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What Did You Today That Made You an Amazing Mom?

by Amanda on November 7, 2007
category: Inspiration

Often times the amazing things that we do as moms don’t make national
headlines. Sometimes our small accomplishments make the headlines at
our dinner tables and sometimes they go unnoticed. So here is your
chance to toot your own horn. Go on toot it! Let’s celebrate our
small victories together.

What did you do today that made you an amazing mom?

I’ll start:

I vacuumed the living room today. Now when my daughter rolls around
on the floor she doesn’t get cat hair and fuzz all over her drool
covered face. I have been wanting to do this forever. I am so glad it
is done!

Your turn…

7 Responses to What Did You Today That Made You an Amazing Mom?

  • Gravatar
    Comment by amelia
    November 7, 2007 @ 10:10 am

    I got up with Isaac last night after the baby fell back asleep because Isaac got a bad case of croup. He was really upset that he couldn’t breathe. I got up and got out the humidifier. Jon was already up with him but I wanted to give some extra comfort to help him calm down. I was super duper tired but when your kid needs some lovin’ you don’t mind.

    I also sent Jon off on a 3 day trip this morning without getting mad at him for leaving. I am a little nervous about him being gone with a 2 month old waking up several times to eat, a 4 year old that needs to get to preschool, and a 3 year old that will be waking up tonight with croup attacks! Believe me not being mad at him for leaving is a HUGE triumph!!!

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    Comment by Dawn
    November 7, 2007 @ 10:35 am

    hmmm, amelia, i can sooooooooo relate. except i only(!) have two to watch over when dave’s gone. he’s going away this weekend without us. (and he went away 2 weeks ago!) youth group retreats.

    lucy found my 3-ring hole punch and managed to empty all the little cutout holes onto the carpet that i had just vaccuumed THAT MORNING. do you know how often i pull out the vacuum cleaner? but i didn’t get mad at her. that’s a triumph for yesterday. i’ll be on the lookout for today’s.

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    Comment by Jenny
    November 7, 2007 @ 1:39 pm

    I told Joaquin 2 new Lyle the Swordfish stories today at lunch. They are made up stories usually with plots very similar to what is going on in Joaquin’s life. He likes me to tell them at lunchtime. Good stories are hard to make up off the top of your head so I usually end up recylcing old ones over and over. But today they were brand new.

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    Comment by amelia
    November 7, 2007 @ 7:31 pm

    hey! good for you jenny! we haven’t been asked to tell any Lyle stories in over a week!

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    Comment by Kristi
    November 8, 2007 @ 9:52 am

    Yesterday I turned up the radio and danced with Alissa. She loves dancing in her underwear! lol

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    Comment by Trina
    November 8, 2007 @ 6:46 pm

    Brielle has not been feeling well at all yesterday. All she wanted was Mommy. Which is fine. Than we go to small group at Bob and Julie’s and I give her to my hubby to hold for a bit. Well she fusses and comes back to me and one second later throws up all over mommy!! I was covered!! I feel I am officially in the mommyhood now.

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    November 8, 2007 @ 8:17 pm

    I feel like a good mom today because I spent 2 1/2 hours in the ENT office for appointments for BOTH kids because of their chronic fluid and ear infections. The kids were very tired and hungry and I forgot their snackies. I spend a lot more time in doctor offices than most parents and I don’t like it when they are running behind, but I didn’t complain the whole time I was there…I saved it for when I got home. I think I’m an amazing mommy after today! :)