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Colbie Caillat’s “Capri”: Sweet Mama Song

by Dawn on February 29, 2008
category: Pop culture,Video

I’ve been listening to Colbie Caillat’s Coco nonstop. It’s sunny and cheery and mellow. It makes me feel like it’s already spring, like I can go put on some shorts and drive with the windows rolled down. If you haven’t already gotten your hands on this record, do so immediately!

So anyway, as I was driving Lucy to preschool the other day, I listened more carefully to the last track and noticed it was about a mom-to-be! Simple, sweet, and precious. Apparently Colbie Caillat wrote this song for a friend, Barbara, who named her daughter Capri.


She’s got a baby inside / And holds her belly tight
All through the night / Just so she knows
She’s sleeping so / Safely to keep
Her growing / And oh when she’ll open her eyes
There’ll be no surprise /That she’ll grow to be
So beautifully / Just like her mother
That’s carrying

Oh Capri / She’s beauty
Baby inside she’s loving / Oh Capri
She’s beauty / There is and angel growin’ peacefully
Oh Capri / Sweet baby
And things will be hard at times / But I’ve learned to try
Just listening / Patiently, oh Capri
Sweet baby / Oh Capri
She’s beauty / Baby inside she’s loving
Oh Capri / Your beauty
Just like your mother / That’s carrying…Oh Capri

The first video (below) gives you a chance to hear the song.

I thought some of you might enjoy seeing a live version, as well. The little girl for whom the song was written dances around onstage while Colbie sings it. It’s so sweet – be sure to watch the whole thing. Capri reminds me a lot of my Lucy.

This warm fuzzy goes out to all of you moms-to-be. Happy weekend.

4 Responses to Colbie Caillat’s “Capri”: Sweet Mama Song

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    February 29, 2008 @ 2:17 pm

    I have that cd (thank you library!) and have never listened to it up close. Only while cleaning once. And will listen to it now. So thanks for highlighting it!

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    Comment by melia
    February 29, 2008 @ 3:25 pm

    Might have to share. She’s Jennifer Aniston cute!

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    Comment by Sandy Jamieson
    May 18, 2008 @ 6:39 am

    Thank you for sharing! What a sweet video!!! I first came across the song this past week while I was driving to a photoshoot (I do maternity and baby photography) an hour from my house. I had never listened to the whole CD before! I love this song! And prenatal bonding is so important!!! I am doing on talk on prenatal bonding at a local Chapters today, and I will play this song for others to hear. It’s so moving.

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    Comment by Nicole
    December 8, 2008 @ 12:17 pm

    I have a six year old daughter named Capri. Everytime we put this song on she gets into my lap and holds my face while I cry my eyes out. You see my little Capri has a chronic disease, Cystic Fibrosis. I first time i heard the song I felt like it was written for her. The part about their is an angel growing peacefully and it will be hard at times. My little girl looks just like an angel when she is asleep, she truly has the most angelic face, and of course the part about hard times, well she has been given strength from the heavens to overcome all the hard times she will endure. This song is amazing!!!!!!!!!