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Holiday Pictures

by McKenna on November 21, 2007
category: Product Reviews

Last week, I took the kids to have their Christmas pictures taken. The kids woke up that morning without runny noses and with limited scratches and bruises on their faces so I called Portrait Innovations to see if they had an opening that day. I have heard good things about Portrait Innovations, so I was excited to give them a try.

We had a wonderful experience! Not only were they able to book me a same day appointment, the waiting area was comfortable, clean, and had a Lego table for the kids to play at while we waited. The employees were warm, inviting, and extra friendly. We walked out of there with our pictures in hand, spending what we would have spent had we gone to Target like I’ve done in years past. They do not charge a sitting fee, and their $9.95 package has no catches…except that you can only chose one pose for the package. However, you’re probably going to LOVE a lot of other shots they take and want to order more more more!

There were many things I appreciated about Portrait Innovations.

  • I loved that the photographers had hand-held digital cameras. Our photographer was able to reposition herself a lot more easier than constantly readjusting my 3 year old and almost 1 year old! She moved with them! At Target and other commercial photography studios, the cameras are stationary.
  • I also loved that the kids weren’t placed on a table. For the most part, they were on the floor and this freed me up from having to make sure they didn’t fall to be able to help with the circus acts required to get Connor to smile! Darah’s smile wasn’t hard to get that day, but Connor was a little nervous about all of the attention.
  • The photographer had an assistant who’s job was to get my kids to smile. She had some of the neatest tricks I’ve ever seen! More than just the fake sneeze I usually try to get them to smile.
  • The photographer paid extra attention to drool, snot, and flyaway hairs on the kids and pointed them out to her assistant and myself. I really appreciated the extra attention to these details!
  • I got to keep the c.d. for free! Whenever I want to reorder anything, all I have to do is bring the c.d. of all of the pictures they took (including shots I didn’t order) and have them print them in the store. I am also able to share the pictures with friends and family. The photographer told me that if I wanted to print some of the pictures from my home computer, that would be fine as well! Very very cool!

I really can’t share anything negative about our experience, except that Connor didn’t want to take his hand out of his mouth during the shoot. The only other thing that is somewhat of a con is that they do not keep any pictures in the store. If you lose your c.d., then you are out of luck if you ever want to reprint any pictures. Other than that though, I strongly recommend Portrait Innovations!

1 Response to Holiday Pictures

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    November 21, 2007 @ 1:08 am

    I went today and I did not order enough to get the free cd. They did not keep any of the photos. So now all I have is what I got printed. I can not go back and get any re-prints or get those photos back. But I am okay with that.

    They weren’t very clear about how much a sheet of additional photos were when I was ordering. He just kept saying the “average price is.” So I had to re-phrase my question. Luckily, you (McKenna) told me that if you only got the ten dollar package, then each additional sheet is $15. So, before I ordered I knew that I wanted (the ten dollar package and an additional sheet of wallets.)

    It was hard to only pick one pose! I brought cash in my pocket, so I wouldn’t be tempted to order more. I spent $27. Also, I knew exactly what I wanted for the photo (an obvious Christmas photo, with a smile, and showing off her dress), so that helped me only choose one pose. They extra sheet of wallets was in a second pose.

    Overall, I am really happy with the photo of Annabelle.