hang them on the hook, find your blankies, and head upstairs for naptime.” If I wait to tell them what the plan is, they get in the door and want to head straight for the toys. Then chaos ensues and rebellion happens.

5. Ask for help. A hard one, I know. As a mom I know I feel like I have to be SuperWoman and do it all perfectly without asking for help. If it stresses you out running errands with your kids ask one of your mom friends to do a kid swap. You drop off your kids with her for a few hours so you can run errands kid free and then return the favor for her. If dinner time stresses you out and you have a little extra money for meals you could try something like Super Suppers and make a months worth of meals for the freezer. If your husband is like mine, he will love helping in the kitchen by pulling something out of the freezer. I have not ever tried an assemble your own meal company but my friends that have all love them. I did make several meals for the freezer before I had Graham to pull out during stressful times.

6. Let it go. This is one of the hardest ones for me. If Graham is getting to that overtired state, which I always try to avoid, I start getting stressed out and my tone deteriorates with the older two. My patience decreases with any dawdling or disobedience. I have to remind myself that if Graham has a hard time napping or takes a short one that it is not the end of the world–no matter how much it feels like it. I know that sleep is very important for children and when kids overtired I know be the one to deal with the crankiness that comes with too little sleep. I tell myself that it is one nap and we will make it through just fine. I can’t control everything and I often have to tell myself that. Learning to let go has been an especially good lesson for me to embrace since having a third child. I had a lot of problems with my milk supply with Graham and had to end up supplementing which was heartbreaking for me. The emotional impact had gotten so great that I was very irritable and snapping at the boys during the day. When I let go of my too high expectations on myself and motherhood I felt the burden lift.

7. Find some ME time during the day. I know if I take just 10 minutes to have some silence during the day it can make a huge difference in how I feel. If I am lucky enough for all 3 boys to be napping at the same time I try to nap too but I often find myself taking a few minutes to sit on the couch looking out the window and enjoying the peace of a quiet house. If everyone is sleeping it is a great time to pick up toys, clean the kitchen, wipe the table, switch the laundry and so on and so on. You know how it is! I have to remind myself that I will feel less stressed if I have a few minutes to do something I enjoy, like reading a magazine or book. Sometimes I take extra time in the shower just because it may be the only time I have by myself all day long.

8. Encourage other moms. We really need that encouragement from each other! We know how it can be day in and day out and kind words of encourage might make a mom’s day. For ideas on how to encourage your friends check out Amanda’s post, “30 Ways to Encourage Your Mom Friends.”

What kinds of “mom things” trigger stress for you? How do you cope with it? What works for you?

9 Responses to Are Your Kids Stressing You Out?

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Mom On The Run
    March 18, 2008 @ 6:09 am

    Those are great tips. All of those things are what stress me out too, well that and Daddy’s “quality time” every night where he cuddles with the 2 yr old in front of the TV for 2 hrs… And he wonders why she won’t go to bed and wakes up in the night….

    Visit me @ http://www.momontherun.net

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    March 18, 2008 @ 6:51 am

    Great advice Amelia, esp. #4. I’ve been trying that w/ Julian (“Five more minutes of play than time to put on PJs”), and it’s been amazing how much more cooperative he is.

    Oh, and the Serenity Prayer continues, and it’s great:
    Living one day at a time
    Enjoying one moment at a time
    Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world,
    as it is, not as I would have it
    Trusting that He makes all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    March 18, 2008 @ 8:35 am

    We actually did #1 last night! Something that we are trying to work on. We are such night owls and love staying up. I love #4 (expectations). I am going to try and remember to do that with Ace. #7 (Me time) is so true. When I get a few minutes to myself, its a amazing how much better I feel.

    I have recently started slacking off on exercising and as a result I feel fat and sad about it and then I eat horribly to make me feel better. Its a bad cycle. Thank you for this post. I needed some encouragement!

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    Comment by Breanna
    March 18, 2008 @ 8:47 am

    I struggle with that quite a bit. For me, being consistent (#4) makes a huge difference. Not only does it help my kids, but it really is less exhausting for me. And taking time for yourself is a big help too. Great tips!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Jill
    March 18, 2008 @ 2:18 pm

    This was a much needed read for me! Thank you!!

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    Comment by Dawn
    March 18, 2008 @ 9:12 pm

    Awesome post! I will totally come back to this repeatedly for help when I feel stressed. I agree wholeheartedly with the exercise one. The expectations one is great. I just tried this with Lucy yesterday (ie. “You have five more minutes of play time before your nap.” I don’t think she understood what I meant completely but I know that the more she hears things like that, the more she’ll understand those things. Love that idea!!)

    For me, exercise has become my “me time”.

    I can never give up being a night owl, though. :)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by amelia
    March 19, 2008 @ 11:12 am

    I am glad you all have found it helpful because I think I needed to write the post for myself! Ha! I have been trying to follow my own advice this week. My husband read the post and mentioned that he noticed I have been following my own tips.

    I had to reread my own post today because I am feeling down and easily irritable today. The weather is gray and rainy for several more days in a row and I am so sick of it because it makes me so blah! I think some spontaneous fun is definitely in order sometime this afternoon!

    @ Dawn, I think the earlier you start on setting those time warnings the better. You are right–she will learn. It doesn’t always keep a tantrum from happening at our house but it does help quite a bit.

    @Mom on the Run- that would stress me out too! We try not to have tv time right before bed for the same reasons. It seems to stimulate the boys more. On special occasions if we have a family fun movie night we will do it but we try not to make it a habit.

    I went to bed last night a little after 10 (a good bedtime for me) and Graham only woke up 1 time to eat! I was so happy I went to bed early. More often than not he wakes up 2X to eat at night–the first time between 11 and 12 and the second sometime after 3am. I went to bed thinking I would only get an hour or 2 to sleep before getting woken up but I got more than that! I was thrilled!

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    Comment by Jenn
    March 19, 2008 @ 4:38 pm

    I found you on Vanessavanpetten.com and absolutely love your blog! Thank you for a much needed read.

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    March 21, 2008 @ 9:34 am

    I needed this! “Letting it go” is super hard for me as well. I also have a problem asking for help and getting to bed early, and well, really the whole list! Thanks for writing this! I’m encouraged!