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7 Items That Made Traveling With My Baby Easier

by Amanda on December 26, 2007
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),Travel

1. Lots of Diapers

I packed diapers in every bag that we brought. Knowing that I had a lot of diapers saved me a lot of stress from worrying that I didn’t have enough or I would run out.

2. Huggies Travel Wipes


I LOVED these packets of wipes. They had them at my grocery store on sale at 5 for $5 right before I left. The plastic closing keeps your wipes dry at all times. These wipes are easy to get out in a hurry and are very durable. I used them for diaper changing, wiping off toys that fell on the ground, and for my hands. After the bag was empty, Ace loved to make crunching sounds with the bag and chew on it.

3. My Nursing Cover

I used my nursing cover everywhere I went. I practiced using my cover a lot before I left, so I would be comfortable breastfeeding in public. I also used my nursing cover as a blanket over the bassinet on the plane to keep the light away. It was light enough that she could still get air and still block light at the same time. One time Ace spit up all over herself and me and I had no wipes or blankets with me. I used the corner of my cover to clean it up. Next time I am going to bring two, so I can use one while I am washing the other.

4. Graco SnugRider Infant Car Seat Stroller Frame

We used the stroller frame to carry our luggage and car seat through the airport. It was easier to carry Ace, than to carry our luggage. The stroller was our ticket to board flights early and get through special security lines. We never used the stroller at our destination, but it was certainly helpful in three different airports.

5. Baby Bjorn


My husband and I could both use the Baby Bjorn, because it is manly enough for him to use. As soon as Ace was big enough to use the carrier, we got her used to being in one, knowing that it would be handy on this trip. It is fast and easy to put on. I love my Moby Wrap, but it was too hot to use in a hot and humid climate. The Baby Bjorn was a lot cooler. We used the carrier on a boat, at our destination, and through the airport.

6. Favorite Toy


Trina commented on a previous post to bring a favorite toy along. I am so glad I listened! “Fishy” was a lifesaver when Ace’s ears were popping on descents and when the plane was just sitting on the tarmac. Anytime she saw “Fishy” to bring her a kiss, she immediately smiled.

7. Huggies Disposable Washcloths


I brought a few samples of Huggies Disposable Washcloths to bath Ace whenever I needed. I could have brought a washcloth and soap, but for this trip is was convenient to have an all-in-one that I could throw away. I bathed Ace at the Hong Kong airport and in the sink in the hotel. They worked great.

1 Response to 7 Items That Made Traveling With My Baby Easier

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Trina
    December 27, 2007 @ 8:49 pm

    I am so glad it helped!!!!

    Also….I love the Huggies Disposable washcloths!! They are the best when traveling, but we also use them for everyday use for Brielle. I felt the washclothes were so thin by the time I washed them twice they were done. So we love them.

    So glad you are home and safe.