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30 Ideas For a Date Night at Home

by Amanda on June 22, 2008
category: Inspiration

coupleoncouch.jpgDaniel and I always thought that we would be parents that would get a babysitter and go out all the time. We weren’t going to let having a baby change our lifestyle. Thirteen months after having our little one arrived reality has set in. Good, trustworthy babysitters are hard to find and they are expensive. Sure, our family could babysit and I do ask when it is needed but I don’t want to ask all the time. So we have become creative with our date nights at home after our daughter goes to bed.

I believe date nights are incredibly important for healthy marriages. They build trust and encourage a break from the routine to just stop, relax, and enjoy one another. On the date you should not talk about the kids, work, or bills. Save those conversations for another time. Also, don’t think about the household chores that need to be done. If you are the type that can’t relax if there is a dish in the sink, then do all the dishes before your date and get take out that you can throw away. The point is to relax.

You need to schedule your date and guard that time. We generally have a date (at home) on a weekend night. Yes things come up, but we don’t go long without a date. Sometimes I tell Daniel “I need a date” and he knows what I mean. I crave that time together and I miss it when we haven’t had one in a while. Don’t be afraid to ask or put in on the family calendar.

Here are 30 date night ideas that you can do at home after the little ones are tucked into bed and SOUND ASLEEP.

1. Have dinner in the backyard, patio, or your front lawn.

2. Re-watch the first movie you watched together.

3. Don’t cook and get your favorite take out.

4. Have a theme night. You must dress, eat dinner, and watch a movie with the same theme. Think ‘Western’ and dress like a cowgirl, eat bar-b-que, and watch Tombstone. Think ‘French’ and put on a black and white top, make French onion soup, and watch Amelie. It could be anything!

5. Put a blanket down and picnic in front of the TV.

6. Make a special dessert to indulge in. Bake chocolate chip cookies and right when you get them out of the oven put vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce on top. Even making brownies from a box can warm up any night.

7. Take a shower and get dressed up to go out, but stay in. One night I even put on my dress from my prom. I would never wear it out now, but I still love it and wore it on a night in.

8. Snuggle on the couch and watch a movie. I (heart) my Netflix queue!

9. Try to beat your all time record. (This was my husband’s suggestion for the list.)

10. Wear your old bikini that you would never wear in public again, because your stretch marks glisten too brightly in the sunlight! Ha. Your husband won’t care and will love you in it.

11. Break out the board games. Play it so that the loser has to do the dishes or even a fun strip version.

12. Wear your favorite lingerie under your normal clothes. Better yet wear none underneath.

13. Sit outside and read together.

14. Have a candlelit dinner in the dining room you rarely use.

15. Make a mix CD or playlist to enjoy throughout the evening.

16. Dance! Make room for our own private dance floor and have fun. Don’t worry, no one is watching you dance like Elaine Benes.

17. Write out an invitation card to your date requesting their presence at the VIP Lounge of your private nightclub.

18. Splurge on delicious cheeses and add fruit, crackers, and wine.

19. Make out during the DVD menu music.

20. Give each other a back rub.

21. Share your favorite dating memory with each other over dinner.

22. Set out candles around the room. (I know this is an old idea, but it is really nice to do once in a while.)

23. Dress as a character from a movie and you pick the character for each other (think Tom Cruise in Risky Business).

24. Work out together. Set up a circuit in the garage or in the back yard with a jump rope, dumbbells, push-up, and sit-up stations.

25. Cook together and try a new recipe for dinner or for a cocktail.

26. Go to bed early together.

27. Play video games together.

28. Watch a sports game and eat stadium food like nachos and hot dogs.

29. Set up a pair of chairs and stick your feet in the kiddie pool.

30. Make breakfast in bed for dinner and watch TV.

Do you have date nights at home? What do you do? Does it get harder to have a date night at home when the kids get older?

26 Responses to 30 Ideas For a Date Night at Home

  • Gravatar
    Comment by San Diego Momma
    June 22, 2008 @ 11:03 pm

    OK, wait: is #9 dirty? Or, it is just late here and am I tripping from lack of sleep?

