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Overwhelmed by all the plastics your kids are exposed to? Check out these products!

nat-wooden-blocks.jpgDo you ever feel like your house is actually a plastic factory because of all the plastic toys, sippie cups, and utensils you have for your kids? I do. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed at all the plastic that has invaded every room in my house. Especially when I read things that remind me that every piece of plastic ever invented is still on the earth and hasn’t decomposed. Or that animals are dying because plastic toys, bags and other products end up in the oceans, rivers, lakes, forests and animals eat them. Or when I read about how there are harmful plastics in plastic forks, cups, plates, spoons that my kids use everyday. I know that I don’t want to contribute to further global damage any more than I have to but it is truly impossible to avoid ALL plastics. Even though I aspire to reduce, reuse, recycle everything, I know that I will not be able to do that. My kids see things that interest them and 90% of the time they are made of plastic. I could simply institute a rule where we only buy used toys (nothing wrong with that) or wooden toys. Again, an unlikely solution. If I knew what I know now when I first started having kids, I would have stuck closer to cloth and wooden toys. I have already replaced or discarded several plastic eating items–they are much easier to replace.

wooden-garasge.jpgI have begun to think more about the toys I get for my kids and to be a little more choosy when purchasing something new. I can’t control what grandparents get for the kids but I have encouraged them to think a little more green when it comes to toy buying.

There are lots of options for non-plastic toys and dinnerware so I thought I’d pass them along in case you have one of those moments where you contemplate throwing away every small piece of plastic that you have stepped on one too many times and need some replacement items. Or maybe you are tired of replacing batteries or hearing that obnoxious toy song for the umteenth time.

A word about wooden toys: one thing that attracts me to wooden toys is that they tend to open the mind for more creation and imaginative play. Instead of having plastic superheroes and movie characters that have already been created for you, wooden toys are more generic so that the imagination can take over. They also are more geared for educational learning. Wooden toys are not only durable but they have a “classic” look to them and are easier to pass on to the next generation.

Even though I could probably open my own store full of plastic toys, (we have a whole plastic bin full of “characters” that the boys play with all the time!) I keep my eye on earth friendly, natural, fun toys too. I don’t mean to communicate that all plastic superheroes, barbies, or Polly Pockets are evil–it is just nice to know that there are other options out there than the mainstream toys we are bombarded with everyday.


RosieHippo Toys

Oompa Toys

Melissa and Doug

Water bottles, plates, spoons etc:


Kleen Kanteen


Bamboo Baby Fork and Spoon


The Snack Sack (a portable cloth sack that includes a stainless steel bowl–used instead of a ziplock bag)


Stainless Steel bowls, plates, cups from Lifewithoutplastic.com


More bottles, cups, spoons at thesoftlanding.com

3 Responses to Overwhelmed by all the plastics your kids are exposed to? Check out these products!

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    July 9, 2008 @ 10:33 pm

    I drool over the Melissa and Doug toys. I really want the wooden sushi set. I am waiting until Annabelle gets a little older. I really like the fork and spoon. I have been wondering what to get. These are really great suggestions, thanks for doing all the leg work for me and putting it all in one nice post. :)

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    July 10, 2008 @ 1:27 am

    Just saw a ton of M & D stuff at a toy shop and love it! It’s just prettier, too.

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    July 15, 2008 @ 9:40 pm

    This is GREAT! Do you know of a “green” straw cup option?? Connor won’t do a sippy or open cup.