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What’s in my Google Reader?

by McKenna on January 20, 2009
category: Cool websites

1065243_white_laptop.jpgDue to some serious writer’s block, I have decided to share with you some of my favorite blogs that I read.  If you’re looking for a new blog to add to your google reader, you can check some of these out.

Adventures of Homeschooling Noah

  • Beverly is a great mom who blogs all about homeschooling her son, Noah, who has Down syndrome.  She shares the coolest ideas on how to teach your child.  The resources she finds are great for any parent who is looking for a fun craft or activity to do with their child!  Noah is also exceptionally cute and I just love any excuse to see his cute face!

Life with my Special K’s

  • Renee is one busy mom blogger.  Yes, she is another parent of a child with Down syndrome, but her blog followers far extend the Down syndrome community.  She has four children and is adopting another daughter with Down syndrome (Kellsey).  She and I were friends well before either of us considered adopting another child with Down syndrome, so it’s neat to see how God has brought us both down this adoption path.  I must warn you…she typically blogs a couple times a day, so your reader will fill up very fast if you add her blog!  LOL!

Our Journey of Love

  • This is the blog of a mother who I don’t know and have never met.  I guess some could call me a blog stalker.  I somehow landed on Adrienne’s blog last summer.  She is a Speech Language Pathologist-turned-SAHM who adopted a son from Russia after having several miscarriages.  She has walked through incredible hardships trying to have another child and I have become addicted to following her story.  I think I am so drawn to her blog is because she seems like such a strong person to me.  While she is very honest and doesn’t downplay the hard things she’s gone through, her faith and trust in God is incredibly inspiring.  I am really rooting for her and for God’s blessing to pour over her and her beautiful family.  She is a very inspiring mom!

SCC {AKA: Steven Curtis Chapman}

  • He doesn’t blog much, but when he does, he typically Vlogs {Video Blogs} and they are more than just a little entertaining and fun to watch!  This is one talented man!

Class of 2008

  • Sarah is a high school graduate who has Down syndrome.  This is her blog, although her mother joins in occasionally.   It is so encouraging to read Sarah’s words about her life. While I have very high expectations for my daughters who have Down syndrome, it is always encouraging to see an adult who has faced similar challenges to my daughters living a happy, fulfilling, enriching life. Be sure to comment on her blog!  She loves getting comments, and is pretty active about leaving comments on her readers’ blogs.

Against the Window Pane

  • Then, of course, there’s Dawn, one of my three favorite The Mom Crowd writers.  I love her blog and have a lot of fun reading it.  Not only does she share AWESOME playlists for your Mp3 player, she takes great pictures, runs half marathons, and has a lot of other fun hobbies.  A lot of moms I know are always searching for a hobby that they can do for fun.  I suggest going to Dawn’s blogs and hi-jacking one of her many hobbies/talents/pleasures in life!

So, in addition to The Mom Crowd, {which is, of course, your most favorite blog of all} what are some of your other favorite blogs to read?

2 Responses to What’s in my Google Reader?

  • Sharon M
    Comment by Sharon M
    January 21, 2009 @ 1:49 am

    I love Homesick Texan. I absolutely love to cook and I miss my Tex-Mex (like I posted HERE last week), so she’s sort like my hero and has saved me from eternally craving, and never getting, decent Mexican food. I’ve never met her personally, but she, like Dawn, takes great pictures, so between that and the topic of choice, I’m hooked.
    There are also a couple of ladies who are ex-pats living in the Middle East, like me :) , so I try to keep up with their blogs. It’s nice to remember that I’m not the only American living abroad, because sometimes I feel like it!

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    Comment by Kara
    January 21, 2009 @ 10:00 pm

    I just checked out the Class of 2008 blog and I loved it! I often visit http://www.dailycoyote.net – it’s a blog about a woman who lives in a one room cabin in Wyoming with a coyote named Charlie…and a cat and dog. Yeah, the coyote sleeps next to the cat and dog and they all love eachother like I love ketchup. Trust me – its awesome.