    Either way: great list! I love the board games…this used to be our favorite thing to do, but we don’t play as much anymore. Maybe time to re-visit that idea.

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    Comment by Vered
    June 23, 2008 @ 12:13 am

    These are great!

    I love #30 especially and might just do it next weekend!

    Thanks. :)

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    June 23, 2008 @ 12:59 am

    SD Momma — Is it “dirty” if you’re married?? Just curious…

    Great suggestions Amanda; baby-sitting is not really common here b/c everyone has family that can watch the kids, except for us. We do have a friend who watches our son and daughter occasionally, but she’s in Scotland for the summer! We’ll definitely take you up on your suggestions.

    I think this starts to get hard once your oldest kid hits the “tween” and “teen” years, b/c they do tend to stay up later. But while the kids are young and bedtime is before 8, it works great!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Breanna
    June 23, 2008 @ 6:53 am

    We just recently had the same realization that date nights were really hard and decided to start having date nights at home too! Our favorites are finding a new recipe and cooking together, Mario Kart on the Wii, and sitting on the couch eating ice cream. Thanks for all the new ideas! We will DEFINITELY be referencing this!

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    Comment by natalie
    June 23, 2008 @ 8:33 am

    This is great! Love it.

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    June 23, 2008 @ 8:43 am

    @SD Momma – I with Sharon, is it “dirty” if you are married? I thought it was such a MAN suggestion that I had to add it in the list.

    @Vered – I am glad you liked the ideas. Enjoy your breakfast!

    @Sharon – I love reading insight into your culture there. That would make sense about the tween and teen years. Hopefully, by then the oldest kid will be able to babysit and you can afford to leave the house!

    @Breanna – I can see you guys trying new recipes and eating ice cream. I think you should do number 16. Really, no one is watching. :)

    @Natalie – Thank you.

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    June 23, 2008 @ 12:58 pm

    We have picnics in bed all the time and just last week I did brownies out of a box. They weren’t ready to eat till after 10 but it was a lot of fun! :) Dave and I like to watch movies together a lot so I guess you could say we have in-house dates on a regular basis.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by amelia
    June 23, 2008 @ 1:11 pm

    By the time your kids are tweens or teens they are old enough to stay at a friend’s house overnight. You can swap nights on the weekend with a friend and each couple can hang with the tweens/teens for the sleep over while the child free couple has a date.

    Our best date nights at home are when the tv is off and we play games together.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by brittany
    June 23, 2008 @ 1:34 pm

    This list is amazing! I can’t wait to try these out, we have been hard up for some alone time for quite a while!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    June 23, 2008 @ 1:45 pm

    My favorite idea is the movie theme nights. But I’d never get Dave to watch Amelie with me. :) What food do you eat with Indiana Jones, Star Trek, or Die Hard? Ha ha ha.

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    Comment by Amy in OHio
    June 23, 2008 @ 1:56 pm

    I’m printing these out and putting them on the fridge – what a great list ideas. My wallet thanks you!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Myra
    June 23, 2008 @ 8:03 pm

    what a great list amanda (laughing at 9). my problem with date night at home is that by the time my son is in bed, we’re whipped. but my son doesn’t know how to tell time yet. so after reading your list, i’m trying to figure out why we haven’t just told him it was 9:00 at 7:00.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Mommy Sophia
    June 23, 2008 @ 9:32 pm

    “Think ‘French’ and put on a black and white top, make French onion soup, and watch Amelie.”

    I LOVE it! First of all, great movie choice! Second, my husband would love nothing more than having me get dressed up in a black and white top and cook him soup.

    But I completely agree with Myra…by the time the kids are in bed…we are exhausted. We’ll have to plan something fun like this soon, though. It would be worth it.

    Mommy Sophia

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    June 23, 2008 @ 10:10 pm

    @ Dawn – yeah, we have made brownies a few times. It is Daniel’s favorite dessert. For only two bucks a box, you can’t go wrong. Here are my food suggestions for the movies asked about.

