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Creative Writing Moms and Literary Magazines

by Amanda on May 6, 2008
category: Cool websites,Inspiration

753201_writing_3.jpgOne of my hobbies is creative writing. I was inspired to keep a creative writing journal after reading (most of) Natalie Golberg’s book, “Writing Down the Bones.” I saw Dawn mention the book on her blog once. It is a collection of short essays giving advice and tips on how to be a better writer. A goal that I am always working on is to become a better writer and story teller.

One way that I have been working on improving my writing is by flexing my writing muscles with San Diego Momma’s Tuesday Prompts. Every Tuesday she posts a writing prompt and you must post your response on your blog or in the comments on her site. It is really fun to see what everyone writes. I feel like it is like a Best Shot Monday for writers. Even if you aren’t remotely creative with words you should take a chance and try it! You might even surprise yourself.

Online literary magazines are a great source of inspiration for me. I have even thought about trying to write pieces of my own for submission to them. I am not completely sure of the submission guidelines. Who knows if I ever will, but it is a nice goal for me to keep in the back of my head.

Literary Mama has some fascinating stories. I just read “Alpha Mom,” by Kelly Fordon. The story was incredibly sad, but it was also really good because it stirred up a lot of emotions in me. I just checked and read that it was a fiction piece. Thank God! The story reminds me of Anita Shreve’s novel, “Sea Glass,” because the writing and characters are interesting until you get to the depressing ending.

Mamazine is interesting. They pride themselves in writing about other mom interests besides crafts and car seats. I enjoyed and related very much to “First Spoon,” By Odarka Stockert.

When I think of online women literary magazines my first thought goes to my friend, Janell’s, literary magazine called, The Fringe. I read Jennifer Ann Janisch’s Non-Fiction piece “Solo.” The whole time I was thinking “What are you doing!?” It is incredibly well written. I was so immersed in her story that I didn’t hear my baby crying in her crib after her nap until my husband asked me if I heard her.

Mom Writer’s Literary Magazine is another online literary magazine for moms. I related a little too well to Michele Markarian’s “Miles in the Morning.” My daughter isn’t in my face yet, but I hear her in her crib as I pull up my covers and pretend her cries don’t exist.

Finally, I read in Literary Mama’s blog that TravelingMamas.com “is in search of true uplifting, funny, inspirational, and touching stories with a travel theme for an upcoming anthology series. Possible themes may include family travel, romantic escapes, girlfriend getaways, and solo trips. ” The deadline is September 1,2008 and they may even give you $50. Check out the blog post for more information.

Do you enjoy creative writing? How about on your blog? Have you ever read any of these literary magazines? What do you think of them?

6 Responses to Creative Writing Moms and Literary Magazines

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Vered - MomGrind
    May 6, 2008 @ 10:33 am

    Is it okay if I mention another great blog for creative writing? (not mine..)

    It’s First 50 Words by Virginia DeBolt and it’s really cool.


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    Comment by Jeanelle
    May 6, 2008 @ 3:55 pm

    When I started our blog it was really just a way to keep friends and family updated, but since then I’ve tried to get more creative with my posts. I still write a lot of posts the old way, because sometimes I just can’t think of a funny/interesting way to tell the story and to do so would feel fake. I get intimidated too by all the great bloggers out there, but then I have to remind myself of what/who the blog is really for and that takes some of the pressure off. I checked out the writing prompt link…I don’t think I could write in 10 min. My “better” posts take me forever to write because I go over them a million times trying to improve them. Maybe the practice would help!

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    Comment by carol smallwood
    June 21, 2008 @ 11:54 am

    Seeking Submissions from U.S. Women Writers for 3 Proposed Books

  • Gravatar June 25, 2008 @ 1:32 pm

    [...] her essay about the unbearable white-ness of being (single page link) that prompted one maternal blogger to write: “The whole time I was thinking ‘What are you doing!?’ It is incredibly well [...]

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    Comment by Sara
    August 19, 2008 @ 10:59 am

    I was searching for maternal lit mags, as I was making a small list for my readers, and found your site. I’m sending folks your way (I hope!). You have a lovely site. Thanks!

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    Comment by Sara
    August 19, 2008 @ 11:04 am

    Oh, and we’d be remiss not to mention Brain, Child as a lit mag here — http://www.brainchildmag.com