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5 Reasons Why Moms Blog

by Amanda on September 22, 2008
category: Technology

typingblog.jpgThis morning my local Fox News affiliate came to my house and interviewed me about mom blogging. The story will air here in San Antonio onTuesday in the morning and evening news. I will be sure to post the video when I get it!

The interview got me to thinking about why moms like to blog. We do have a lot going on in our lives with kids, family, and house demands, but we carve out time in our day to share our thoughts with the world. Here is why I think we like to blog, but let me know in the comment section why you like to blog and give a shout out for your blog!

1. It is easy to chronicle our lives online.  Have ever you gone back in your blog’s history? It is fun to see what we were thinking about at the time and what our children looked like.

2. For family and friends to keep up with your kids. I have a separate family blog where I post my daughter’s photos mostly for family who don’t live in the same town. I know many moms who would have never started a blog if it weren’t for having children and showing them off to family out of town.

3. You don’t have to leave your house to connect with friends. Imagine if we all used cameras when we  blogged! Could you imagine what we would look like? I love being able to keep up with friends both out of town and in town through their blogs. I sometimes feel like I know my friends better through their blog than I do in real life.

4. To share our opinions and use our brains! My day consists of teaching Annabelle colors, shapes, and numbers. It is nice to get online and form complete sentences. When I write for The Mom Crowd I try to be thoughtful and helpful. I need the mental exercise to stay sane!

5. To get support and encourage other moms.  I have read quite a few posts asking for help and what to do in certain situations. It is a great place to get feedback.  Sometimes we just need to hear “I have been through that and you aren’t crazy.”  Receiving sympathy comments are nice too. So you could even say that we blog for comments. I know I wouldn’t be the first to admit it.

Leave a comment and let us  know why you blog! Why do you think mom blogging has become so popular? Also, give a shout out for your blog!

4 Responses to 5 Reasons Why Moms Blog

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    Comment by Steph
    September 22, 2008 @ 3:45 pm

    Those are pretty much the reasons I blog. I also have found that blogging has inspired me to try other things like photography or poetry or painting or reading new books. All kinds of stuff simply because so many women are out there making time to try new things or do the things they already love. They’re not making excuses about the kids or the housework or anything else. I decided to become one of those moms who was out there doing what she loved.

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    September 22, 2008 @ 10:29 pm

    I blog for two reasons: creative personal expression and to keep distant friends & family informed about our family’s goings-on. It’s a one-stop place for inspiration and information!


  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    September 23, 2008 @ 11:47 am

    @Steph – That is so true! I definitely take more interest in photography and creative writing than I did before blogging.

    @Dawn – I enjoy being one of those distant friends that enjoy hearing about your family’s goings-on. :)

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    Comment by Amy
    September 25, 2008 @ 10:19 pm

    I keep up with two blogs…

    One is for our family. This is just to keep friends and family up to date on what’s going on here at our house. And it has all of our latest photos of our boys. http://www.texasandersons.org

    One is for my business. This is to keep clients up to date on what’s going on in the studio. And I use it to show off some of my favorite portraits from sessions. http://www.shutter-happy.com

    They keep me busy!