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Abiding Monday: The Give and Take of Relationships

by Dawn on September 21, 2009
category: Abiding Monday,Inspiration


So how did everyone do with the mouths closed, ears open challenge from last week?  I was constantly being given the opportunity to practice what I wrote, and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty!  I’m a work in progress, what else can I say?

This week I thought I’d share a few verses from Psalm 86, a beautiful prayer.

“Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help.”

~ Psalm 86: 1

I love the idea of the Lord “bending down” to hear our prayers.  I think of my daughter or son when they ask me for something, or if they are upset and need comforting.  I get on my knees, down to their eye level, and hold them.  It is difficult for me to show my love for my kids if I am towering over them in those moments.

That’s a nice picture of God’s care for us.  We go through different struggles and pain throughout our lives, and He might seem far off.  But He’s really right there, ready to listen and console us.  Asking God to bend down and hear our prayers conveys to me the idea that God treats us with gentleness.  We are His children.

“Be merciful, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly.”

~ Psalm 86: 3

I’m still thinking of the mom/child parallel here, and the adverb “constantly” couldn’t be more appropriate!  I feel like a very under-tipped waitress atflair times.  “Mommy, may I have a snack?”  Sure.  Here you go.  Five minutes later:  “Mommy, I need more water.”  Okay.  Will there be anything else?   (Check out one of my favorite pieces of “flair” on Facebook!)  Though I am joking, this is not unlike how we approach God.  We take our many requests to Him, and He wants us to.  He wants to care for us the way we care for our children, showing them mercy and providing for their needs.

“I will call to you whenever trouble strikes, and you will answer me.”

~ Psalm 86: 7

My kids ask me for a lot of things.  Sometimes I give them the answers they want, and other times, I have to say, “I’m sorry.  The answer is ‘no’.”  When they’re inconsolable and won’t listen to reason, I hear myself saying, “I know it’s hard.  But it will not always be this bad.”  In verse 7, we know God will answer us – it’s a promise.  It just might not be the answer we are expecting – or the one we want.

With whatever you’re facing this week, I encourage you to read through all of Psalm 86.  There is so much of God’s goodness described, and the psalmist just wants to praise Him for it.  Make it a part of your prayer time.  No concern you might have is too small (or too big) for God to bend down and hear.

Lord, your love for us is very great, stronger than the love we have for our children.  Help us remember to approach you frequently, humbly, and gratefully.  And thank you for bending down to hear us.  Amen.

Blessings to you this week, readers!

2 Responses to Abiding Monday: The Give and Take of Relationships

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Amy V
    September 21, 2009 @ 11:40 pm

    Thank you for sharing this Dawn. I needed it today. I am struggling with waiting to be a mom. We had an adoption fall through 3 weeks ago today. We had a son for 24 hours and had to give him back to his birth mother because she changed her mind. It has been very difficult to know how to feel. We waited for 10 months and then once we were in the midst of joy, it was taken away. It is nice to be reminded that God is here, right next to us while we go through this. Psalm 86 reminds me that he is there and has never left even though it feels that way at times. He is there listening to my every cry and can comfort me and give me the strength I need to go on knowing that we will be blessed with a baby soon.

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    September 22, 2009 @ 12:49 pm

    Oh Amy, I am so sorry for the way your adoption took a difficult turn. I will pray for you. And I am glad you found some comfort in that Psalm. One day at a time, dear one…