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Looking for a good deal?

by McKenna on November 2, 2007
category: Cool websites

picture-218.jpgLet’s face it-kids are expensive! The Mom Crowd reader, Katie sent us an AWESOME link devoted to saving moms money. Baby Cheapskate lets you know where you can go to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to buying products for your kids! Thanks, Katie for passing along this great link! Remember, if you have a link that you want to share with The Mom Crowd, head right on over to our contact form and drop us a line!

Do you have any penny-pinching tips that you’d like to share with other moms? Share below!


Mommy Speech Therapy

by McKenna on October 16, 2007
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),1 – 3 year (toddler),Cool websites

Every parent will get sound tips and advice about their child’s speech and language development from Mommy Speech Therapy. I found this blog devoted to children’s language development a couple of months ago while searching for some fresh tips for my daughter’s speech delay.

Heidi, author of Mommy Speech Therapy, is a work-at-home mother of two. Through her experience as a mommy and a licensed Speech Language Pathologist, she has gained a wealth of knowledge about children’s speech and language development. She is so down to earth and her articles offer very practical advice. Heidi is very interactive with her readers’ comments and has a great question and answer section where she will answer any question you have about your child’s speech! Mommy Speech Therapy also offers free word cards available to download and print which can help with some specific sounds your child may be having a hard time pronouncing. I love how researched, organized, and easy to read her articles are! I give Mommy Speech Therapy two thumbs up!

Some of the helpful articles at Mommy Speech Therapy include:

  • Treatment for Childhood Stuttering
  • Reading With Your Toddler
  • Many articles related to improving specific sounds (ie: r sound, th sound, k sound, etc…)
  • Pacifiers and Sippy Cups and Speech Delay
  • and many more!

I strongly encourage you to check out Mommy Speech Therapy! Be sure to let her know that The Mom Crowd sent you!


Check Your Child’s Growth Online

by Amanda on October 2, 2007
category: Cool websites


It always interests me to know what growth percentile my daughter is in. For some reason I gain satisfaction from knowing that my daughter’s weight gain is average.

The MedCalc: Interactive Growth Charts allow you to view your child’s growth on the same growth chart that most doctors use to determine what percentile they are in. You input the birth date, gender, height, weight, and head circumference, and then choose from one of 11 different growth charts. You only need to input the specific information for the chart you want to view. The site also has Newborn Baby, Pre-Term (Premie) Child, and Down syndrome growth charts available.

Check out your child’s growth at MedCalc: Interactive Growth Charts.

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