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It’s coming!

by Amanda on May 27, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

Our new video podcast will be debuting a little later today! Be sure to check back and watch McKenna and I talk, visit a Baby Expo, and drink Mountain Dew!


UPDATE: A Free Song for the Road

by Amanda on May 23, 2008
category: Product Reviews,The Mom Crowd news

The Barenaked Ladies recently came out with a new children’s album called, “Snack Time.” You can download their song, “789″ for free here.

If you are traveling this weekend: Be careful and stay safe! If you are having a StayVacation (according to Good Morning America) at home: Have lots of fun! Remember to put on loads of sun screen.

Check back on Monday for an exciting announcement here at The Mom Crowd!


My pastor preached about remembering the Sabbath this morning at church. So my husband and I took the day off today. Our video podcast, “The Mom Crowd Show” will be debuting on Tuesday, instead of Monday. Which is fine, because hopefully most of you will be off with your family and bar-b-que-ing tomorrow! Happy Memorial Day!


The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide Giveaway

by Amanda on April 10, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news


Our friends over at DoesMommyLoveIt.com is giving away three copies of the book, The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide. All you have to do is stop by their post and comment to enter! But you better hurry, because the contest ends tomorrow.


Blogger Rendezvous: San Diego Momma and BlogHer ’08 Conference

by Amanda on April 3, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

San Diego Momma

sdmphoto.jpgOver fish tacos and a view of the Pacific this past Monday I had the wonderful opportunity to meet, Deb, the witty and eloquent writer behind SanDiegoMomma.com. It all started when I won a Chris Trapper cd from her website. It turns out that we both have a special place in our hearts for alternative folk. This is the first person that I have met in real life from my virtual community (besides that boy I met in an AOL chat room my Senior year of high school.) I think we were both nervous that the other wouldn’t be as fabulous as our online reputations reveal us to be. Luckily we were. I appreciate Deb’s honesty and sincerity in her blog posts. If you don’t believe me check out her post titled, “BeautyPalooza.”

I also had the opportunity to interview Deb on film for our upcoming Mom Crowd Videos! Stay tuned…

Check out San Diego Momma’s post about our visit here.

BlogHer Conference 2008 in San Francisco

blogher08_logo.gifI am jumping out of my skin that this July I am going to be able to attend the BlogHer ’08 Conference in San Francisco. Reading all the live blog posts and videos from last year’s conference in Chicago inspired me to start The Mom Crowd. I can’t wait to be around folks who actually care about things like learning SEO and Google Analytics.

Another great reason I am attending the BlogHer conference this year is that Heather B. Armstrong (a.k.a Dooce) is going to close the general session. She will be speaking on what it is like to live life under a microscope. Like thousands of other bloggers and internet readers I have read her blog for a long time. I am still not completely over the fact that I was double booked and I couldn’t attend her meet up in Austin during SXSW Interactive. Hearing her speak will definitely make up for it.

At the conference I will get the opportunity to meet women who are coming together and changing the future of the internet. The internet is a tool to share our voice with thousands of people. BlogHer is bringing women together to talk about how far is our reach as bloggers and how we can honestly make the world a better place by sharing our voice. They ask the question “If you believed your blog could do anything, what would you reach for?” I would reach for a place where moms can connect when they are lonely at home and be inspired, informed, and encouraged. We all need support and to learn from each other’s experiences. The theme of the conference is “Reach!” I hope to gain some insight and tools to help make our goal a reality.

The early bird special just ended this past Monday, but you can still register at the regular rate. San Francisco is a nice bonus. If you have gone to a BlogHer conference in the past or are planning on going this year – let me know your thoughts about the conference in the comments section.


Please Don’t Stop the Music! The Ultimate Blog Party

by Amanda on March 9, 2008
category: Carousel Links,Inspiration,The Mom Crowd news

The blogosphere starting club hopping on Friday with 5minutesformom.com’s Ultimate Blog Party. Moms all around the web are introducing themselves and trying not to spill their drinks on each other’s blogs.


We have opened our doors here at The Mom Crowd to welcome you! Please come in, grab a drink from the open bar, and stay a while.

Here is a fabulous video introducing ourselves.

Pull up a comfy booth and enjoy some of our favorite treats:

Please leave a comment and let us know that you have been by!

Thanks for coming!

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