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Potty Training in Japanese

by Amanda on January 25, 2008
category: Video

In honor of McKenna’s potty training post yesterday.


Maybe They Could Teach Him “Blue Steel”

by Amanda on December 27, 2007
category: Video

Parents have trained their baby to give the “evil eye.”

http://view.break.com/422660 – Watch more free videos


Friday Fun: The Ready-Set-Bumbo Trilogy

by Amanda on October 5, 2007
category: Video

Here is the second video of the Ready-Set Bumbo Trilogy, Bumbo II: The Return. I find this hilarious, because my daughter looks the exact same way in her purple bumbo. She even has the same wrist rattles.

You can view the first video here and the third one, Bumbo III: Clone Trouble here.


Friday Fun: Mom My Ride

by Amanda on September 28, 2007
category: Video

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