    Indiana Jones – Monkey brains, of course! In one of the movies he crashes in India, so some Indian food? Something with curry.

    Star Trek – Picard drinks Earl Grey Tea. Work a meal around the tea. Instead of Shephard’s Pie make it “Klingon’s Tasty Pie”

    Die Hard – Isn’t John McLane from New York City? How about some NY style pizza.

    @Amelia – I am looking forward to when Ace is old enough to sleep at her grandparents. I know they are looking forward to it too. That is very true about sleepovers!

    @Brittany – It is hard to make alone time. Enjoy your time together!

    @Amy – To your wallet, Your welcome!

    @Myra – Why not try a little trickery to go to bed early? After 9:00 can be a little late. That is when you watch a movie that won’t put you to sleep. “Once” always puts us to sleep.

    @Mommy Sophia – It IS worth it! I LOVE Amelie. The traveling gnome is priceless.

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    June 23, 2008 @ 10:46 pm

    I so want to put my prom dress on now!! Tee hee!! These are all great suggestions!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    June 24, 2008 @ 12:49 am

    Okay, Amanda, great job on that movie food challenge. I was joking, btw. :) I haven’t seen any of those flicks. But that Star Trek suggestion is seriously going down as a possibility for a present in the future. Dave will be shocked with the research I will have done. Ha!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Julie
    June 24, 2008 @ 1:40 pm

    Great ideas! I can’t wait to show hubby this list and give some of these a try!!

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    June 25, 2008 @ 2:21 am

    HA HA! Monkey brains, I love it.

  • Gravatar June 29, 2008 @ 8:23 pm

    [...] 30 Ideas for a Date Night at Home [...]

  • Gravatar July 13, 2008 @ 11:13 pm

    [...] hope everyone had a great weekend! We did a theme night Saturday night and stuffed our faces with Indian food and watched ‘The [...]

  • Gravatar December 13, 2008 @ 11:45 am

    Thanks for the great ideas, we have 2 boys 14 and 13 and cannot consider leaving them home without supervision yet. My wife and I have always had a Christmas date ans it usually means we stay over at a hotel somewhere, but this year we had a hard time finding sleep over friends for them and Grandparents could not help so we had planned to stay home and try to deal with what we had. Your ideas help a lot and will make much more interesting. Thanks again.

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    Comment by Rachel
    January 26, 2009 @ 2:35 pm

    This is my first time here …. I was on the search on how to spice up my marriage with my husband after two small children and not one night out of the house alone in 4 years…

    I love love love this list!!! Thank you so much! :)

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    Comment by Laura
    March 5, 2009 @ 3:05 pm

    tonite we’re putting kidsbed and heading down to the movie room to play some card games and have some beverages with a movie we’ve seen a 100 times. I’m going to wear a little something naughty(w/a robe loosely on incase of kids) we love doing this once in while-makes us feel young again!

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    Comment by LynBreanna
    April 28, 2009 @ 5:16 pm

    I love this list. I have been looking for ways for my husband and I to have a date night with no sitter. Our son is only 15 months old and my husband is in the military. Not only will this list help with the date night problem but it will help us reconnect when he comes back from Korea after having been gone for a year. Thanks for the suggestions.

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    Comment by Sarah
    July 29, 2009 @ 4:07 pm

    Hey! I’ve been waiting for a website like this for all us families. I’m a single mom so I don’t really feel comfortable bringing men to my house but lately, I’ve been seeing one as a friend and had him over when my daughter was sleeping. Is this wrong of me? I mean, I never date because my daughter comes first but I like this guy and we’ve been seeing eachother now for about a month. Its not serious yet, just great friends. But I’ll try your suggestions with him tonight. I don’t think he’s into anything serious but I hope one day. I am just liking hanging around him; he is the only guy who has made me smile in ages. :)

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    Comment by Marsha
    September 9, 2009 @ 10:01 am

    I loved this list! My husband and I have decided to go through the entire list one at a time and write about it on our blog. Last night we did #22, lit candles and watched Hell’s Kitchen!!