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RS Designs Summer Special!

by Amanda on June 27, 2008
category: Product Reviews


If you are looking to update your blog’s design stop by RS Designs and check out their Summer Special! The special ends on July 15 so you better act quickly. It is a great deal for $50. Updating your blog’s design is like getting a new dress that flatters you in all the right places and you can’t wait to show it off to everyone. So if you want to get a new look that makes you look amazing in cyberspace check out RS Designs.

More information about the special:

Summer Special – Custom Blog Design Package ($50)

In an effort to help parents keep in contact with their absent children, we are offering a special Summer Custom Design Package. (Please note: this offer is available to everyone, not just parents.) This package includes the following:

  • set up blog on Blogger (if needed)
  • custom header
  • custom background
  • custom signature

No substitutions are allowed; any other elements desired must be purchased from our A La Carte menu. This special offer is available only from June 16 – July 15, 2008. To order this package, simply e-mail us at admin [at] designsbyrs.com and ask for the Summer Custom Blog Design Package.

Click here for more information about the two talented ladies behind RS Designs, Linda and Revka .


“Watch Raggs?”

A few weeks ago, The Mom Crowd was given some products from “Raggs“, a program now showing on public television.  I was told it was a fun, lively, educational show that pre-school children would love.  So I tried it out on my daughter Lucy.  It didn’t take long for her to find it completely mesmerizing, and within a day, I started hearing the request, “Watch Raggs?” 

Raggs is a rock & roll loving dog, whose friends (Trilby, B. Max, Pido, and Razzles) are in his band.  When they’re not performing for scads of jumping children, they’re hanging out in Raggs’ clubhouse talking about all kinds of topics, like jobs and friendship.  The show is sweet, colorful, and physical.  There are segments that invite the kids to join in on dances and other movements, as well as montage videos of real people, like what you’d see on “Sesame Street”.

Overall, I have not found “Raggs” to be as irritating as other childrens’ shows (which shall remain unnamed).  Lucy loves it and talks about the characters all the time.  She likes her Raggs coloring book and the stickers that came with it.  It won’t be long before I’m sure to hear her singing the familiar Raggs tunes.

Here is a video of the Raggs Kids Club Band singing “What’s the Dealio?” 

You can also check out these links for more information:

Series Overview

Online activities for the kids

How to find Raggs on tv where you live

Have you seen Raggs?  What are your impressions?  Do your kids like it?


Baby Cakes 15% Promo Code and a Jewerly Giveaway from Pampering Beki

by Amanda on June 4, 2008
category: Cool websites,Product Reviews,Promotion Codes

Our friend Sara at the baby boutique, Baby Cakes, is offering a special promo code to the readers of The Mom Crowd. You may use the promo code ‘momcrowd2′ to receive 15% off any of your purchases.

Stop by Baby Cakes when you get a chance and check out these awesome items!

  • momAgenda Babysitter Info (I could have seriously used this a few times.)


  • Rock n’ Rule Mom


  • Green to Grow BPA-Free Baby Bottle Regular Neck 5 oz Bottle


  • Lime with Raspberry Dots Peony Hat


Who doesn’t love a giveaway?

Be sure to stop by Pampering Beki’s blog to enter a contest to win a beautiful handmade pearl bracelet. Her store on Etsy is filled with really cute handmade earrings, hair clips, and so much more. Also, you will have the good feeling of supporting your ‘local’ mom business.


Don’t forget about our own BlogHer Conference Pass giveaway!

Click here for more details about winning a BlogHer Conference Pass valued at $348 dollars.


UPDATE: A Free Song for the Road

by Amanda on May 23, 2008
category: Product Reviews,The Mom Crowd news

The Barenaked Ladies recently came out with a new children’s album called, “Snack Time.” You can download their song, “789″ for free here.

If you are traveling this weekend: Be careful and stay safe! If you are having a StayVacation (according to Good Morning America) at home: Have lots of fun! Remember to put on loads of sun screen.

Check back on Monday for an exciting announcement here at The Mom Crowd!


My pastor preached about remembering the Sabbath this morning at church. So my husband and I took the day off today. Our video podcast, “The Mom Crowd Show” will be debuting on Tuesday, instead of Monday. Which is fine, because hopefully most of you will be off with your family and bar-b-que-ing tomorrow! Happy Memorial Day!


A Mommy Magazine Comparison

by Amelia on May 22, 2008
category: Product Reviews

I have a subscription to several parenting/mommy magazines. 5 to be exact. I have gotten all of them as gifts–some I really wanted and some I didn’t even know about until they showed up in my mailbox. I’m curious about what all you look for in a mommy magazine and what you like about them. I thought I’d give a summary of what the ones I subscribe to are like:

parents-magazine.gifParents: Probably the most popular mommy magazine. It has its own toy line! Parents seems like it reaches a broad range of moms and it has sections on different child stages, making yourself beautiful and my favorite parts are the “what worked for me” and the “embarassing moments” sections. I love the practical and funny. I have gotten several recipes from the magazine since they are usually quick and simple. It is also very commercial but I enjoy getting it every month and usually read it from cover to cover.

parenting-magazine.jpgParenting: Parenting magazine is not too different from Parents magazine. It has the same commercial and broad appeal. It basically has all the same sections that Parents has minus the embarrassing moments. There is a funny cartoon section in the back of the magazine that takes some aspect of mommyhood and caricaturizes it. I like this magazine too but wouldn’t miss out if I didn’t get it. I think choosing between Parents and Parenting is just a personal preference. Some may like the layout better in Parenting over Parents.

mothering-magazine.jpegMothering: I love, love, love this magazine! I fall on the more “crunchy” side of mothering and this magazine speaks to that part of who I am and things I am interested in; natural birth, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, living green, eating healthy. It only comes out 6 times a year but I wish I got one every month. I read it cover to cover as well and usually keep them around because the magazine has a lot of articles I refer to in my birth classes.

wondertime.jpegWonder Time: This, I think, is a new magazine. It feels like the “Real Simple” style of a parenting magazine–not quite as commercial as Parents or Parenting– and it has had some interesting articles in it that are much more dad friendly than other parenting magazines. It still has a recipes section and covers some child products like other magazines do. The latest one had a funny article about why kids think talking about poop is so funny (something we are currently experiencing on a daily basis in my house–ahhh the joy of 3 and 4 year olds!), an article about what dads are thinking in the delivery room, and summer traditions to start with kids. I find the simple design and less commercial feel refreshing.

cover_cookie_146.jpgCookie-This is also a new magazine and I would have to say the least liked. I don’t like the design and its focus must be to high income families–not families living on a graduate school budget (like our family), for sure. Last month’s issue had an article about redoing your kids playroom and all the ideas cost a fortune! It seemed a little unrealistic to me to spend thousands on an artistic play area for kids. It also has a high focus on children’s fashion. I don’t like the way the magazine is laid out because it feels like one huge advertisement. The only section I do like is toward the back where it reviews books for children. It has some great book picks and suggestions but I don’t think that makes it worth buying.

I always look forward to getting my magazines in the mail because when the children are napping or when the baby is nursing I can sit back and have some escape time. You may have figured out by now that I love reading so it feels like a little minivacation when something new comes in the mail. I always feel sad when I am done reading the magazine. Is anyone else like that?

What magazines do you like? What do you look for in a mommy magazine?

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