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What Were YOU Doing the Day You Were Due?

by Amanda on February 8, 2009
category: Uncategorized

One of the highlights of the Grammy Awards this evening was watching M.I.A. performing with Jay-Z, T.I., Lil Wayne, and Kanye West. Oh, and her due date is today! She kept up with all the guys AND  she has a full term baby inside of her. I don’t think any of those guys could have done that.


She did have an exit plan in case her water broke and she started going into labor. Apparently there was a golf cart on stand-by to take her to a car and routes to the hospital planned. On the red carpet she told E! that she woke up this morning and decided to see how she felt before even coming. Also, that she still wasn’t sure if she was going to perform that evening.

What I want to know is why she chose this maternity dress for the red carpet? For real. I get the tennis shoes. What pregnant lady doesn’t want comfortable shoes the day she is due to deliver?


Although her black and white polkadot, see-through dress isn’t the most fantastic outfit either, I am glad that it showed off her cute preggy body. I don’t think anyone could take their eyes off of her. Good for her and going out there and strutting her stuff! There are so many myths about triggering labor, maybe we will find out if performing in front of America can be added to the list of labor triggers!


What were you doing the day you were due or went into labor?

18 Responses to What Were YOU Doing the Day You Were Due?

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Natalie
    February 9, 2009 @ 8:13 am

    ha ha…well with Reagan I was watching the Presidential Debates. Maybe that is what put me into labor??? ha ha.

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    Comment by Rae ANn
    February 9, 2009 @ 8:59 am

    For baby number one, I was going to a Rotary Club meeting and having my picture taken. For baby number two, I was nursing a newborn and trying adjust to life with no sleep.

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    Comment by Deb
    February 9, 2009 @ 11:16 am

    I was pumping gas! Much rather say I was on stage :) I don’t think I could quite pull off that black and white sheer number, though–all the more power to those that can!

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    Comment by Trina
    February 9, 2009 @ 1:08 pm

    I was asleep at home at 2am when my labor started. Nothing much to write home about :)

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    Comment by Trina
    February 9, 2009 @ 1:09 pm

    OH..and why would she wear those horrible outfits (I hate both) when there are so many other options out there.

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    Comment by Lindsay
    February 9, 2009 @ 1:52 pm

    I too wonder why she chose those outfits!! Both of my babes were early so the day they were do I was nursing and sleeping :-) But seriously, I definitely wouldn’t have been on stage in front of millions of people, more power to her!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    February 9, 2009 @ 1:57 pm

    Lucy was due on Superbowl Sunday in ’06, so we were at a party, knowing I wasn’t even close to labor. I still think of being 9 mos pregnant every year during the superbowl.

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    Comment by Melissa
    February 9, 2009 @ 3:26 pm

    Um, on my due date, I was already back at work after my six week maternity leave. :) Addie was still in the NICU, already three months old. My boss called Adam to tell him I was in labor, just for the fun of it, since we had missed out on a “traditional” labor and delivery experience. :)

    The day I went into labor, I worked 1-9:30, never expecting that I’d be delivering my 26 week old daughter less than 12 hours after getting off work. Our little miracle girl!

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    Comment by Pamela Kramer
    February 9, 2009 @ 3:43 pm

    I was on Twitter! I went into labor while tweeting. lol

  • Amelia
    Comment by Amelia
    February 9, 2009 @ 4:46 pm

    With my first the only thing I can remember is going on a date with my husband on my due date. I went into labor right when we got home.

    With my second, I was in the throws of nursing a newborn and taking care of a toddler. Isaac was early.

    With my third….I can’t remember even though it was only a year and a half ago! I think I went to a local fair with my family. All I know is that the baby didn’t come on that day–he was 9 days “late”!

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    February 10, 2009 @ 6:46 am

    I was coming home from the hospital with baby #1; he was a couple of days early. Baby #2 actually came on the due date — I was at home, bouncing on my yoga ball to help cope with contractions :-)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Katie
    February 10, 2009 @ 7:31 am

    I went into labor two days before my due date. Early contractions started at work, and I figured uh-oh this is my last chance to wrap things up so I finished the day. I got home and decided we just had to have food in the house, so then I went food shopping. Then I thought “phew, time to relax a little” and my water busted all over the place and I was all “Niiiiccckkk it’s time!”

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    February 10, 2009 @ 9:02 am

    It has been so much fun to read what everyone was doing on their due date! Thanks for sharing everyone! :)

    Annabelle came two weeks early so I was probably at home nursing and trying to figure it all out. and probably watching ‘Gilmore Girls.’ :) I was at my desk when I went into labor. I spent the whole afternoon timing my contractions on a post-it and researching the web to find out if I was in fact in labor. Turns out I was.

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    Comment by Kara
    February 11, 2009 @ 8:27 am

    Dude, those outfits are hideous.

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    Comment by Ashlyn!(:
    February 25, 2009 @ 11:56 am

    this is Adorible

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    March 6, 2009 @ 3:03 pm

    I just thought I’d give an update that M.I.A. named her baby “Ickett”. Discuss.

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    Comment by Trina
    March 6, 2009 @ 3:10 pm

    Ok, am I the only one thinking “how do you pronounce that”?

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    March 6, 2009 @ 10:47 pm

    Well, no sooner was the name released on yahoo! did M.I.A. come back and deny it. How strange!