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My Boys Share a Room and Love It! A Guest Post from Jennifer S.

dsc03312-1.JPGJennifer is a stay-at-home mom to two great boys: Bailey (age 6) and Riley (age 5), and wife to her wonderful husband of 10 years.  She enjoys scrapbooking, reading, going to her discipleship group, and endlessly discussing Star Wars with her children.

When my family moved to a new city 3 years ago, we lived in a 2-bedroom apartment for six months.  We had no choice but to have our 3 1/2 year old and 20-month old sons share a room.  It worked out fine at first, but after a few weeks, they realized, “Hey, we are in a room together with our bed and crib very close to each other.  Let’s party all night!”  This culminated with our son climbing out of his crib for the first time at 23 months and making a regular habit out of it.  My husband and I ended up taking turns sitting in their room at night, trying to make sure they did not interact with one another.  This often took awhile and cut into our own time together at night.  We were very excited to finally move into our house and give each boy his own room.

brroom.jpgAfter we had been in the house for about 18 months, my oldest son was sick with strep throat one night.  My youngest son, then 3, wanted to sleep in the room with my sick, older child.  We pulled out the trundle under my 5-year old’s bed.  They ended up sleeping that way for a week before we finally asked the two of them if they wanted to share a room.  We got an enthusiastic “yes!” from both of them.  It has been 16 months now, and our arrangement is still working great. 

Some of the things we love about our children sharing a room are:

  • They are so darn cute together!  We have caught them many mornings scrunched together in one bed playing their hand-held games or reading books.  Often times at night, we hear them talking softly to each other before they fall asleep.  My hope is that this will start them on the road to a lasting friendship and brotherhood.  I know many grown-up people who have a hostile relationship or no relationship at all with their siblings.  It saddens me to think of my children’s relationship turning out this way.
  • It has helped them be more considerate to each other.  They are also more willing to compromise.  If one of them gets hurt, is crying, or needs something after we have put them to bed, the other one will come get us and make sure we attend to the distraught.  Most nights, they will fight over who gets to sit by the spout in the tub if we are bathing them together.  I was shocked the other night to see my youngest sit against the back of the tub and say, “You can sit by the water tonight and I can sit there tomorrow,” to which my older son nodded his head and hugged his brother.  And one day last week, my youngest was playing with a toy that his older brother got for Christmas.  My older son saw this, and instead of snatching it away with a subsequent physical fight, said, “That’s okay, Riley.  You can have it.”  He actually gave it to him to keep!
  • We now have an extra bedroom to use as a playroom.  Their toys are in the back of the house and the clutter is contained for the most part.  They like having a space where they can set up their superheroes on the ground and they can leave them up to play with the next day.  We just shut the door and they come back to it in the morning.

My boys have definitely gotten along better in the past 16 months.  I don’t know if this is from sharing a room or the fact that they are just getting older, or both.  Someday they may decide that they need or want their own space again, and that will be fine.  But for now, I see bunk beds in our future – and the argument over who will get to sleep on the top bunk!

Do your children share a room?  Does this improve their relationship or make it more challenging? 

7 Responses to My Boys Share a Room and Love It! A Guest Post from Jennifer S.

  • Gravatar March 18, 2009 @ 10:42 am

    Thank you for sharing this story! Growing up, I had 3 other siblings, and that usually meant that at least 2 people were sharing a room. We would take turns having our own. That is really adorable how your boys have learned to play so well together.

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    Comment by amelia
    March 18, 2009 @ 11:34 am

    Our boys started sharing a room when they were 4 and 5. We have 3 bedrooms and 3 kids so once the baby was out of our room he moved to his own. It has gone well and they like sharing their room. The only problem we’ve run into is that they are both morning people and we think that if one wakes up early (before 6am) the other gets woken up on purpose or on accident.

    They love playing with each other and are excited to see each other after a long night of sleep. It works out really well except for the wake up at the crack thing. I’m glad we made the move.

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    Comment by Sara
    March 19, 2009 @ 7:47 am

    We just moved my boys (3 1/2 and 20 months) into a room together a few weeks ago. I’ll admit that I love being able to peek in on both of their little sleeping faces at the same time. They have been doing great with the move and our oldest is excited about the prospect of bunk beds once his little brother is out of his crib. It is so much fun to hear them in there talking to each other about toys or books as they fade off to sleep.

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    Comment by harriet
    March 19, 2009 @ 8:18 am

    Hi there.
    Enjoyedthe post
    Just stopping by via MBC to say hello.
    Have a great day!

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    Comment by Amy
    March 19, 2009 @ 9:49 pm

    Our 6 year old has mentioned several times that his little brother should move into his room (when he’s big enouugh) so they can have a playroom. But his room is small, with only bunk beds able to fit.

    How small is too small for kids to share space? I’m really not sure it would work…

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    Comment by amelia
    March 19, 2009 @ 11:01 pm

    Amy- If the beds fit then why not? Could you make the other room the younger brother is in into the playroom? I think it is cute that your son wants his brother to share his room! How sweet!

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    Comment by Vanessa
    March 20, 2009 @ 1:28 pm

    I was the oldest of 4 growing up in a two-bedroom house. We shared until I turned 12 and I loved it. I sang songs to my younger siblings every night and would climb into bed myself once everyone else was asleep. We had no choice but to deal with each other and sort things out. I love the bond that we have until this day. My children will be sharing a room as soon as the baby is out of our room. I am a little nervous about the adjustment, but I can’t wait to watch the bond unfold.