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They Might Be Giants’ “No!”: Music Your Kids Will Enjoy

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been playing the album “No!” by They Might Be Giants during mealtimes.  Most lunches, in particular, I’m home alone with the kids, and musical stimulation is necessary for me to not go crazy with boredom.  (The kids are cute & all, but not exactly great conversationalists.)  I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. 

This album came out in 2002 – well before my kid-making days – which explains why I’m late in discovering it.  But what a fun discovery!  There are 17 tracks, but I’ve chosen a few favorites and why we like them.  Scroll down a little further to hear the songs instantly as you read about them!  They are all very short.

“In the Middle” – A cute little ditty that doubles as a public service announcement to tykes who want to cross the street. 

Don’t cross the street in the middle of the block
Use your eyes to look up
Use your ears to hear
Walk up to the corner when the coast is clear, and wait, and wait
Until you see the light turn green

I find myself doing a choreographed jig to this one when I’m making the grilled cheese.  (Yes, I think I can dance.) 

“I Am Not Your Broom” – The most TMBG-like.  In other words, totally random and silly, and not so musical.  Sure to get everyone’s attention.  Last week, it actually came on while I was sweeping.  Lucy stood there processing it all.  It was so funny.

“Bed, Bed Bed” – Its percussion beat had all three of us pounding on the table and dancing in our chairs.  Pull out the pots & pans and watch the family drumline fall into place!

“John Lee Supertaster” – Starts off with a funny spoken intro, and launches into a cool tune that sounds right out of the Ocean’s 11 soundtrack.  It’s perfect for a puppet act, which I’m trying to get my husband (a puppeteer) to put together.  Motown-style background singers and a superhero for a character?  What’s not to love?

“I Am a Grocery Bag” – Like it’s straight off a Beck album.  Ask the kids to list how many items they can recognize in the song.

In the special “Grooves for Mom” category:

“Sleepwalkers” & “Lazyhead &  Sleepybones”

“Where Do They Make Balloons?” (Eli, my 1-year old, busts a move to this one; evidently he likes the mellow stuff.)

And my personal favorite:

“Clap Your Hands” – it’s SO incredibly funky and fun, I dare you not to dance!!  This one has Lucy begging, “Again??!!” over & over.  I feel like I’m in 1960s motown when I hear it.  Air organ playing!!

Listen for yourself!

SeeqPod – Playable Search

Other albums my kids enjoy:

Lisa Loeb & Elizabeth Mitchell – “Catch the Moon

Rockabye Baby - “Lullaby Renditions of U2″

Do you have these albums?  What other pop favorites of yours have made kids’ albums worth hearing? 

3 Responses to They Might Be Giants’ “No!”: Music Your Kids Will Enjoy

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Jenn
    August 22, 2008 @ 9:17 am

    Dawn you are a hip Mom! Thanks for the music suggestions, I will check it out.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Myra
    August 22, 2008 @ 5:36 pm

    We have a CD called For the Kids, and our favorite song is called La La La La Lemon by the Bare Naked Ladies. The Jazz Fly and Philadelphia Chickens were also HUGE favorites. Jake also loved the soundtrack to Cars, music by Louis Jordan, The Dog Song by Nellie McKay, Finding Nemo Soundtrack, Jackson Five, Vince Guaraldi, and I could go on and on…

    Now that he’s six, his horizons are broadening even more.

    What a great post!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    August 22, 2008 @ 6:53 pm

    Myra, thanks for all the great music choices! I love Jackson 5. In fact, when Amelia first starting polling her friends for road trip music for her kids, I suggested motown. It is so dang fun and peppy. I LOVE motown!!