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A Keepsake Item: Personalized Baby Clothes from Sew Cute

by Dawn on March 12, 2008
category: Product Reviews

dsc02011.JPGI’m a very sentimental momma. I keep a journal for each of my kids. I plan to give them their journals on a special day when they’re older. I save all kinds of things from their early years (or months!), like the hat Eli wore home from the hospital, or the precious tiny socks Lucy wore in her first few weeks of life. When we got Lucy’s toybox for her first birthday, we picked out a special one that can turn into a “hope chest” for her later on. I even painted her name on the top in a fun, girly font. And not so long ago, I hung this shadow box on the wall in Lucy’s room. It contains a shirt I wore when I was about a year old, and a picture of me wearing it (these items were handed down to me from my mom when I got pregnant.)

lucy3.jpgGiven my penchant for sentiment, saving special things, and personalizing objects for my kids, I was delighted to receive a piece of adorable babywear from Sew Cute to review. Their products are exactly the kind of items that keepsake-loving moms like myself would be interested in. Sew Cute’s site is chock-full of darling baby clothes and items that could easily fill your own child’s closet or make a great gift for a friend.

The clothing at Sew Cute comes in classic colors such as Bubblegum pink (as seen on my little model), Aqua blue, Marine black, and Christmas Snow white. You’ll find short- and long-sleeved tees, onesies, pants, hoodies, and the cutest knotted caps you’ll ever see on a baby. Hooded towels, bibs, and gift certificates are also available. Sizes run from newborn to six years. All items are personalized in a sweet font with the baby’s monogrammed initial or name.

Lucy is wearing the Personalized Long-Sleeved Tee. As soon as I slipped it on her, I was charmed by how cute she looked. It is soft, sweet, and captures her little-girl innocence completely. She was obviously comfortable in it. The shirt is high-quality, and the monogrammed feature is top-notch. I received the shirt less than two weeks after I placed my order, and I found Sew Cute’s service fast and friendly.

dsc01958-1.JPGI can easily imagine this picture and Lucy’s shirt in a shadow box of its own for future generations to appreciate. If you are looking for a similar keepsake item for your family, be sure to check out Sew Cute!

  • Sew Cute is offering The Mom Crowd readers a $5 gift certificate. To receive your $5 gift certificate you need to login and enter “The Mom Crowd” in the Referral field. There are many items on clearance for 40% off right now.

What items are you saving as keepsakes for your children?

6 Responses to A Keepsake Item: Personalized Baby Clothes from Sew Cute

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    March 13, 2008 @ 7:00 am

    Ah Dawn, you’re such a good mommy! Making keepsake items for your kids, shadowboxes, I must say I’m impressed. Poor David Julian isn’t going to get anything. I keep saying “maybe I’ll start with Amelia,” but so far haven’t got around to it. I should’ve bought a couple of books while i was in the States and worked on them here. Oh well.

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    Comment by mommytherobot
    March 13, 2008 @ 10:08 am

    oh i saw something like that in martha stewart magazine. in that issue they had the child’s christening gown framed. it was so beautiful!

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    Comment by Dawn
    March 13, 2008 @ 1:40 pm

    mommytherobot: I agree, shadowboxes are really cool. one of my friends has one from her wedding and it contains the invitation, a pic of her & her new hubby, dried flowers from her bouquet, and a couple of other little trinkets from the day. i always thought it was a fantastic little capsule.

    sharon: you are not the only one! i have many friends who say they don’t keep up with baby books or photo albums & the like. i guess it’s one of my hobbies to maintain that kind of thing.

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    Comment by Johnny
    March 14, 2008 @ 1:54 am

    awwwww!! That’s really sweet of you. Keepsake and shadowbox is the most memorable thing you can give to your kids when they are grown ups. Lucy’s pics are really cute and also her Long-Sleeved Tee.


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    Comment by Gina
    March 16, 2008 @ 7:33 pm

    I am totally sentimental too. I save everything. I love the tiny sweaters and monogrammed things i was given when my son was born and I still have baby items that were personalized when I was a baby. I recently started keeping a journal of things my son would do and say (outside of a baby book). I wish I had these things from my childhood.

  • Gravatar August 15, 2008 @ 6:17 am

    [...] You may recall that I am pretty sentimental and highly detail-oriented.  I’m all about saving ticket stubs and programs from events, and I carry my camera with me everywhere I go (funnest example: after my son was born, I had my baby and my camera on my lap when I was being wheeled from the delivery room to my recovery room.  How many moms take pictures from their gurneys? See picture below.) My children are 2 and 1, respectively, and that means for the past couple of years, I have been deliberately keeping up with their first-year baby books.  I received both books as gifts when I was pregnant with each child.  [...]