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What To Pray When Your Baby Isn’t Calming Down

by Amanda on August 9, 2009
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),Practical Tips

prayingbabyWe have all been there before – you have done everything you can possibly think of and your baby is still crying. They have a clean diaper, they have been fed, burped, they aren’t sleepy, have clean clothes, temperature is right, they don’t have a fever, they aren’t constipated, the room is quiet, being held in their favorite position, they are healthy as far you know, and yet they are still crying. I would like to suggest another tool for your tool belt – prayer.

In the 5 months of my son’s life there have been times when Roman will cry uncontrollably. I can tell it is a different cry than when he is hungry or sleepy. It’s heartbreaking and nerve racking at the same time. So when my son is in this mood all I can think to do is pray. I also feel like he picks up on my stress level. If I am calm, then he will be more likely to calm down. So first I calm myself. Then I hold him in a quiet room in a comfortable position and I pray to God.

Here are some of the things I have prayed.

  • I pray against any fear that he may have. Sometimes I think he becomes afraid and that is why he is crying. I don’t know why this prayer works, but it does.  I actually say out loud, “I pray against a spirit of fear.” And then reassure my son that he has nothing to fear, that we aren’t going to leave him and I will always be with him.
  • I pray for peace. I pray that his little body will have peace. I say the words, “peace and relax” in a soothing voice over and over. Even saying the words to myself, gives me peace.
  • I pray for healing. Sometimes I think he may not be feeling well and I have no way of knowing what is bothering him. So I pray a general prayer asking God to heal whatever is ailing my son.
  • I ask the Holy Spirit to comfort my son. In the Bible the Holy Spirit is called the Great Comforter. I believe that the Holy Spirit can comfort my baby in a way that I can not spiritually, so I ask for his help.
  • I pray that my son would know how much he is loved. His father and I love him a lot, so do family and friends, and his Creator. I believe that babies find great comfort and peace when they feel loved and when they are told they are loved.

These five ideas for prayer aren’t new, but they are a good reminder to pray when your baby is flipping out.  Now what to pray when a toddler is flipping out and throwing a tantrum is a whole other set of prayers! LOL.

Do you pray for your baby when he or she is crying? What do you pray for?

9 Responses to What To Pray When Your Baby Isn’t Calming Down

  • Christy
    Comment by Christy
    August 10, 2009 @ 6:46 am

    That is great Amanda!!! I definitely pray the comfort and peace for my kids. And I agree that reaffirming to them how much they are loved helps too!!! Great post!

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    Comment by Candace
    August 10, 2009 @ 7:34 am

    I too pray for peace. I also pray that I don’t get frustrated during fits of crying. I agree with Christy! Great post!

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    Comment by FireMom
    August 10, 2009 @ 7:52 am

    This is a lovely post. I think it applies to older children (toddlers jump to mind) as well. I lovelovelove this post. I wasn’t previously subscribed.

    And now I am. :)

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    Comment by Julie
    August 10, 2009 @ 8:12 am

    I’ve never before commented on anything online, but I feel so strongly about this! I wouldn’t be able to make it through my day without prayers like these! With 2 boys, 20 months and 6 months, I find myself praying for peace, calm and order (as much as is possible!)
    Thanks so much for sharing this and once again reminding me I’m not alone on this job!

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    Comment by Stephanie
    August 10, 2009 @ 11:32 am

    I loved this post! I absolutely agree that prayer is powerful. Thank you for sharing different things to pray for. one thing I have recently done aside from praying; I put on some worship music. It helps calm me down so that I can be calm for my boy.

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    Comment by Jennifer Conant
    August 10, 2009 @ 12:51 pm

    Fantastic post Amanda! I think it is so interesting that I often times do everything else first before I think to pray. This was such a great reminder of the importance of and the power that is found in prayer. Thanks for writing this…I needed to read it today!:)

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    Comment by Natalie
    August 10, 2009 @ 7:32 pm

    Kuddos Amanda! I love this post! I have found myself doing this way more and even praying over my children when they go to bed at night for the next day. Thank you for the reminder. Much needed!

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    Comment by Stephanie Guinn
    August 10, 2009 @ 8:35 pm

    This is a great article, Amanda. I think we turn to the “experts” so often to find the answers for how to care for our children. The real expert is God. He knows our children much more than we ever can. He wants us to turn to Him for help when we don’t know what to do. Thanks for the gentle reminder!
    Now as far as screaming toddlers go- I pray for patience for myself!

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    Comment by Darcie
    August 17, 2009 @ 1:13 pm

    I pray for patience! Thanks for this!