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Mom Links Around the Web on 01/31/08

by Amanda on January 31, 2008
category: Carousel Links,In the news

I LOVE Dwell Baby nursery stuff. I couldn’t afford Dwell items when Ace was born, so we came up with our own Ikea version. I am super excited that DwellStudio is coming to Target. Where was this nine months ago?

I read this article in my Newsweek last week. The article is review of the controversial documentary,”The Business of Being Born.”

Earlier this week we had a discussion on preschools. Here is an article to give you more tools in your Mom Toolbelt to help you parent your independent Preschooler.

The article states that the majority of the cases is from children taking the medicine unsupervised. Be sure to keep your medicines out of reach!

What do you do when you don’t agree with your friends’ kid’s behavior? The article explores how different parents responses. Interesting thought. Luckily I don’t think any my friends’ kids are monsters!

Laura Bennett is a mother of six, an architect and a fashion designer in the Big Apple. Yes, this article is a little dated! There was not a new episode of Project Runway tonight. I need my fix!

Bonus Link

A mom delivers her baby in her driveway on CNN

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