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Water Tables: A Must-Have?

by Dawn on September 5, 2008
category: 1 – 3 year (toddler),Fun time & Toys

This summer, my daughter had the opportunity to play with lots of her friends’ toys, but one of her favoritedsc03168.JPGs was the water table.  She likes dipping her hands in water and playing with sand.  On this same day, she couldn’t even be pulled away from the table to take pictures with everyone; she stuck by that table with great determination, as seen on her face.

When I asked the other moms in my playgroup if they liked this toy, they said yes, but one mentioned how she didn’t like the sand.  After these pictures were taken, they removed it from the table.  Apparently, it attracted bugs.

I recently noticed a water table offered on my local Freecycle, and I wondered if I should go through the trouble of acquiring it.  How many of you have water/sand tables?  Is it a must-have for your toddler?  What inconveniences have you noticed with keeping one?  What other toys were indispensible for you this summer?



10 Responses to Water Tables: A Must-Have?

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    Comment by bekkah
    September 5, 2008 @ 7:26 am

    My 2 yr old daughter received a water table (no sand) last year for her birthday. By far the BEST gift ever! We’ve gotten SO much use out of it over the last 2 summers. We set it up on the deck and she has a blast…we’ve also gotten some GREAT pics of her playing with it. Definitely a worthwhile purchase :)

  • Amelia
    Comment by Amelia
    September 5, 2008 @ 8:06 am

    We got a water table 2 years ago at a garage sale for 10 bucks. Some of the best 10 bucks I spent! Even Graham who just turned 1 loves to splash on it. It is a great way for him to splash without me having to worry about him drowning. The neighbor we bought it from said she would take it inside in the winter and put rice in it so he kids could play with it then.

    It has been a great place to fill up squirt guns, play with boats, get splash balls wet etc. I think it is a great summer toy. We have a sandbox that is separate and I LOVE it! We got it 3 years ago for Ewan’s birthday and it was $$ well spent. We haven’t have any problems with it attracting bugs though.

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    Comment by Amy
    September 5, 2008 @ 11:44 am

    I bought a water table this summer and the kiddos LOVE IT!!! At the time of purchase my kid’s ages ranged from 9 months to 13 years and ALL of them wanted to play with it. The baby splashed happily, the toddler played with the water cups and water wheel, and the two oldest used it to fill up squirt toys. We spent hours under the tree in the front yard playing with it and eating home made snow cones. It was a very good and inexpensive day!

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    Comment by Burgh Baby
    September 5, 2008 @ 1:08 pm

    Definitely a must have, no doubt about it. We have a store bought water table that we keep in our garage to haul out into the yard when setting up the pool seems like too much work and I keep a plastic tub up on our deck to use as a sand/water table when the mood hits. I bought the plastic tubs that have real deep (2 inch) lids and we use the water one to store toys when not in use and the sand one then closes up nice and tight when not in use.

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    September 5, 2008 @ 1:44 pm

    Thanks for your input, ladies!! I got right on my freecycle network and inquired if it was still available; so cool to know that this appeals to all ages and will be great for many years! (Now here’s hoping I can have it…) :)


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    Comment by ChristineMM
    September 5, 2008 @ 6:02 pm

    Water tables were not even for sale when mine were little or I would have bought one! In its place the big hit with my two boys was the Aqua Play, a boat canal system thing with pumps and levees. Lots of fun.

    Also when my oldest was a year old I had my brother make a huge sandbox out of wood, it is 6×4 feet with 2 bench ends. It has a simple plywood cover to keep stray cats and other outdoor critters from using it as a giant litterbox. That sandbox got lots of use right up to this year (mine are 8 and 11 now). We just bought some new sand each year to refresh it.

    My kids also spent lots of time playing with water in the sink and of course in the bath tub.

    Simple play with water and sand is priceless!

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    Comment by Myra
    September 6, 2008 @ 5:24 am

    Seems like such a great idea to me. I wish my son would have had one of these. My husband ruled out the mess of a sandbox, and this would have been a great solution and a creative toy.

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    Comment by Sarah
    September 12, 2008 @ 3:13 pm

    I don’t have one, we live in an apartment, but my daughter loves them. I make do by letting her play in the kitchen sink while I cook. Dif you get the one off freecycle?

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    September 12, 2008 @ 3:19 pm

    no. :(

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    Comment by Jenn
    September 21, 2008 @ 5:48 am

    I thought about purchasing one too. When Little Bean goes to her friend’s house that is the the first thing she heads for and loves it! However, on the downside, someday you will have to try to sell or throw away that “plastic” toy. When I thought of that, I decided, that next summer I will just build a sand box from wood (or just stick 4-4×4 in the ground and fill it with sand).