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Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show!

by Amanda on June 29, 2008
category: Show

Here is Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show! We were able to leave the kiddos with their grandparents while we filmed and I think that is why we were so giddy. I hope you enjoy the show!

Also, did you know that we are in iTunes? Just search for “the mom crowd show” and we will come up. Select our show and click “Subscribe.” Then iTunes will download the show automatically every time a new episode comes out. The best part is that it is FREE! Also, if you are a regular iTunes user be sure to leave us a nice customer review. (It would be really sweet of you.)

The Mom Crowd Show Ep #3: Date Nights at Home, Using a Mirror During Delivery, and Quirky Bird Designs

Tired of not being able to afford a babysitter to go on a date? Have a date night at home! Have you thought about using a mirror during delivery? Hear what McKenna has to say about her experience. Plus, Amanda interviews Staci from Quirky Bird Designs. Finally, we share about our webpicks: Momgrind.com and Big Blueberry Eyes.


30 Ideas for a Date Night at Home

Using a Mirror During Delivery


Staci at Quirky Bird Designs

Evolving Mom

Workout Mommy

Mom on the Run

Iowa Avenue

Web Picks:

Vered at Mom Grind

Big Blueberry Eyes

9 Responses to Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show!

  • Gravatar
    Comment by vered
    June 30, 2008 @ 1:46 am

    I LOVE your ideas for a date night at home. It’s not always easy to get a babssitter and this is an important reminder that a couple can have a great romantic evening without leaving the house.

    You guys are so at ease in front of the camera. It’s great to watch you!

    Thank you so much for picking my blog! I had to smile when you said I was positive, because I really try to be, but I often feel that I am just endlessly WHINY. So, thanks. :)

    Good luck with the 5K!

    Off to check out Big Blueberry Eyes. :)

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    June 30, 2008 @ 8:53 am

    Yay, you fabulous 5K’ers!!! I ran in a 5-mile race this week and finished in my goal time! It felt so good! My next 5K is also on July 19th, so we’ll be racing buddies a few states away! Love y’all!

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    Comment by Kara
    July 1, 2008 @ 9:04 am

    I think that in Europe it is normal to watch the delivery with a mirror – I was born in England, and my mom told me that when it was time to push, the doctor moved a curtain that concealed a wall-length mirror for mothers to watch the birth. Well, she was not expecting this, and she barfed all over her and the doctors. Not cool.

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    Comment by Julie
    July 2, 2008 @ 12:34 pm

    Great podcast! And thanks so much for the mention!! :) I can’t wait to read about your 5k this month.

    Also, you two had me ROLLING about the mirror in the delivery room! “If that’s up your alley…” Great job, you two crack me up :)

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    July 2, 2008 @ 11:51 pm

    Dawn, we’ll be thinking of you as we run! WTG on your 5 mile run!

    Kara, that’s awful! LOL! Very cool that you were born in England!

    Julie, I felt like such a dweeb when I said that! LOL!

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    Comment by San Diego Momma
    July 3, 2008 @ 5:08 pm

    I love these shows! You look like you’re having a lot of fun and it’s completely infectious.

    Also great web tips and interviews. I’m a Mom Grind fan too, and now I’ll have to add Big Blueberry Eyes to the list.

    Great job girls!

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    Comment by Jennifer James
    July 3, 2008 @ 9:16 pm

    I absolutely loved every minute of this. I shared it on the Mom Bloggers Club. Can’t miss it — your video is on the homepage. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

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    Comment by Michelle
    July 6, 2008 @ 2:51 pm

    Finally catching up after getting back from vacation and had a chance to watch this! Thanks so much for the mention of my blog as your “web pick” – what a neat surprise that was!

    I was cracking up at the delivery room segment and watching w/the mirror – too funny :)

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    Comment by Brit
    July 17, 2008 @ 3:47 pm

    So funny.