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How To Make Working Out a Priority

by Amanda on January 21, 2008
category: Inspiration,Running

I thought I would do a follow-up post to ‘Do You Work Out?’ so I would be more motivated myself to workout. I was inspired by Dawn getting out and running even though she has two small kids. Jenn makes time for it in her day and I completely understand where Sharon is coming from. Lisa has some great resources on her blog Workout Mommy.

Everyone knows that working out and exercising is good for your health and well-being. But we don’t always do it. Our schedules get busy. A dinner with friends pops up. The house needs to be cleaned. You overslept again. You don’t have the right clothes or equipment. You’ll start tomorrow. You don’t think you are “athletic.”

So how do we make working out a priority and overcome the obstacles in order to achieve good health? Here are a few tips that will inspire you to hop on that elliptical machine again.

  • Use a Buddy System

Exercise with a friend! It takes some extra effort to coordinate, but it is worth it. I love going to the gym with my friends. My friend Natalie and I had a set time to meet and I was more motivated to go to the gym knowing that she was going to be there. I also walk the first and third Friday at a local park with another friend. Working out goes by a lot faster when you are catching up with each other while walking on treadmills.

  • Find an Exercise That You Enjoy

Try everything out at least once! Don’t be afraid to look like a fool while running or going to the aerobics class. When I first went to step class I could not keep up, but in a few weeks I could do it with my eyes closed. I also took a swimming class so I could learn how to do all the strokes correctly and flip turns. I found that I didn’t like swimming that much. Maybe you will enjoy spinning, yoga, or swimming. You don’t know until you try.

  • Set Realistic Goals

Don’t set out to run a marathon your first attempt at running. Start with a goal to do a 5K or 10K. Don’t expect to make it to the gym five days a week. Start with three days a week. You could start with cardio exercises then add on weights after going for two weeks. Write down your goals where you will see them to remind you!

  • Get Support from Your Family

Have your husband watch the kids or agree to spend money on a gym membership. Communicate your needs. You will be less likely to skip working out if you already have babysitting in place. Take your child with you in a stroller.

  • Have Your Clothes Ready

Getting dressed is half the battle. Once I am dressed I am a lot more motivated to go. Set your gym clothes out the night before. Make sets of workout clothes ready to go in your drawer complete with a sports bra, shorts, a shirt, even socks.

  • Get Motivated!

Determine what is your motivation for working out. Is it so you can run a half marathon? To fit in your old jeans? For a reunion? We may be going to California in the next few months. Every time I have been to California I have felt very self-conscious about my weight and I am not even fat by normal standards. So I am motivated to loose a few pounds before we go. This may not be the best reason for wanting to workout, but if it is getting my behind to the gym, so what?

  • Put It on the Calendar

Set your workout times and write them on a calendar. Guard that time with your life. That means you will have to say No to requests and schedule things at a later time. This really worked for us when we did it. We worked out right after work. That meant that we couldn’t meet anyone for dinner until at least 7:00 p.m.

  • Have Accountability

Have a friend or spouse hold you accountable to your goals. Share your goals and let them to check up on you once a week. Don’t get mad if your husband asks if you have lost any weight.

  • Set Consequences and Rewards

Set a reward when you reach your goals, but don’t let food be a reward! Get a manicure or treat yourself to a new lipstick. With your spouse’s support and accountability let them share with you the reward of watching your favorite chick flick after the kids are asleep! Set a consequence when you don’t work out – Force yourself to try on your skinny clothes or be like the coaches in high school and make yourself run extra laps next time you work out.

  • Change Your Mindset

Working out can be fun and relaxing! While waiting to get into my step class, I overhead a classmate say that she had been looking forward to class all day, because she had a rough day. What she said changed my perspective of working out. I made an effort to view exercising as a stress reliever. It reminds me of when Charlotte on ‘Sex in the City’ goes jogging when she needs to get away from her fertility problems. Running or going to class can be a big stress reliever.

  • Get Up and Go!

Stop procrastinating! Make yourself a priority and go! Go for a walk with your ipod in the evenings. Get out of bed and go to the gym. Stop the excuses. Stop saying that you will start tomorrow. Iowa Management has a great post offering solutions to your excuses. If you blew your routine, start again! You can do it!

Fun Bonus:

Read about Mihow’s experience going to Yoga class with her baby.

7 Responses to How To Make Working Out a Priority

  • Gravatar
    Comment by natalie
    January 21, 2008 @ 11:42 am

    Are you ready to do this again? :) :)

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    January 21, 2008 @ 1:26 pm

    Ok! Ok! Thank you for this, Amanda! I have gotten a lot from this article!! I splurged on some super cute new running shoes yesterday to help motivate me to keep moving. They are so super cute (and so so comfortable!)

    One thing that motivates me is my own personal star system. I’m embarrassed to even be sharing this, because it’s corny but it works for me! When I work out, I reward myself by putting a star sticker on my calendar. Right now, running is my work out of choice, and I put a star for every mile I run on my calendar. I love looking at my planner and seeing it filled up with stars and it challenges me to get moving when I haven’t gotten a star in a few days. If you want to get as OCD as I am, you can even color code them. I give myself a blue star for cardio and a red star for strength training! LOL!

    Oh, and I am planning on running the UTSA Diploma Dash 5K on March 1st if anyone wants to do it with me!

  • Amanda
    Comment by Amanda
    January 21, 2008 @ 2:21 pm

    Hey Natalie – I am ready! I went this morning already. I know we talked about some times. Email me and let me know.

    McKenna – That is a great idea! Whatever it takes. Thanks for sharing.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Kara
    January 21, 2008 @ 11:09 pm

    I need to work out more – but it really is hard to find the time, and I don’t even have kids yet! But I do take the initiative to take a break at work twice per day and take the elevators downstairs, then walk up to the 10th floor where my office is. It used to be really hard, but now I just get a litte winded. It’s a nice break.

  • Gravatar
    Comment by IAAdmin
    January 23, 2008 @ 9:56 am

    Thanks for the plug……………….:)

    It’s hard to find time to workout, but your suggestions are great. Oh, and you’re welcome to drop by Iowa Avenue anytime……………:)

  • Gravatar
    Comment by Heidi
    January 23, 2008 @ 7:04 pm

    I’m using the Buddy System to help get my butt to the gym and shed the remaining few pounds of pregnancy weight I carry. I am suffering from an achilles injury, so it’s a bit hard and upsetting for me to do any cardiovascular exercise (especially running since it’s my favorite form of exercise). I know I shouldn’t use my injury as an excuse, so I appreciate reading this blog.

    McKenna, I may be interested in walking the 5K with you (even though you’ll be running). I’ll push Caleb or Ava in the jogger to increase the intensity. Let’s talk Sunday.

  • McKenna
    Comment by McKenna
    January 24, 2008 @ 9:39 am

    Heidi! YAY!!! I’m not very fast, so you’ll probably finish close behind me. LOL!