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Remembering Our Babies

by Christy on October 14, 2009
category: Uncategorized

candleTomorrow, October 15th, is International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  Every year, millions of babies die during pregnancy (miscarriage), child birth or shortly thereafter.  This day is an internationally recognized day to remember those precious little lives lost too soon.   

In 2005, our own national government realized the need for awareness, education and support of and for families that have been through this awful experience and passed a resolution to make October 15th a nationally supported day of remembrance. 

Amelia shared her very personal experience with miscarriage with The Mom Crowd readers and I have also shared a part of my story when talking about Secondary Infertility.  It is a very personal and difficult situation to be in and most of the time, the families get little to no support.  Take a few moments out of your day tomorrow and write a note of encouragement, make a phone call, or pray for those you know who have experienced such a loss.  Also, tomorrow night at 7 pm YOUR TIME, light a candle for each child you have lost or for each child lost of someone you know.  It’s a beautiful way to remember the little lights that are now shining above.

For more information on this day and local events, visit the Remembering Our Babies website.

Have you experienced the loss of a child or do you know someone who has?  How do you plan to remember them tomorrow? 

Photo Courtesy of Adam Foster/Codefor 

3 Responses to Remembering Our Babies

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Amy
    October 14, 2009 @ 10:39 am

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder. I’ve experienced miscarriage as well as numerous unsuccessful IVF cycles, so my heart aches for all of my lost souls. I was blessed with a very lovable and rambunctious little boy who I thank the Lord above for every day!! And now our road to baby #2 has not been easy, but I have to say I’ve come to a relative peace about it. Through lots of prayer and chatting with Jesus I’m pretty sure that whatever path He chooses for me will be WAY better than any I could choose for myself :-) Tomorrow I think I will write a letter to my little lost souls, and offer it up in prayer. It will definitely be a step toward healing. Thank you again for the inspiration!!

  • Christy
    Comment by Christy
    October 14, 2009 @ 10:59 am

    Amy, I pray you peace and joy during your attempts at #2! May God bless you and make your womb fruitful! Thank you for sharing your story!

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    Comment by Stephanie Guinn
    October 14, 2009 @ 4:17 pm

    I too have lost a baby through miscarriage. I never understood how deeply painful having a miscarriage was until I went through it. It has been over a year and it still makes me cry sometimes when I think about it. I think I will send a message to the many friends I know that have also lost babies.